[MP][X360]Resident Evil 5

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Just so you know, I've not finished the game. But I was asked to review it for another website - and I couldn't really wait. So I fired up Word and scribbled down my first review on anything in years. So be nice!

Everyone remembers the original Resident Evil. It created a brand new genre for games ? which was rare with the 3D titles at the time. Beautiful pre-rendered graphics never looked so good. There literally was no other way to get photorealistic graphics in a game. Capcom had invented Survival Horror. It was the type of game where you always felt tense the first time around, and you were always reluctant to enter a certain area when you?ve played it before and you know what lurks beyond. Remember the slow, quiet door opening sequences, the mind-bending puzzles, and the music? The safe room music was the most rewarding thing ever.

If you?ve ever played Resident Evil 4 you?ll know that there isn?t any of that in it. Resident Evil 5 is the successor to Resident Evil 4. I wouldn?t go as far as to say it?s a direct carbon copy of Resident Evil 4, but it plays rather similarly. You play in the over-the-shoulder perspective, it?s slowly but nicely paced ? so you can walk, sprint, climb ladders, jump through gaps, open doors with a gentle push or a heavy kick. When it comes to action every weapon has a red aiming laser, and you basically stop, aim, and then shoot. There are a lot more weapons this time around, and they are easier to obtain but ammo is still scarce, so you shouldn?t just blast around ? that?s not the idea of the system employed here. You?re meant to engage and enemy with tactic. Learn how they move, take your time, aim ? and then shoot. If you get desperate you can also use the knife, and melee attacks when allowed.

The enemies in Resident Evil 5 are called Majini. They are the same as the Ganados from Resident Evil 4 as in they?re all infected with the Las Plagas parasite. For those of you that know zombies from the Resident Evil series will remember their slow slumping forward and arms held out like Frankenstein on an invisible Zimmer frame. The people infected with the Las Plagas parasite appear more human ? they are still relatively civil ? they can speak, perform everyday tasks, and they do not have a thirst for blood. They simply become enraged and have great strength. They tend to walk towards you, weapon in hand ? but they can also run, jump, duck for cover, throw objects, use guns ? and group together for a tactical assault. There are special Majini such as ones with Chainsaws, or really beefy ones that take a while to beat down. Occasionally the Las Plagas parasite will burst out of a Majini and attempt to attack you itself.

In the game you are Chris Redfield ? the main character from the original Resident Evil. He has been sent to a location in Africa (Or at least, somewhere which is based on Africa) by his organization (Called the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance ? or BSAA) to investigate an incident regarding a certain individual ? of course all of this will soon spiral out of control, the initial reason for coming will explode into a massive adventure. Lots of blood will be spilled, and it will probably be yours. By the way, Albert Wesker makes a return. I?ve seen a few scenes with him in and it?s a bit corny but it?s very fun to watch. You come across a lot of flashbacks and it?s great to see some gaps filled in that crazy Resident Evil timeline.

You also have a partner called Sheva that has half a brain this time around. She?s not the perfect companion but the AI is actually very good considering. The character doesn?t get stuck, she doesn?t run against walls, she doesn?t die for weird reasons ? but she is a bit trigger happy, and she?s rather reluctant to use anything other than standard firearms. Grenades and mines aren?t her thing I assume. She is very useful as a medic ? she should carry a few healing items at all times since she always uses them at the best times and you don?t really have to think about the frantic switch between weapon and healing item.

Unlike any other Resident Evil game there is no inventory screen per-se ? just an overlay with 9 blocks ? one for each item. Gone is the attach? case from Resident Evil 4. The game play doesn?t stop either, but 4 blocks are assigned to the directional pad on the controller so you can assign items you?d need quickly to those to save hassle. This game expects you to be well prepared before you play. The beginning sections are littered with tutorials and explanations so you should be fine unless you don?t like taking your time.

Weapons are upgradeable again, as in Resident Evil 4, and you do collect Gold and Treasure while you?re on your mission (Although you cannot combine treasures to make more expensive treasure like in Resident Evil 4).

Music is quite similar to Resident Evil 4. Quite natural and deep sounding ? it fits really well with the environment and it helps enhance the tension when there are enemies wandering around. The music slowly fades out when the area is clear and it always has you feeling relaxed instantly. The implementation of music is impressive. Other sounds like ambience, and voice acting are good, but the script is quite typical and occasionally I?ve predicted the dialogue. Let?s just say the cut scenes sometimes feel like it?s Metal Gear Solid 4, but a bit cornier.

Graphics are amazing. I?m not usually that impressed by graphics in games since they?re all much of a muchness ? but I?ve said ?Wow? and ?Beautiful? many times whilst playing this game. The light, the shading, the tones and the array of colours are amazing. The detail in the characters faces and weapons are great as well. There are a few movie-style filters applied such as depth of field and some slight film grain (Although there are bonus options for different types of graphics filter). Occasionally I thought it was photorealistic, the graphics are that good. The graphics are slightly better on the Xbox 360 version and the frame rate is a constant 30fps. On the PlayStation 3 the graphics are only slightly worse, but there are frame rate issues. Basically I recommend you buy the Xbox 360 version ? but if you have a PlayStation 3 don?t be afraid. It?ll be fine ? you?ll just suffer some slowdown sometimes.

As for online play, you can do online or split-screen co-op ? which will obviously make Sheva more useful, although the online aspect is rather limited. You can?t join games on the fly, you?ll have to wait for the host to complete an act before you can join their game, and you cannot exchange weapons online or in split screen, even though you can when Sheva is computer-controlled.

Co-op isn?t bad though ? not at all. It?s excellent fun and I would recommend you should play the game Co-op as much as you can with your friends. You have more chances to find the hidden items around the stages and you can be more tVerdict:

Gameplay: 9

Sound: 10

Graphics: 10

Online: 8

Value: 9

9/10Online: 8

Value: 9


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I am thrilled of this new version of Resident Evil. If you would ask me to rate the game, here are my own rates:

Gameplay: 10

Sound: 10

Graphics: 10

Online: 9

Value: 9

Overall: 9.6

Totally awesome!

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You also have a partner called Sheva that has half a brain this time around. She's not the perfect companion but the AI is actually very good considering. The character doesn't get stuck, she doesn't run against walls, she doesn't die for weird reasons – but she is a bit trigger happy, and she's rather reluctant to use anything other than standard firearms. Grenades and mines aren't her thing I assume. She is very useful as a medic – she should carry a few healing items at all times since she always uses them at the best times and you don't really have to think about the frantic switch between weapon and healing item.

RE5 AI praise... wat? :laugh: I thought the AI was terrible, game breaker at some parts. Shiva would often chew through ammo on the wrong gun, not use a powerful gun when she should be, use combined herbs when 1/18th of the health bar is missing, etc.

Worst RE in the series for me, I'll never be playing this a second time. I seriously hope Capcom rethink RE6 and try to make a better story as well, the story in RE5 ain't that good at all. RE4 kicked RE5's ass, but I'm biased, I NEVER wanted Co-Op in my RE experience and never want it again (unless it's a secondary campaign). Then we have the inventory system which was an absolute joke.

But this is your review topic james, nice effort put into the write up :)

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I dont play RE5 unless I have my buddy playin with me, the AI on it sucks terribly and has caused me to die several times for stupid reasons. If the game had the option to play strictly solo with no second person controlled by the AI, then Id definitly have that option enabled.

Otherwise, the game is damn good and Id agree with the 9/10 rating.

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I wish they had more manmade indoor levels. I kinda liked the lab, the eerie feel to it. I was bummed out that my favorite zombie Regenerator from RE4 wasn't in this game. I always had fun messing with him :D

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