[Official] Anime/Manga Thread

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Its good to see the anime back on track, I personally cant wait till I see Ichigo in Uber-Hollow Mode :p

ishigo going Berserk! :drooling: ,i wander how many episode till that point

Indeed, that has to be one of the sexiest intros I've seen in BLEACH :rofl: ! The only thing I was doing was staring at Inoue's hair :p .


a well made intro if you ask me.

a well made intro if you ask me.

The best one since ORANGE RANGE, as the rest were still just a bit of animation, although YUI's version does rank it up there.


BLEACH manga is out, and its info is a bit of a shock really in terms of Espada :o .


Eden Of The East was really good, love the chemistry between Akira and Saki :yes:

And we got to see a bit about the Seleaco system and the art/animation is some of the best I've seen in anime. Scenery was jaw-dropping :D The ending with the Seleaco agent killing off the three people with the help of Juiz was awesome.

I'd like to have my mobile charged with 8 billion pounds and be forced to use it :laugh:


Eden Of The East was really good, love the chemistry between Akira and Sak:yes:s:

And we got to see a bit about the Seleaco system and the art/animation is some of the best I've seen in anime. Scenery was jaw-droppin:D:D The ending with the Seleaco agent killing off the three people with the help of Juiz was awesome.

I'd like to have my mobile charged with 8 billion pounds and be forced to use i:laugh:h:


err i think that total was in yen which would make it somewhere around the ?54.5 million point

Nice one, I shall be going myself again as well later this month (still haven't found a decent keyrin:laugh:h:).

Need to book some time off work for the MCM Expo as well.


heh i'd love to help you find one but i've changed my plans now and i shall be attending Japan expo in Paris.

heh i'd love to help you find one but i've changed my plans now and i shall be attending Japan expo in Paris.

No problem :), been reading on the Japan Expo website that CLAMP are going to be there - pretty cool (Y)


Naruto 444 was good but slow. Anyone here knows about a Naruto-style manga ? I mean a manga with a continuous storyline (as opposed to mangas like One Piece and FMA which are divided into unrelated chapters within a global storyline), and a strong mythology. Well ... and not Dragon Ball :p

yup the very reason im going also my current key chain

Nice, I saw the TTGL one at Tokyo Toys if I remember. It's hard to find merchandise on anime that isn't popular initially but later has a cult following.

I love my GITS - "The Laughing Man" keyring, people always ask about it when they see it :D


I just saw Eden of the East and I must say, this anime just got more interesting with the 2nd episode :D Radish?, you where right about the animation, it's really top quality. Also, did you notice the light coming of the phone? I haven't seen an anime that had a small detail like that.

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