The SP2 Thread - Reloaded

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Hello people.

I'm just wondring if any one is have the same thing happen?

My Internet Explorer media bar is gone and also When I click on movie links they do not open right.  mpegs do but wma files don't

This started after SP2 anyone?


if you find a solution on this, can you please let me know?

I had this problem recently, this solution worked for me. I'd be interested to know if it solves your problem too.

Tools > Internet Options... Security > Internet Zone > Custom Level, scroll down to Open files based on content not file extension and set to enabled.

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hey' date='

if you find a solution on this, can you please let me know? [/quote']

I had this problem recently, this solution worked for me. I'd be interested to know if it solves your problem too.

Tools > Internet Options... Security > Internet Zone > Custom Level, scroll down to Open files based on content not file extension and set to enabled.


thanks very much for the tip, it worked.


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Will Nav 2004 pro ever work in the security center as all it says for me is that navs installed but its status is unknown yet when i look in nav 2004 everything is ok is there a workaround for RC1

if anyone can help that would be great

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Will Nav 2004 pro ever work in the security center as all it says for me is that navs installed but its status is unknown yet when i look in nav 2004 everything is ok is there a workaround for RC1

if anyone can help that would be great

I bet the software companies are gonna have to program in the security center stuff if the want it to work. Not sure though.

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if the public get to download RC2 will i have to remove the critical updates that were for RC1 as well as uninstalling RC1

and is RC2 a first for any ms Service pack ?????

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Hey I have a suggestion for Microsoft (I hope that Microsoft Officials are Reading this). Something very important needs to be accomplished. I would rather not wait for "Longhorn" & this it would be quite a Revolutionary step forward if it is part of the Windows XP "SP2" Release.

Ok Here it is: The Windows (NT 5.x) KERNEL & the "Desktop" & "Explorer" (Whatever version - Windows Explorer & Internet Explorer are pretty much the same thing in the 6.x Version range) - Need to be totally 100% SEPARATE/INDEPENDENT MODULES that run on top of one another. Obviously it will still all come in ONE PACKAGE - Official from Microsoft Corp - but in my Opinion this is currently were the Main Weakness in your "Next Generation" OS products lie. Don't get me wrong - Building a Real Firewall & Pop-Up Blocker into Windows - Further Regulating the "Start-Up" programs & Upgrading "Windows Update" to Automatically Patch Software Security Holes is a GREAT IDEA! But If you really separate "Explorer" from the Core OS Components and perhaps optimize it's Speed/Performance you will Single-handedly silence all of your Critics!!! Apple Hardware & Mac OS X are totally integrated & although that Company def puts out quality products the thing that makes the "PC Realm" so great is that all of the components are interchangeable - as far as "OS's" go its either "Microsoft" or a "Linux" Distro - and personally Linux BORES ME!!!

-Good Luck :p

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Hey I have a suggestion for Microsoft (I hope that Microsoft Officials are Reading this). Something very important needs to be accomplished. I would rather not wait for "Longhorn" & this it would be quite a Revolutionary step forward if it is part of the Windows XP "SP2" Release.
Even if they did, they most likely wouldn't take a suggestion 16 pages into the thread. That's if a SP2 employee were to read this. Which isn't entirely likely.
Ok Here it is: The Windows (NT 5.x) KERNEL & the "Desktop" & "Explorer" (Whatever version - Windows Explorer & Internet Explorer are pretty much the same thing in the 6.x Version range) - Need to be totally 100% SEPARATE/INDEPENDENT MODULES that run on top of one another. Obviously it will still all come in ONE PACKAGE - Official from Microsoft Corp - but in my Opinion this is currently were the Main Weakness in your "Next Generation" OS products lie. Don't get me wrong - Building a Real Firewall & Pop-Up Blocker into Windows - Further Regulating the "Start-Up" programs & Upgrading "Windows Update" to Automatically Patch Software Security Holes is a GREAT IDEA! But If you really separate "Explorer" from the Core OS Components and perhaps optimize it's Speed/Performance you will Single-handedly silence all of your Critics!!! Apple Hardware & Mac OS X are totally integrated & although that Company def puts out quality products the thing that makes the "PC Realm" so great is that all of the components are interchangeable - as far as "OS's" go its either "Microsoft" or a "Linux" Distro - and personally Linux BORES ME!!!

No offense, but that sounds like a terrible idea. If you follow Windows news at all, you should know that that's the complete opposite of what Microsoft's trying to do. Not only that, but separating Windows components isn't as easy as it sounds. That would take years, and Microsoft would likely only do that if required by the government.

If you really want to tell Microsoft, report a bug in SP2 in the "suggestions" category. I don't think anyone will care too much, but you never know. It'll have more of a chance than posting it here. :rolleyes:

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So I guess that all of those BAD THINGS that people say about Micro$oft are really true then huh? What a JOKE!!! Why should we continue to PAY for defective software products? Linux might not be the greatest but at least it exposes the Monopoly that M$ has & what they are doing with it (I have never seen a company perform as many dirty tricks & put out as much Propaganda as Micro$oft. It goes to the very heart of the Relationship between Hardware & Software - which is a Basic Concept that most Freshmen in College today knows about - Does one company - Micro$oft - think that they can "Control" the definition of "Software" - is that why they even deny the very existance of "UNIX" for the last two decades) and keeps the Pressure on them!!! Pathetic - perhaps I should switch to Apple - I don't want to be a "MicroZombie" forever like Micro$oft wants me to be!!! :angry:

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So I guess that all of those BAD THINGS that people say about Micro$oft are really true then huh? What a JOKE!!! Why should we continue to PAY for defective software products? Linux might not be the greatest but at least it exposes the Monopoly that M$ has & what they are doing with it (I have never seen a company perform as many dirty tricks & put out as much Propaganda as Micro$oft. It goes to the very heart of the Relationship between Hardware & Software - which is a Basic Concept that most Freshmen in College today knows about - Does one company - Micro$oft - think that they can "Control" the definition of "Software" - is that why they even deny the very existance of "UNIX" for the last two decades) and keeps the Pressure on them!!! Pathetic - perhaps I should switch to Apple - I don't want to be a "MicroZombie" forever like Micro$oft wants me to be!!! :angry:

I wish people would stop using 'M$'. It's ****ing outdated and annoying...

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MicroZombies: no one's forcing you to pay for something you ***** at all the time. Actually, I'm guessing you're the cheap kind and pirate MS software. Go tell someone who cares and stop complaining.

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This has nothing to do with being cheap and a pirate which some of you seem to think and say quite often. Even though I have the money to spend that doesn't mean I should spend it. I think for home users that windows xp was the first version even worth spending money on. I also think that eventually Microsoft should seperate things for a couple reasons. First of all it would mean changing the kernel and if they did this they would start over and make things right. These security problems and holes are only going to get worse and Microsoft just can't hide from it with patches. Eventually it will become way too much to handle and they will either start charging for windows update or not put out updates when they should because of costs. I think that in the long run they would save money by starting over and have a much more secure core. Nothing is perfect but things can get much better.

They would still make it the same way with the same general UI but have the core redone. I would pay a premium for that if that would mean less patching and less holes to deal with. But if they can't do this without charging 500 bucks than I will go allmac. Also if and when Microsoft may start to charge for updates or not patch updates I will switch because that would tell me its gone too far. I would switch back once they take action and have a better new stable product that is at a good price considering the costs to make it.

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my questions as I am considering installing SP2 tommorow

does myie2 work ok with IE6.5?

does zone alarm work?

does AVG work?

does rage3d tweak still not work?

does windows update automatically not show pre sp2 updates?

does it expire?

can sp2 be slipstreamed onto a slipstreamed sp1 cd?


Edited by Chrysalis
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does it expire?

Yup, but the official release will be out soon.

can sp2 be slipstreamed onto a slipstreamed sp1 cd?

Yup, here's a guide. It's the same as Slipstreaming SP1.

I'd wait for the official release. :)

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remember, this is a BETA SERVICE PACK....

Doesn't that sort of contradict what a service pack is supposed to do???

I've installed it on several machines, and ended up un-installing it off every one of does NOT make anything work better on your machine, so I agreee with Kracal, and say wait until the "official" release...

Even though THAT will probably be buggy too!! :whistle:

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Why should we continue to PAY for defective software products?

Well for one there are alternatives out there for other people to use so if you dislike Windows well then try some of the others. Linux *Many Flavours and free too*, UNIX, Apple, BSD. Second, Windows isn't that bad of an operating system does what it does well, and even if it may have some flaws, no software is perfect.

Yes, the Service Pack Beta expires. Has a 180 Days Limit and AVG and Zone Alarm works. Though I'd still wait till it?s officially released by Microsoft. Lastly, I actually noticed a performance increase on SP2:whistle:e:

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heh you all advising me to wait but I bet you all using it thanks for the answers, normally I would wait but here is the reason why I am going to try it out, tommorow I am getting a new hd and dvd burner so lots of reshuffling of my hardware including moving a hd out, which happens to be the hd XP is installed on. So I figured I will be reinstalling windows and as this is a release candidate I might as well have a go with it, I heard there is going to be another release early may of course which is probably rc2 but if I am backing everything up tommorow for a reinstall it will be easy to upgrade to that for me anyway.

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Thank You SeaClearly!!! First of all I AM NOT a "Cheap Pirate"!! I PAID for the full version of Windows 2000 & the Windows XP PRO Upgrade. I have been using Microsoft Software (as well as alternatives) for a WHILE NOW - I have seen FIRST HAND the kind of Tactics that Microsoft uses - At the core of their Technology they have something that they could really work with and turn "Good" products into really GREAT & OUTSTANDING products. But that is NOT what they do - they try to get their products onto every peice of Hardware in the World while treating thier Users/Customers like a bunch of IDIOTS. They are always adding more "Features" & "FisherPrice" interfaces to their "Operating System" - (which are not asked for) instead of concentrating on more important things like Security - Stability & Performance!!!! These are things that they should have done a long time ago (They did work on "Stability" in the NT Kernel - but they still have a long way to go as far as Security & Performance are concerned). In addition they will take a "Standard" and alter it just so that it is INCOMPATIBLE with the Original and then put it back on the Market again!!! So perhaps now you can see why I am angry! I am always asking myself - is Microsoft a Marketing company or a Technology company? The only thing that is "outdated and annoying" - Kracal - are most Microsoft Products!!! The "Government" tried to do something about it - but they are pathetic & useless - they totally screwed it up as usual!!! So now we have to just Hope that Microsoft gets serious in the future and finally releases an "Operating System" that actually warrents the word "Professional" in the title!!! We can only Hope that it happens but it doesn't look too good at this point!!!

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

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Hahaha....if you don't like something, why use it? If you want something changed, change it yourself. Almost all updates to XP have been security related, so I wouldn't say MS's not concerned about security. And about getting XP onto any and every box - good for them. No wonder they're a successful business. It's not like they're forcing you to use it.

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Well, I agree, that microsoft hasn't been the best when it comes to making trouble free software, but I agree with OSUKid7 on this one;

If you don't like their or anyone else's product, then just dont use it;

never lose sight of 1 very important fact; they are a CORPORATION, and their FIRST responsibility as one is to bring the MOST profit in for their shareholders...It sounds callous, but welcome to the world in the year 2004...

And, do we REALLY need the government involved with how Microsoft does business???

If their stuff wasn't the BEST ON THE MARKET, in each catagory, people would choose other brands..its no different with groceries, clothing, sporting goods, and so on...

I mean, think about it, do more graphics professionals use Microsoft "Picture It", or Adobe Photoshop???

The cream rises to the top, and the crap falls to the bottom!!!

Just like any other company, they make some good products, and some crappy ones, but even they know that if they put out garbage,(microsoft Bob, for example,) people just wont buy it..And, like it or not, their products usually FUNCTION the best within the Windows environment, more so than ANYONE elses...

If you hate their products, their company, and how they do business, my advice is Linux or Mac.....

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I integrated sp2 over a sp1 integrated cd and it doesnt work, during the dos part of the install it fails with ntfs.sys corrupt file, 3 burns 2 different cds, I am going to try to integrate it over a standard RTM XP image.

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