275-Pound Woman Says Hospital Told Her to Use Zoo MRI

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Ah nothing like a thread on Neowin about someone overweight and the disgusting and horrible comments people always post about it.

Being fat = last great racism still accepted

What does being Fat have to do with Race? Not a thing. It's not racism. It's ASSism. People being asses about a human problem.

Don't get me wrong. I don't think it's like the anyone at the clinic told the lady "you're a fatass, go to the zoo to get scanned. Where they have a fatass scanner, which they sometimes use for animals." I think the lady has a lot of nerve to complain and anyone who entertains her complaints should lose their job. But I believe it wrong to make fun of someone for being fat.

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This is the best I could find in the AP library when looking for her. Apparently this was taken in happier times.

:laugh: I`m laughing at how sincere you sound, as if you actually did look for it in the AP archives.

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Go to the zoo and get the MRI done. If they can't fit you into the regular MRI machine, you may want to rethink the way you live your life. A Tumor in most cases will not cause weight gain o nthat scale so its something else she did to begin with, so its entirely her fault she's in that predicament. You're OBESE, do something about it; spend the time you took to go to the news instead to do work out or start a dieting routine.


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Wow. I'm fat. I weigh about 375. I'm 6'1". And I don't feel bad for this lady. She had the nerve to complain about the doctors? Uh uh. That fatass needs to go to the zoo and keep her mouth shut.


This is the best I could find in the AP library when looking for her. Apparently this was taken in happier times.

+1,000 interwebz.

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Ah nothing like a thread on Neowin about someone overweight and the disgusting and horrible comments people always post about it.

Being fat = last great racism still accepted

Not a racism, but perhaps a prejudice. "Fat" isn't a race. Most of the time, it's a lifestyle choice. I say "most of the time" because I'm sure that most fat people are fat simply because of a combination of eating too much or even just the wrong things and exercising too little. I watched a documentary the other night about some 19 year old who weighed 60 stone. He was utterly disgusting. Not just physically, but his mentality too. Such a lazy, ungrateful....anyhoo, I digress. My point is, unlike racism where someone can't help what country they're born in or the colour of the skin - being fat is entirely the person's choice. I recognise that a minority of overweight people have genuine medical problems and it's beyond their control.

As far as this article goes; The doctors did the right thing. She went to the hospital wanting them to treat her. They said they don't have the equipment to, but they know a place that does. It's like being referred to a specialist by your GP. If she didn't like it that much, she would quit blaming other people for the 'humiliation' and lose some damn weight.

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I hate fat people. They chose to be fat by being lazy and sitting on the couch stuffing their faces with chocolate and chips and ketchup and sugar and starch! I know some can't control it, I pitty the ones that have to suffer with a belly of jelly. :(

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The one thing worse than fat people, is fat people wearing flip flops :x

If her weight was too much than the machine can handle then she has absolutely no right whatsoever complaining about it..

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