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Okay so I'll admit I'm a beta junkie, but is there any real benefit to moving to 7057 from 7048? Or just a big waste of time?

For instance, it has a new logon screen, and if you don't like it, you can change it (without the need for a 3rd party program).

Wow. I can't figure out how to make search work. I wanted it to search for *.* files in %windir% of XP64 for recently created files. Instead, I have to enter something for Windows to display the settings for the search location (I can't figure out how to set search location then make it search, first search then search location it seems), I then select custom D:\Windows (or search straight from that folder), then I go back up and type in *.* and it doesn't give me what I want. :/

Currently trying to see if Adobe Photoshop CS3 works then gonna make a multi-wallpaper thing.

Having some weird problems with images being "mirrored" instead of showing the thumbnail properly. Has happened with some wallpapers..where the actual image is correct when you open it..but it's flipped in the thumbnail. The thumbnail changes to the right way when you open it, but goes back to the "mirrored" way once you close say, Photo Gallery. Same with Media Player. If I minimize WMP, and hover for the taskbar it has flipped the album art upside down. When you click the WMP button it changes to normal right away..

..doesn't really affect me, but still. 7057 is pretty fast..and I don't know what they did to IE, but for the first time it has not crashed in some time. Starting to get really excited.

EDIT: I've figured out why my tags don't show after searches in's because when I index the location it all of sudden says, "Specify Album.." "..Artist.." instead of actually displaying the information already there. When I remove it from the index..I can see everything again! Bug or not? I just don't know anymore..any logic as to why they have done this?

Edited by darkmanx21
I've been getting a system critical error of Kernel-power error 41, :s any ideas what I can try to stop this? It's goes to bsod. :(

Yes I've googled and haven't found anything concrete to try.

I am getting those with build 7057 x86. I don't get BSOD though. The laptop in question is running stable and fast so I suppose I can live with it for now. This is after all a beta. I guess you have tried updating your system board drivers?

Due to the fact that I can't seem to edit my post now,

Bug: I am on laptop so I removed the power cord and it (like it should) turned off the fancy shmancy stuff but it set my monitor brightness to 100% (I had it on about 60%) which does not make much sense as it just switched to battery power and should actually do the opposite of making my monitor brighter. Anyone experience this?

Bug 2:

EDIT: I guess I should clarify, Winamp preview looks radically different from Winamp.

Same here with WinAmp. I had to change the settings to test, I never have it in the task bar.

It seems to show the classic theme Winamp even if you are using a modern skin, the same thing happens when you do the Winkey + TAB. Otherwise Winamp is fully functional and, gotta admit, faster at going through MP3 files than WMP.

Another bug is related to disabling services - so there is that you messed with it, so accept it type of a possible response - the bug is simple: First disable sound service, then click on the sound icon, (as expected) it won't work, not enable the sound service, the sound icon will still not work - this sometimes (or maybe it will in a few minutes crash) crashes the explorer shell - after restarting explorer shell, it functions again.

I am experiencing that bug with the graphs, double click on graph in taskmanager, double click on it again, experience bug.

I also not sure whether or not it is normal for W7 to take about 6 second to recognize a USB2.0 mouse.

I also tested print functionality, it works.

WMP crashed on me, to reproduce: open Mp3 with album art, switch to battery randomization, drag, experience crash. I removed it after than moment. Do not like it in the first place, imo.

Smart Battery driver was not found in Automatic Updates. :(

Sound recorder is horrible - need redesign and more, much more buttons.

Lots of this now take a lot more clicking to get to.

I am not sure about why it is a good idea to show non-running services in the task manager as you can configure them in other places - better places - like services mmc. I am also not sure how to make it show the CPU / RAM usage of the services, I mean that seems like good information to know. I would also love to hide network and user tabs as I never used either one of them.

I am also not sure about how to hide Homegroup as I do not use its functionality.

W7 newb questions now,

Where do you change USB-reshesh rate thing for more precise mouse? Also where do I look at my exceptionally sexy facial features through my camera, W7 sees it but, is there any software for using it - or was it part of WMP that I removed?

That is it for now, thanks for listening.

CPU Usage and Windows 7,

1-2% idle w. taskmanager

30-50% w. taskmanager open when you scroll through the services list in the taskmanager (go up and down quickly [really quickly if you want a good CPU spike] the service list in task manager). Maybe Driver Related?

Scrolling = Performance Killah

Edited by Udedenkz
CPU Usage and Windows 7,

1-2% idle w. taskmanager

30-50% w. taskmanager open when you scroll through the services list in the taskmanager (go up and down quickly [really quickly if you want a good CPU spike] the service list in task manager). Maybe Driver Related?

Scrolling = Performance Killah

I couldn't get it over 8%, using a phenomII x4- 810 cpu.

Maybe it depends on yer cpu..??

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