The SP2 Thread - Reloaded

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All to vote MicroZombies off the neowin island?

That might be just a bit extreme, don't you think?

Even though I agree with you 100% OSUKid7, might as well let the dude vent...

In a perfect world, you could do all the things he is ranting about, but, as has been pointed out several times in this thread, MS is a CORPORATION, and VERY SUCCESFUL one at that..Obviously, they do more things right than wrong, or they wouldn't have gotten to where they are now..

Yeah, lots of their stuff annoys me, and when I find software that I like better than theirs, I install it; Winamp, Nero, DiskKeeper, and on an on; those things are ALREADY BUILT into windows, yet I choose to buy/use other software to accomplish those things..

I think its a stroke of genius for them to include versions of all that stuff with Windows; Don't you think eventually Anti Virus and Trojan Protection will be included with Windows, but I bet Norton will still sell all the Antivirus stuff they care to...

I guess it all comes down to choice, as it always does; If you like their stuff, use it.

If not, then try someone else's product...

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No Problem - I won't post anymore - This is getting boring anyway.

Yes I know about money - I WORK HARD FOR IT!!!! I am not a Technical Idiot - I have been in this Industry for a LONG TIME - I don't succumb to "News" or Propaganda coming out of Microsoft too easily. From this point onwards if the "Microsoft Corporation" wants to get their hands on my hard earned money - they better work hard themselves to truly IMPROVE THEIR PRODUCTS & start Listening to their Customers. They have to PROVE to me that their Products & their Technology is worth the price that they are asking for it - That my friend is how Business & the Markets actually work!!!!

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Hello all, I've been following this thread for a couple of days now, in the belief that someone might actually be posting comments regarding SP2. :rolleyes:

Anyway, my advice to MicroZombie is this, go to the Product Feedback page here (aka The Microsoft Wish Program)

and tell Microsoft all your suggestions for future releases. At least that way you will be at least speaking to the right people. In case you don't know about the Product Feedback Program, theres a nice little KnowledgeBase Article which explains it here

How to Contact the Microsoft Wish Program

Can we please get back to discussing SP2 now :cool:

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Sure; discussing SP2....

I have noticed it cuts my web speed about in half, so that is NOT a good thing...

I like the changes to IE, and the fact it upgrades security for those not familiar with how to do it them selves...

But, it has some quirks, and I even though I have installed almost all the different versions over the last 3 months, I end up UNINSTALLING them after a few days, most noteable due to they way they seem to slow down my Net speeds;

Plus, MS java seems to not work properly with the latest (2111) version...

Anyone else seeing any of these issues?


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can i request a hacked uxtheme.dll for 2111 or will i have to wait for the next build that beta testers get?

or could someone just tell me the hex offsets so i could hack it myself?

yea anyone know if there is a hacked uxtheme.dll for 2111?

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The Code LEAKED onto the INTERNET - It Happens all the time - its nobody's fault - just read elsewhere on this web site that the latest build of

Jesus, guy. I would read your post if you didn't put all those bolded words in there. Learn how to write.


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2111 was an unofficial build, so I doubt you will see a hacked dll around, unless you hack your own.

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I heard that 2111 doesnt have any uninstaller

yes it does

just curious did they start that piracy activation thing on this 2120 or 2111?

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Is anyone else haveing probs activating SP2 2120. cause i own a legit copy of XP and it says that i have a invalid cdkey and i called MS to ask wtf is up with that and they said that i have a Illigal version of XP, in which i don't.

All i have to say that this activation **** is bull ****.

**** YOU MS

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Is anyone else haveing probs activating SP2 2120. cause i own a legit copy of XP and it says that i have a invalid cdkey and i called MS to ask wtf is up with that and they said that i have a Illigal version of XP, in which i don't.

All i have to say that this activation **** is bull ****.

**** YOU MS

Try posting in the Beta forums with regard to this problem, I am sure they wil be able to help.

If you are not in the official beta test, then unfortunately you don't have a leg to stand on :(

In the words of robbie neville c'est la vie ...

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How do I unistall Serive Pack 2 (2096)? I can't find how..

It should be listed in Add/Remove Programs

No, it's not there... FFS. I've been searching for 7 hours to uninstall this, can anyone please help?

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Not 100% sure, but try uninstalling all Windows Updates first. I know it's possible to uninstall 2096, so that would be my best guess.

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its simple;

at the top of the "Add Remove" Program in the contol panel, there should be a box that needs to be checked, "Show All Updates"..

If you check that box, than scroll down the list, windows SP2 will be there, in the "W's"....

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For anyone interested Microsoft has just released the Express Installer for SP 2120. Don't ask me where to get it. It is out there.

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How do you install SP2 RC1?

When I run it, it brings up "Install windows"

I can either upgrade or full install. Do I want to "upgrade" if I have xp sp1 on already?

That will only install the sp2 rc1?

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Hey All! The Front Page has been cleaned up, and updated with all the new news, links and rumors, etc!

Please check it out. It may just answer some of your questions.

Leebobs :D

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