The SP2 Thread - Reloaded

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To raid517:

If you now this little about the working of the OS, I don't think messing with beta soft is a good idea.

Just an opinion.

On topic:

It seems I can no longer avoid MS trying to send error messages.

I check the option "don't send", I tried it with several tweaking programs, ... no luck.

Anyone with the same problem?

Haven't had that problem with sp2 so far or anytime for that matter. You could always turn off error reporting in services.

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Looks a lot like the ALT+TAB from the power tools, not?

yeah, that's what I was thining too, but I have power toys installed...didn't notice if it was like that b4 I installed them.

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I just bought a pc4800-e Deluxe and I can not get Sp2 to work with it. First I formatted and installed xp with sp2 slipstreamed. It will install but when it goes to boot into windows for the first time it reboots. When it comes back up it gives me the startup menu, I choose start normally (or safe mode) and it just reboots again.

So then I installed xp with Sp1 slipstreamed. That went fine. Once I got into windows I ran the 212MB sp2 upgrade file and it installed fine, but when I went to reboot it to finalize the settings, again it would not boot into windows.

Does anyone know about an incompatibility between Sp2 and the p4c800-e deluxe? P

Thanks in advance.

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Does anyone know about an incompatibility between Sp2 and the p4c800-e deluxe? P

Thanks in advance.

I haven't had it with my P4P800-Deluxe... Try PM-ing xStainDx he is the Demi-God of ASUS Intel Boards... and Hardware, period!!

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After a few requests I have attached the SP2 Step-by-Step guide for SP2. Note that all Full "Network" install versions of SP2, place this document in the "Doc"'s folder of a Slipstream install.


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I just read the document from leebob and some of the points he makes about uninstalling I suffered :blink:

I had problems with virus scanner, downloadmanager, java, ...

I installed quite a few apps and now everything is running back to normal.

I have just 1 weird problem and that is that error reports are still trying to be send even if it is disabled where I could disable it. :cry: Even checked the register.

When the final SP2 arrives, I think I will opt for a fresh install.

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When the final SP2 arrives, I think I will opt for a fresh install.

So I read the first post and I am wondering when can we expect the final SP2 ?

Rough estimate would be good.


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A question for which they use SP2 beta... I have it installed in my PC that have Internet by cablemodem (i am chilean, i use VTR-Globalcom ISP). The problem is that in this sometimes I can't use any browser (IE or Firewall), the Messenger works to me but I can't use any browser, tries to connect but it throws DNS error or time out error. Soon I prove restarting with another Windows (without SP2) in my PC and works all good.

Some idea? :blush:

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SP2 Thread Update:

As well as all the usual random news item additions to the thread over the past month, the following has changed:

NEWS: discovered a Microsoft press article which let it slip that we will be seeing SP2 in May 2004 (Although this is still unconfirmed and subject to change!)

There should be a refresh build of SP2 out soon (Unofficially This Month - Creamhackered). A number of people have had BETA invites (Outside of the original 500 & MSDN Subscribers) and Paul Thurrott has screenshots of a new build on his latest review...

Which brings me too...


A New section has been added up to the main thread detailing the numerious (Well 3 :blush:) prieviews and reviews of SP2 that are hitting the net!!

I can confirm for those people e-mail & PM-ing me and others @ Neowin; that SP2 BETA1 does contain DirectX9b and WMP9... Whether the final build will is unconfirmed is unknown (Although it is a good indication).

Keep checking back for future updates

Leebobs :D

Edited by leebobs
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Just a couple of quick questions if any one knows the answers and sorry if they've already been asked somewhere already..

In the future if I do a clean install of XP will I need to install SP1 then SP2 or just SP2? And I've read abit about the new Windows Firewall so does this mean theres no point running Sygate Personal Firewall Pro or is it still only a basic firewall coming with SP2?

Thanks to anyone who can answer :)

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In the future if I do a clean install of XP will I need to install SP1 then SP2 or just SP2?

And I've read abit about the new Windows Firewall so does this mean theres no point running Sygate Personal Firewall Pro or is it still only a basic firewall coming with SP2?

The Patches are cumulative, meaning that everything in SP1 is contained in SP2... So no you don't have to install SP1 then SP2.

However, I would recommend Slipstreaming SP2 onto a copy of your Original Install CD (It is perfectly legal) and a guide can be found HERE

The Windows Firewall will be very advanced and customisable, so for most people there will be no Point in running a thrid party firewall. However, many people feel uncomfortable leaving security to Microsoft and as such will disable the Windows Firewall and run a third party device.

It comes down to personal choice.

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Does anyone else have a problem with spoolsv.exe with SP2?

When I run something like Word 2003 spoolsv.exe uses 100%CPU and the memory usage goes up and up and up to about 133MB.

This causes Word to freeze until I kill spoolsv.exe in the task manager.

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