[Official] Anime/Manga Thread

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However much it is I don't think it's worth it imo. Especially since I can just pretend it's not on this week and be all set next week. I think another group will sub it because they don't want to pay to get decent quality. Could be wrong but I don't think so.

Yeah, when she's pointing at Noitra or however his name is spelled when he thinks Kenpachi is dead. That's a classic moment, imo.

Absolutely :rofl:

Just watched episode 1 of Kurokami, pretty good first episode too. I believe the English translation is Black God...anyone seen it?

No, what's it about?

It's subbed right? Personally I dislike dubbed anime. I only watched subbed :p

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I really don't have the time or patience to scroll through 38 pages.

Does anyone know of a good angels/demons anime? Something along the lines of stuff like Constantine.

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I really don't have the time or patience to scroll through 38 pages.

Does anyone know of a good angels/demons anime? Something along the lines of stuff like Constantine.

Have a look at "Mnemosyne".


But you do know there are a good number of anine that only work when dubbed right? like Golden boy, Hellsing, Yu YU Hakusho, etc

I've seen Trigun and Samurai Champloo both in English dubbed, and it made me hate the shows.

I just think it looks/sounds unnatural for anime to have the English language in it. Something like Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle are exceptions though :p

There is no such thing as a good dub. Dragonball's dub here in Portugal is cringe worthy and hilarious at the same type because everyone is an exaggerated stereotype and they ad-libed so much (but really, so so so so much) that I only understood parts of the story after reading the manga :laugh:

I'll check those out, I want to see if I'd actually enjoy one of them.

What anime/manga sites do you guys visit, just curious?

Usually for me its animenewsnetwork.com I haven't found a better one... yet..


Where do you buy your boxed sets of anime online? Amazon?

I'd like to own some physically.

Amazon for new things and long long hours spent on ebay.

my collection just for the hell of it but i have to get new images of it as it's grown a little.







Nice, I can't wait for the ep tonight, I hope Kenpachi finishes his fight with Nnoitra, it's taking so long :|

I guess he wants to get all the fun out of it possible. haha

Kendo FTW.


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