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Heres my screenshot, not working too bad. Have notice that the Hard Drive working alot more. and CPU temp up a littlebit, was wondering i have a 20Gig, SATA Laptop drive. If i Installed it, and placed my Virtual Memory File onto this, would i get and extra speed out of it.


A little off topic, but have to bring it up: Sexy desktop background, flash. :yes: Who is that?

Just finished reinstalling 7000 to see if anything particular was causing the firefox/gmail crashing problem I have been having since 6956. Glad to say it fixed itself. Must have been something in the system Appdata folder upsetting the browser earlier.

I will also add that laptop power management is a lot better. On Vista, the battery would barely last more than an hour while browsing on wifi. Now, it is pushing at least 90min, which is a significant increase in every way. Very impressed.

Only problems I've had so far (and they're not major): In Explorer deleting the "Libraries" and "Homegroup" entries is futile, it pops up a message saying they will be deleted from your Desktop, but they reappear the next time Explorer is opened. The Live Messenger MSI self repairs everytime I log in. Nothing of any use in the Event log that I can see.

Apart from that, it's pretty damn good.

Heres my screenshot, not working too bad. Have notice that the Hard Drive working alot more. and CPU temp up a littlebit, was wondering i have a 20Gig, SATA Laptop drive. If i Installed it, and placed my Virtual Memory File onto this, would i get and extra speed out of it.


Wallpaper please :)

I have one issue. I cant get the audio driver to work .

i have an abit I-N73HD mother board, the drivers for the HDMI audio work but I dont use that output, i use the realtek HD audio output. Downloaded the latest drivers and it fails as far as I can see the installer chaeck the OS version and findos it is not running vista so it will not install the realtek audio controller.

Anyone got this to work yet?

For some reason, I got a bluescreen before, then when I restarted, my sound card has completely disappeared from the system. Can't find it if I try scanning for devices or anything. It's just like it wasn't even plugged in.. :s

A little thing that has always bugged me in Vista is that when I create a Toolbar Folder and have the Taskbar locked, a part of the folder is always showing. Any chance of this being fixed in Win7?


Has anyone done a comparison of the Windows folder of a clean install of Vista compared to a clean install of 7? I saw an earlier post that someone compared Windows folder sizes between 6956 and 7000 but I'm wondering how much more of a difference it would be to compare it to a Vista install. Seems interesting. :)

Here you go,

Dunno if this really matters, lol but noticed to stating it here. I had build 6956 installed as well. Size of Windows folder in 6956 was 7.42 GB (7.50 GB size on Disk - 44,271 files, 8697 folders)

while in the newer build 7000 ;

The size is 7.38 GB (7.46 GB size on Disk - 44,161 files, 8650 folders)

No change in size of Program Files which is 430 Mb

On Vista clean install, Size of Windows folder

12.4 GB

Size on Disk 12.5

68,026 files - 13,274 Folders

Win 7 is about 5gb less than Vista :)

When i added the toolbar, it did not display the folder, but then i unlocked and moved the toolbar to the left corner, next to the start button, and when i locked it, i did the exact same thing you reported.

I am on build 6956 though, i have the image to install the 7000 since Thursday but i havent got time to install it.

So, how does it feel to run Win7? Is it better than Vista? Does it feel like Vista with a big Service Pack 3 over it?

Is their enough stuff inside Win7 that will push users to upgrade?

It feels smoother and a little faster then Vista. As far as enough inside, I think so. It should be enough for people who stuck with XP to want to upgrade. However, for Vista users, it all depends. Windows 7 is much better then vista and has some changes that I feel people will enjoy.

  • Caculator has been upgraded
    Taskbar is more user freindly
    Easier for home users to network and share files
    Updates Wordpad and Paint
    Build in XPS Viewer
    Media Center and Player are fine tuned.

Can anyone tell me why W7 won't find my XP drive? I've gone through everything I can think of. When I boot in XP, I can obviously see my other drive, but in W7, I don't see my other drive.

Also, have they figured out a way to get 1680x1050 yet? All I get is 1680x1024. I want my other 26 pixels.

So, how does it feel to run Win7? Is it better than Vista? Does it feel like Vista with a big Service Pack 3 over it?

Is their enough stuff inside Win7 that will push users to upgrade?

It's about the same as Vista SP1, but a little bit faster and uses less resources. It's hard not to compare it to Vista but I like to compare the 2 to 2000 and XP. 2000 had a lot of the underlying stuff that XP had but lacked the GUI. Vista has the same underlying components as 7 but 7 has built and improved upon it. If you haven't used Vista before, 7 will seem like a Vista SE. However, if you use Vista regularly, you'll notice it has it's share of quirks. That's where 7 is going to be viewed as more than a Vista SE.

Can anyone please let me know how I can get rid of the desktop watermark and the Send Feeback link in IE.

Thanks in advance.

Dude, it's a time limited beta of an unfinished product..... what do you expect?

When i added the toolbar, it did not display the folder, but then i unlocked and moved the toolbar to the left corner, next to the start button, and when i locked it, i did the exact same thing you reported.

I am on build 6956 though, i have the image to install the 7000 since Thursday but i havent got time to install it.

Since we're talking about that part of the screen, one little annoyance I've found with that part of the taskbar is the start orb getting cut off under certain circumstances, particularly, with the configuration I most favor:

Taskbar at top of screen, with small icons and thinnest taskbar available. Doesn't matter if you have grouping on or not. It seems to only occur when you have multiple displays with the display extended across them, regardless of how the second display is positioned relative to the first. As soon as you disable the desktop spanning, it goes back to normal:

Present on 6956 and 7000. I'm using the latest Catalyst W7 drivers.

Really, that's my only gripe with the whole of W7 so far. Very nice OS that just feels good to use. I liked Vista from the beginning too, so W7 is just a very refined experience for me.

where is Windows Mail in this build ? i am not find this brr sory for my bad english

Windows Mail has been removed from Windows 7. They replaced it with the Live services such as Windows Live Mail. You will have to download it.

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