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Ok fine, no ribbon.

Don't expect everything to work, half of the interface isn't even wired yet but...

To do:

Implement Preview Window

Make exporting style not ask for base folder

Implement Projects

Theme file maker

Properties Window

Allow Replacing of Images/Custom Editors

All it basically does right now is import/export themes, thats why I wasn't going to release it. I at least wanted to let it replace the images (all though this can be done by hand once you export them)

Don't be suprised if half of what you try does nothing, even things already programmed may not be hooked up to the interface.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Importing Msstyles to edit now works perfectly! Only problem is it can NOT import anything made in Ave's VistaStyleBuilder. I'm not sure if its an anti-competition thing, or if theres some reason Ave screwed with the style format but StyleBuilder styles are completely unreadable by this program. I'm going to talk to Ave and see what I can find out.

I'll leave you with this.


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Is this coded in visual basic or c++? I just started c++ and for one person what you are doing with this is amazing keep up the good work.

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this is great! i have been waiting for a free program to edit visual styles and create some of my own i just want to let you know your awesome! keep up the great work!

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*drum roll*

Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to present to you...

An extremely incomplete public Alpha release. Yay!

As suggested by my bad attempt at humor above, this is a release build, therefore incomplete/untested code is NOT in it. Mainly, image replace and msstyle export aren't in it as they still have little blips to be worked out (they are generally working though).

This release mainly shows off the import feature. The various dialogs can also be displayed but few of them actually do stuff, (once again, incpmplete code not in this release)

The new project option shows a dialog that is NOT done so you will need to use the Import -> Winodws 7 -> Default Aero or Browse for a style to import, then use Open Project and select the folder you saved to. It currently doesn't extract stream. Easy to add but I haven't gotten around to it.

Anyway, here it is. Download Incomplete Alpha

Note: Windows 7 styles supported only right now. Vista users can still run the program but will need some msstyle for 7.

Note2: VistaStyleBuilder styles are NOT importable. I'm working on sorting it out, Ave did some wierd stuff with the format. Expect it eventually.

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Portable version please.

Umm it's not even done with a non portable version so why would he make a portable one just to break it later on.

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Umm it's not even done with a non portable version so why would he make a portable one just to break it later on.

Errm because it's easier and more people will test a portable version rather than installing incomplete software ...

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