Instant Translator for Google Chrome

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Are you visiting websites that are in a language other than you're native tongue? Well, this little trick will put a bookmark in your bookmark toolbar so when you are in an website thats in another language, you can just simply click this button on the bookmarks toolbar to auto translate the current page.


Add a bookmark to the toolbar and set the 'Name' to 'Auto Translate' and set the URL to:

java script:A14nH=location.href; L3f7=prompt('Choose%20destination%20language%20(2% 20chars%20abbreviation):%20','en'); if(L3f7.length==2) {location=''%20+%20encodeURIComponent(A14nH)+'&sl =auto&tl='+L3f7;}else{alert ('Invalid%20language%20abbreviation.')}

(there should be no space in beween 'java' and 'script' so remove it. The forums keep putting one there after I edit it.)


  1. Now visit
  2. Click the new bookmark we created
  3. When the pop up comes up, enter your language you want it to be translated to. For example "EN" (it should default to english)

Thats it!:)

Edited by djlegion
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