Changing Bluetooth Tray Icon

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Does anyone know how to accomplish this in XP? I have tried to reshack my bttray.exe, but it seems like there is only one icon in there, and not the white/green/red icons that would be necessary for a fully functioning bttray, so I'm not sure I am in the right place.

If anyone has changed around their bluetooth icons, please let me know how you did it...I'm working closer and closer to getting a fully Tango-ized XP install, and this is one of the remaining steps.

Thanks in advance.

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:unsure: I've only ever seen the normal blue bluetooth icon in my tray. Never seen it any other colour. You sure you haven't got any third-party software running instead? I say this because I know that Dell does it's own BT software that uses it's own icon....

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I'm using WIDCOMM drivers for my bluetooth. As far as I know, thats pretty standard stuff, but I did patch/upgrade the original drivers from what they were when I installed them from CD. (This is a desktop, not a laptop, so bluetooth is provided via a bluetooth dongle, which required a CD install of the BT WIDCOMM drivers)

Edit: I should clarify...The icon itself remains blue, but the white bluetooth logo changes color to indicate connectivity or total disconnect of the dongle. Hopefully this helps.

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Have you tried reshack'ing the bluetooth tray app (BTTray.exe)?

Yes, this was the first approach I took. That said, I don't want to screw up my BTTray, so I have been cautious with this (it has know to be less than reliable in the past).

Though I have no real issues reshacking, I'm not sure where the actual icons I mentioned in my original post, whn I open up my bttray.exe, I can see the icons that typically indicate "no bluetooth device connected"...basically, the blue circle with the white bluetooth icon. However, there are no other icons that are normally seen, such as the red "no bluetooth dongle plugged in" or the green "bluetooth device connected", etc... I know these descriptions are horribly inadequete, but I know no better way to describe it.

In summary, I know where I think I should replace the icons, however I dont want to start replacing the icons without knowing what I am replacing, which may wind up breaking the visual functionality of bttray.exe.

Has anyone out there actually done this? I figure the customization gurus wouldve tackled this long ago...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yes, this was the first approach I took. That said, I don't want to screw up my BTTray, so I have been cautious with this (it has know to be less than reliable in the past).

Though I have no real issues reshacking, I'm not sure where the actual icons I mentioned in my original post, whn I open up my bttray.exe, I can see the icons that typically indicate "no bluetooth device connected"...basically, the blue circle with the white bluetooth icon. However, there are no other icons that are normally seen, such as the red "no bluetooth dongle plugged in" or the green "bluetooth device connected", etc... I know these descriptions are horribly inadequete, but I know no better way to describe it.

In summary, I know where I think I should replace the icons, however I dont want to start replacing the icons without knowing what I am replacing, which may wind up breaking the visual functionality of bttray.exe.

Has anyone out there actually done this? I figure the customization gurus wouldve tackled this long ago...

That only contains the Bluetooth Neighbourhood icon - the whole widcomm (and possibly the crappy Microsoft stack)are inside the btrez.dll in the system32 folder. This includes the taskbar icons (enabled/disabled) and all the Bluetooth setup dialogues icons. I'm looking at removing the taskbar icons to some full colour ones.
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  • 4 years later...

Hey guys,


I know this is an old topic, but I have the same question and have not been able to find an anwser online.


I cannot locate any 'bttray.exe' and all the Bluetooth dll's I found in System32/SysWow64 are not the correct ones for changing the tray-icon (I replaced all those icons using Resouce Hacker, but no change in the tray).



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