For those who have been punched in the neck!

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I am 18 now, but at school at around 13, I got punched in the neck.

Now my neck never clicked before then, or at least I never noticed it.

Since the punch, it clicked when I turned to the right.

Over the years though, it has "developed", so now I can crack it by turning my head quickly either way.

Furthermore, I get this sort of "inverse" crack, where the bottom left of my neck clicks, but feels like it should be clicking the other way.

1) do you think my neck would have clicked had i not got punched

2) i have been to doctors and chiros who can't help, any other advice on how to heal it?

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i suggest you sign up to a technology forum and ask. wait, youve already tried that.


i got no idea, but i doubt the clicking your neck is harmful as i have many friends who can do it, unless it hurts to click it.

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  1. Are you experiencing any pain or other effects that you shouldn't be?
  2. What makes you think that we will be able to solve your problem, if people who actually have medical degrees couldn't?

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i have been to doctors and chiros who can't help, any other advice on how to heal it?

Did they tell you they can't help or simply tell you not to worry about it? Because if they can't then you just need to find better doctors. I mean, bone friction isn't a mystery. A simple X-ray should show exactly where it's coming from, and once you know that I don't think there's a bone in the human body you can't move.

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I am with C++ on this one. Just because they told you answers you didn't want to hear does not make them wrong. If there is no pain involved and a doctor told you it was okay or not to worry about it, I don't know why you would come ask here. My best recommendation would be that if you do have pain try getting into some physical therapy.

I have been able to pop my neck for two years now and it does not product any pain. I have been able to move my right foot out and to the right at the right angle and it produces audible pops that other people can hear since I was 14 and it produces no pain as well. Doc told me not to worry about it until starts causing me pain.

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Tbh you seem a bit of a Hypcondriac, Being punched in the neck wouldnt be sufficient to cause damage like that, and I would guess that the clicking is a result of you getting older. My left wrist cracks like a cement mixer and both my knees click a lot when going up stairs. Oh and yeh I can crack my neck too.

Im 24 so, Id guess it only gets worse.

1) do you think my neck would have clicked had i not got punched

Yes being punched in the neck wouldnt of caused this IMHO youd need you have been punched by Gorilla

2) i have been to doctors and chiros who can't help, any other advice on how to heal it?

No if Doctors / Chiros dont think its a worry then you shouldnt. And as others hav said how can we help? Do we have Medical Degrees?

God forbid your ever truelly ill mate as youd freak out. Espec if your this concerned over something thats as natural as growing hair. Fact of life the older you get the more wear and teat there is on your bones and there sockets. You dont need to be an old man for them to click or crack

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As a rule of thumb, never ask for medical advice on the internet. It'll only end badly.

Maybe keep going to different Doctors, or just go easy, else you might regret it when you get older.

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I dont know much about neck clicks. But i can advise you on single and double clicks. But thats another deep discussion. Just to make you familiar with it, you normally "single" click on pr0n links.

Tomorrow I'll show you how to do awesome stuff with double clicks. After this crash course, maybe we'll try to dive into the neck click.

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i got punched in the throat when i was in grade 8 or so and since then , when i grab my throat i can feel a gap between the "adam's apple) and the top part" ... i can swallow fine but please confirm the gap man ...

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Lots of my joints click. I don't think it's necessarily pathological, just something to do with how they work.

You should ask your doctor to explain more about what they are thinking. If they don't diagnose you then either there's nothing to diagnose or they don't know what's wrong. If they don't know what's wrong, they will probably try hard to find out rather than just send you home.

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