Dns resolver Cache Problem

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My OS is currently Win XP Pro. I tried to do a ipconfig /displaydns and i get the following error message:

Could not display DNS resolver cache. I cannot /flushdns either. This is affecting my sharing the internet over my home network. Please help! Thank You!

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Is your DNS client service running - if not you will get this error;

C:\>ipconfig /displaydns

Windows IP Configuration

Could not display the DNS Resolver Cache.


But this is really not need to use DNS, you just will not cache anything - but go ask your DNS server everytime you need to look something up.

Edit: this might be an issue if your machines are connecting to this machine for internet - ie using ICS. But if they were setup to use a true dns server vs the machine using ICS - it should not be a problem.

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I am using the that machine for ICS. The DNS client is running. If it should not affect my internet sharing, i suppose i will have to figure out why i can't seem to share my internet then.

Thank You for your help!

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