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Startup Bug, Desktop.ini Opens in Notepad on Every Boot – FIX

This is an odd bug, mostly due to the fact that some instances of desktop.ini are visible and not set to system and hidden. Fortunately the fix for this is quite easy:


Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup


Delete desktop.ini


Navigate to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup


Delete desktop.ini if present.


Posting this from one of the other threads.

you know thats not grass right? ;)

Well I still reckon it's some kind of flora, and I don't recall seeing any blue or orange plants outside recently :p

In all honesty, it could look good if the orange wasn't as jarring - if it were done with the original image it could go together pretty well.

Anyway, new builds are always exciting. :)

Well I still reckon it's some kind of flora, and I don't recall seeing any blue or orange plants outside recently :p

In all honesty, it could look good if the orange wasn't as jarring - if it were done with the original image it could go together pretty well.

Anyway, new builds are always exciting. :)

yeah true i dont like the green with blue either it makes it look to soft and cool(cold) i want a little spice in my OS.

jesus man, think about it. quit praying for an early release, it will be 2010 and this confirms it in my mind.

Having an expiration date in 2010 means essentially nothing, happens all the time. Considering the public RC wiill be in April It would be shocking if it doesnt RTM this year.

Damn looks niiiice but the orange kind of sticks out i like it that way though!

I think it's good that the orange sticks out, so there's at least a little life in it :cool:

So are you guys convinced this is the same RC that will be released to the public in a couple weeks or is this just one of the pre-RC compilation builds that is just oh-so-close to being finished?

I'd say pre-RC. The actual RC will probably be compiled mid/late March when released April 10.

yeah true i dont like the green with blue either it makes it look to soft and cool(cold) i want a little spice in my OS.

Yes, it's simply too cold. That's why I think the orange would fit in fine there.

doesnt matter. sorry to break it to you and anyone else, thinking next year, but you are all wrong. Yep its true. Why do i think know so? because all RC and beta builds have long expiration dates. The beta expiration date lasts till a little pasts when RC is supposed to be released and the RC always lasts a lot longer than RTM (giving you ample time to purchase it and migrate over).

End of story.

P.S. I hope we get some more experts in here to confirm what im saying, actually scratch that you dont need confirmation, everyone is saying its already very close to RTM just because how good the quality of these builds are. Do we not all see the tech sites raving over how good win7 is right now?

actually the official RC build did. the RC candidate builds that were closer to the official (signed off) RC build probably had this built in as well. This is what your seeing with 7057, seeing as it is really really close to being THE RC build.

Basically, you are contradicting yourself. On one side you are saying that all RC builds have an expiration date after the RTM releases to give testers enough time to upgrade, and then you are saying the final release to the public will be in 2010? That does not make any sense.

There is no way of confirming just because the expiration is set for next March, it will release just weeks before that. Heck, take beta for example. It is set to expire in August, but they are going to release RC next month (4+ months before expiration). So even if you use the same analogy, it means the release will be before the end of the year. But more realistically, any expert will tell you the RTM will get signed off sometime during the summer even if it does not start shipping preinstalled on computers for a couple months later.

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