WLM 9.0: Removing "<Email>"

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WLM 9.0: Removing "<Email>"

Here's a quick guide for everyone on how to remove "<Yourmom@Yoursister.com>" from task bar entries. Instead of seeing "Blindlabel013 <Yourmom@Yoursister.com>," you'll simply see "Blindlabel013." This will make your task bar look much smoother!

First step is download ResHacker. After you have this installed you'll want to open it up.

Once ResHacker is opened you're going to open "msgslang.14.0.8050.1202.dll," this is likely to be found in "C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger."

Now that this is open you should now see a few folders on the left side of your ResHacker. You're going to open the "Strings Table" and then the folder labeled "6." In line 92 you'll see ["92, "%1%2 <%3>%4"]. What you're going to do now is extremely simple! Just delete "<%3>." After you do this your entry should look like this ["92, "%1%2 %4"]. Once this is complete, simply press "Compile Script" and save the file. Backup your current "msgslang.14.0.8050.1202.dll" and replace it with your newly modded one.

If everything worked your task bar entry should now look like this! Sample

I hope this is something new for everyone and the guide proves to be helpful. If anything is unclear, please, feel free to ask questions!

PS: This is the method I use to remove it and there may be easier or different ways of doing it.

PPS: This is also mostly a copy of my mod for WLM 8.5, but the edit is for two different things so I figured I'd make a new thread.

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