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If this is real, thats bloody fast movement on the W7 front. I hope it is. If anyone has it downloaded, please post proof that its legit, otherwise it looks to be a long night of slow downloading, only to probably find out its fake all along lol.

Not sure about the 19th, I swear someone here got in touch with a chap working for MS who said that a previously reported 7048 (I think) release couldnt exist, as they were only compiling 7047 right there and then. That was less than a week ago.

I may have my facts mixed up though, anyone care to elaborate?

Not sure about the 19th, I swear someone here got in touch with a chap working for MS who said that a previously reported 7048 (I think) release couldnt exist, as they were only compiling 7047 right there and then. That was less than a week ago.

I may have my facts mixed up though, anyone care to elaborate?

you are 100% on this, after ms employee i think it was Brian said 7048 didn't exist and 7047 was being compiled that was all a lie, MS will deny everything.

Now look what build we have installed lol :D

Also i just made an ISO of Build 7000 x64, it cannot be this build as this is 3.19GB

7048 got compiled on 19th Jan i think, so it's possible they are upto 7054. Even further internally TAP program.

I don't think 7048 was the 19th of Jan -- but rather 19th of Feb. 090219-1845.

Build 7048 was released to TAP on Sunday. How can they release build 7054 just 4 days after? Me thinks 7054 is fake. Don't waste your time.

Here are some screenshots of setup.exe from build 7048 :


RC was going to TAP people end of feb not 7048 as 7048 is Pre-RC

I don't think 7048 was the 19th of Jan -- but rather 19th of Feb. 090219-1845.

Lol early in morning, month error, yes i meant Feb.

Maybe so, but its possible that IE8 RTM isnt done for W7 yet - they could have shifted focus on completing it for Vista and XP. Seeing as they have a couple of months before 7 is released and sold, they may as well do it that way around - its transparent to us consumers, and means we all get IE8 RTM quicker in comparison.

I still get very frequent taskbar flickering/disappearing with 7048 (no change from build 7000). Any idea what's causing this? Is it my display drivers, or a problem with Windows 7? You'd think if it were the latter they would have addressed that bug by now...?

Other than that, I haven't noticed any performance differences with this build. There are a few slight cosmetic changes (new icons, wallpapers, etc.) but nothing much else seems to have changed, which I suppose is good (aside from the flickering bug!) I'm now even more eager to try out the RC...hoping things will be 100% smoothed out by then. I get the feeling this build is not particularly polished (hence why it was never meant to be released for public testing). Anybody else feel the same?

I have a problem that has been a bug in all builds I have tested.

Whenever I open or close a window or program, the animation is kinda quirky and laggy.

It feels like it hangs, just for some milliseconds, before it closes or opens. In builds prior to 7048 this also happened whenever I max\minimized the windows\programs.

I know it's not my rig, I have a quad core q9400, geforce gtx260 with 4gb ram, and Vista runs fluidly.

Anyone else having the same problems?

I feel like I'm the only one since I have never heard anyone else with that annoying bug.

I have the exact same problem. I thought it was a "by-design" thing and learned to live with it. :( (8800GTS/E6750 here)

I have the exact same problem. I thought it was a "by-design" thing and learned to live with it. :( (8800GTS/E6750 here)

I believe it is "by design". You can change it to be faster though in regedit.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER --> Control Panel--> Mouse --> MouseHoverTime

change 400 to 50 or less, restart.

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