Edit the Picture!

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*Post Picture*

Below User:

*Edits Picture and Posts it*

User BELOW Below User:

*Edits the picture "Below User" posted and posts his own distro of it*.

Phew... Hope you got it ;)



1. Use some kind of Image-Editing software,

such as Photoshop, Paint.NET, Paint and so on...

2. No racist stuff.


Here it goes:


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If it's to unclear, you're just suppposed to edit the image I posted. You post up what you've edited, and then another user takes your picture and edits it. He posts it up, and it continues.

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These threads are epic...over at Fark or some Photoshopping forum.

I remember seeing some epic ones here at neowin too, a few years ago.

There were guys like DedPixel, he was a master at doing this kind of things... He would put big b00bs anywhere... :laugh:

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There were guys like DedPixel, he was a master at doing this kind of things... He would put big b00bs anywhere... :laugh:

Yes! They were absolutely fantastic days. :laugh:

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