"Got my girlfriend to model for my car"

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  Mephistopheles said:
Her MySpace: Click here.

.... I don't see her eyes there. On a plus side, at least her page isn't clobbered up as that one leet-speaking girl in the Soapbox :x

But uh.... ow. Talk about plastic surgery gone wrong... or I hope it was :/

  kd5orw said:
She's gotta be the Joker's Daughter

Haha, you solved the mystery of her origins :rofl:

  lylesback2 said:
I don't know why that guy kept posting more pictures of his girlfriend, and gave out her myspace address with a public profile.. poor girl is getting bashed

Either he's really convinced she's hot, or he's a troll getting revenge? The latter makes more sense, but it would be way too mean.

At least this experience will make you guys think twice before posting someone you know. We all saw what happened with that picture of the father with the kid I think?

  lylesback2 said:
I don't know why that guy kept posting more pictures of his girlfriend, and gave out her myspace address with a public profile.. poor girl is getting bashed

According to her myspace, she is single.

This is from her blog:

Jokes on YOU

Hm...so I've recently been the topic of several internet message boards conversation. I have a few bikini photos on there from a friend of mine. I never said I looked great in a bikini and wasn't going for high-quality photos. It was fun, purely for entertainment, and it was a beautiful day. Some people think I look great in the bikni, others (obviously) think the exact opposite.....

NEWSFLASH: I don't care whichever you think!! Everybody is entitled to their own opinion and I respect that.

Unlike some people, I have respect and dignity...oh yeah, I also have a LIFE.

Some of these comments I've read are freaking damn hilarious. Some are down right cruel which just shows me that people are THAT insecure about themselves that they have to put others down. Others just follow the crowd because they're ****ing ignorant and have nothing else better to do with their pathetic lives than sit around on their asses all day and post on message boards.

How about....a ****in' life, people?

I must admit, the photo shopped pictures seriously made me laugh and forward them to some friends of mine. Kudos to you photo shop artists. Remember, though, to never quit your day job.

I am confident in my skin and who I am. Other people's approval is NOT needed.

The fact that you all are spending hours and hours a day talking about me, I am genuinely thrilled that I can be your entertainment! I'm one step ahead of you and I'll be here all week.

With that, I will be continuing on with my life and keep laughing at yours.

Even pathetic people deserve praise! So, my hat's off to you kiddos!

Oh, and if anybody actually has the balls enough to talk to me directly, that would be totally awesome.

Til then, children.


This was found here: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...logID=446291197

Along with someone who photoshopped a picture of her with a bag over her head.

Poor girl, but that's what happens when you let a "friend" take pictures of you. Silly girls, they never learn. But hey she's famous now!!!

Dude's I think she is in severely need of a Grill job. That's how her bf does it he makes her look at his competitors before they race and his competitors get scarred and start going blind so he wins. There something to take pride about. :D j/k :no:

You know she does have a point...

Unlike what happened to that poor guy with the father/son picture she doesn't seem to give a damn... and she likes it. So this might just fade away into obscurity within a week.

Now what does her boyfriend (okay... friend?) have to say about all this?

edit: So the real joke is, some people Photoshopped here for the lulz, then it backfires on them. Eh?

Well that's an interesting turns of events, she's single and officially replied to us. Well, at least she found some of the photoshopped pictures funny, how can you not some of those are hillarious no matter what the story is.

I don't see anything wrong with her to be honest. I don't know why you're all in such an uproar.


  tuckerm said:
Oh my god, Read her blog post on the subject:


[Edit] Some of the blog comments are funny as hell [/Edit]


That's great for you.

Just know that there have been over 1 million views, and all 1 million people have the come to the same conclusion- You look like chewbacca.

  Escalade_GT said:
I don't know if this was posted already, but this one takes the cake: :laugh:


I've been trying not to laugh at this thread, but using a classic .gif like that and adding that to it...

It's pure roffle material.

  Scirwode said:
I don't see anything wrong with her to be honest. I don't know why you're all in such an uproar.


Do you have a braille keyboard and monitor, because you're obviously blind. That girl is hideous.

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