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Bleach and Naruto Mangas are out..... Bleach sort of confused me.... and I think I will remain confused until next episode.... Really... Yami.... number 0... I know bleach is great for the sort of twist, but just did not see this coming at all. Great Idea of him going from weakest to strongest through power up... makes you wonder though if Yami could beat Ulq.

Naruto was great. Was slow but shows a lot of development.

No real action this week, but everything is just heading in a great direction.

oh dammit blach manga

that insane! since when espada were from 0-9 . so YAMMI is a fake espada in his sealed form .intersting he would bet up ulquirra in his new state. apparantly another battle for hollow ichigo ! cant wait till the hollow went crazy haha

I also just saw FMA episode 3. I wish they'd made 2 episodes of the adventure from episode 3, like the previous series. It felt a bit rushed since I recently saw the first FMA series. There happened a lot more in the previous series in the first 2 episodes.

Besides that though, I really enjoyed this episode. The typical jokes about the height from Edward never gets old :D Already looking forwards to the next episodes.

I also just saw FMA episode 3. I wish they'd made 2 episodes of the adventure from episode 3, like the previous series. It felt a bit rushed since I recently saw the first FMA series. There happened a lot more in the previous series in the first 2 episodes.

Yeah, it definitely seems more rushed than the previous series. But can you blame Bones, they already animated this all before, so the kind of assume people have already seen it.

One gripe I have with the new series is the soundtrack. I loved the sound track from the last one, so watching the same seems with new music makes it seem out of place.

^That wont be legal now would it? ;)

Yeah, it definitely seems more rushed than the previous series. But can you blame Bones, they already animated this all before, so the kind of assume people have already seen it.

One gripe I have with the new series is the soundtrack. I loved the sound track from the last one, so watching the same seems with new music makes it seem out of place.

Haha yeah, that's true. Though it still would've been nice if they made 2 episodes out of it.

The soundtrack pretty much seems to fit imo. It just gives it that new feeling, rather then watching the new series with old music.

I just saw Eden of the East and I must say, this anime just got more interesting with the 2nd episode :D Radish?, you where right about the animation, it's really top quality. Also, did you notice the light coming of the phone? I haven't seen an anime that had a small detail like that.

I just watched the second episode too. It's really interesting so far and it's making me really curious where the story is going. I love the art in it too, it's very unique.

So... I just finished School Days.

Heard about it from a friend last year, decided to check it out.

Never been so depressed from an anime before. >,>;

Any others like this? Love story / Tragedy?

Kimi ga Nozomu Eien

Naruto 444 was good but slow. Anyone here knows about a Naruto-style manga ? I mean a manga with a continuous storyline (as opposed to mangas like One Piece and FMA which are divided into unrelated chapters within a global storyline), and a strong mythology. Well ... and not Dragon Ball :p

Eyeshield 21 might be good, because it really tightly follows the same set of main characters; only in a few short sections-- one volume or less-- do they break away.

I really like Rebirth in a sort of seinen way. It's not technically a manga (being Korean), but there's really only one main story line, and one main flashback to explain why nothing makes sense initially. Although said flashback is 5 volumes out of 23, there are only a few chapters not orbiting around some subset of the main characters and the main mission.

But isn't Naruto the one with the famous time-skip? (I will not touch it with a 10-metre pole; I read a chapter of it once when I bought American Shonen Jump and can't get my eyes clean anymore)

Why? I would pay, i as talking itunes, 7 digital etc,

Ah, I didn't know you meant iTunes ;) I've searched a bit but I couldn't find any site for you where you could buy them digitally.

Eden Of The East was good, shame that cop died too quick before finding out anything :/ Akira seems to a film buff with his loaded multiplex, killing all those NEET's (to what purpose?) and we learnt a bit more about how the Seleaco system operates :D

And K-ON! was just win, pure win! :happy:


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