McAfee PortalShield v1.0 for SharePoint

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This announcement is to let you know that McAfee PortalShield v1.0 (Virus Scanner) for Microsoft? SharePoint? Beta 2 has been released.

The McAfee engineering team has worked closely with the SharePoint team during development to ensure seamless integration with the WSS VS API 1.0 supplied by Microsoft.

The McAfee PortalShield software is designed to offer virus protection and content scanning functionality for Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2001, Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server "v2.0", and Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 2.0.

With the Beta 1 release of McAfee PortalShield v1.0, PortalShield will support Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2001 and the Beta 2 release of Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server "v2.0" and Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 2.0.

McAfee PortalShield has a quick and easy installation and is designed to protect you SharePoint installation from viruses and bad content from the moment you install it.

Important information about this beta release can be found in the accompanying readme file. Issues and feedback can be directed to: blank.

Additional details on the configuration of the Anti-Virus feature in the Beta 2 SharePoint Portal Server "v2.0" and Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 can be found in the Windows SharePoint Services Beta 2 Administrator's Guide at

Note: The following known issues are present in the Beta 2 release (fixed for RTM) of SharePoint Portal Server "v2.0" and Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 Antivirus feature:

All scans timeout after a single scanning timeout occurs

Workaround: Requires IISReset to

When a scanner version has changed (updated) it isn?t automatically picked up by the server

Workaround: Requires IISReset for server to recognize latest version

Infected files saved to server root are not scanned when opened in Application

Note: This affects files not saved directly through standard SharePoint upload mechanisms (i.e. not saved to a document library)

Uninstalling the McAfee scanner deletes the AV registry key and blocks any scanner from being installed ever again

Solution: After you uninstall the McAfee scanner and before you install another scanner you must manually create the AVScanner registry key (HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\AVScanner) and add <MACHINENAME>\STS_WPG with Full Control permission to the key. Then install the new scanner.

Thank You,

The Microsoft Office and Office Family Teams

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