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Ryoichi Ikegami is one of top five manga artists I have ever come across. His illustrations are amazing and pure testosterone fodder featured in Sanctuary, Crying Freeman, Heat and Strain. If you're interested in James Bond and the testosterone filled fantasy worlds, check out the completely translated works.

makes me glad there were so many people or i would have became like a little girl.

Always a good thing but the people this time round (for me) felt like they were a bit closed off. Didn't really talk to anyone this time round.


HOLY !@#!@$! This is only the second time I wanted to rage after reading a Japanese manga. Air Gear is probably one of the most absurd manga series I have ever laid my eyes upon. I picked up this manga for its good sports and ecchi mix. 15 volumes later, the mangaka decides to do a complete 180 and start throwing in some sci-fi #@$#@$@#$ and throw in a pinch of magic circles. He then destroys the female lead characters and make them mindless dolls that belong in hentai.

Air Gear has one of the worst manga plot twists I have ever witnessed since Naruto and School Rumble. ARGH! 27 volumes wasted... I even started to like the cast after the first few volumes. Oh! Great... Your artwork is FANTASTIC. It's just too bad you can't even write a good story. Maybe you should either stick to hentai or start thinking clearly before you start putting in BS like three chapters dedicated to President Obama being some Vietnam War victim surviving a napalm attack. The punch line is that those three chapters are the culminated efforts to support and publicizing Obama (before and after he became President) by the mangaka. @#$@#$!!!

Get this. This is a inline skating manga that has a sky diving aspect. The arch nemesis (you won't even believe me) is a guy who's not using a jetpack... BUT A FLIPPING WHEELCHAIR! A WHEELCHAIR! To top that, all the "bad" or "evil" guys have OCD about sexually abusing all the girls they have kidnapped. They simply tear off their clothes and grope them like rabid primates from the Caveman age on a train then walk away as if they were scolded like they're suffering from Oedipus Complex. The funniest part is that all these girls are closely connected to the male lead and are VERY easy to kidnap despite being MUCH, MUCH stronger/more skilled than the male lead.

Absolutely pathetic.

3/10 (Terrible. Stop reading the manga after the 15th volume)

Good review, had quite a few laughs.

That manga sounds terrible. :p

It's nice to see that people share my sense of humor.

The manga is terrible but I enjoy the specific type of manga. The plot with male lead who works and practices really hard to become something while being accompanied by a female childhood friend, who's as or even more talented. Throw in some ecchi for some fan service. GTO, Kare Kano, One Piece, and Full Metal Panic! are all good examples of my tendency to watch such shows. It's hard to come across ones that have good stories rather than resort to the #@@#$@#$@# (still am not over it) that Air Gear pulled. I REALLY liked Air Gear. I actually laughed more times watching the anime series and reading the manga than I have in some time. However, after the 15th volume, everything goes wrong. EVERYTHING! (the three chapter Obama publicity and congratulations campaign is still etched in my mind!) In fact, the mangaka even starts showcasing random super cars, luxury planes for NO REASON. Lamborghini Murcielago? Check. Aston Martin DB9? Check. Cessna? Check. Mercedes S500? Check.

I'm still going to wait 'till this manga ends. It is perhaps because I enjoy the type of torture I subject myself to forgive the stupidity shown in this specific genre. I still have hope because only a handful of female leads still are on equal footing or higher than the male lead. Some of you guys enjoy the light hearted anime series like Kimi ni Todoke. This is my crutch. It also explains why I still haven't dropped Naruto. T_T

Was great seeing Izumi (what a shoulder throw! :D) and her husband Sig taking on Sloth to his death alongside the Armstrongs in FMA: B, they were so amazed :laugh: Epic seeing Hohenheim and Father fighting each other underground with alchemy (Y)

Though I'm wondering what Hohenheim meant about Father throwing something important away with his emotions. Human ability to have resolve after what one goes through and come out on top? Or something else?

Seeing King Bradley making an appearance at the end and him fighting Greed/Lin one-on-one at Central in the preview was awesome :D

^I fully agree with your post (damn, you posted about it again before me while I hadn't even finished watching :p). I'm also not quite sure about what Hohenheim meant. He could also mean that humans have something to fight for; friends, family, loved ones. Seeing that Homonculus has no feelings anymore, he also doesn't care if his "children" are being killed. Might have triggered Hohenheim to keep fighting even though Homonculus was trying to grab his philosopher stone.

Next episode will surely be packed with loads of action again. Buccaneer will also be showing his fighting skills again :D

Yeah, it was a nice change to see Tachibana's somewhat warmer side and Otonashi questioning why the team go against against her. Ruffled Yuri's feathers no doubt when he was talking to her in the classroom :p

Yeah, it was a nice change to see Tachibana's somewhat warmer side and Otonashi questioning why the team go against against Tachibana. Ruffled Yuri's feathers no doubt :p

Maybe Otonashi will approach her. She looks interested in him.

Maybe Otonashi will approach her. She looks interested in him.

Indeed, the plot has now changed with Naoi coming into the picture at the end (who has darker intentions IMO).

The shot for the last one was the most hilarious one.

Hinata's body turning was epic :laugh:

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