The SP2 Thread - Reloaded

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RC1 seems to have also broke Symantecs LiveUpdate... what the hell? That's weird for it to take out two anti-virus update services... hmm.

Look in tools, in IE and Internet Options. RC1 turns off getting the usual brown box pop up box for downloads it is disabled. Ya know you go to some page and get a certificate for XXX etc. TURN THIS ON or PROMPT and your AV will work again, you might have to reinstall it but that is the problem. It's under the security tab.

Otherwise one cannot download alot. LOL. You know that's the problem if you go for Office 2003 updates.

Second one down Under Misc. on that tab. What drunk thought that one up I dunno.


But it will block downloads. Almost totally.

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Anyone else experiencing extremely frequent crashes after installing SP2?

or am I all alone? :(


not a single crash with sp2, then again my SP1 uptime before going to sp2 was 2 weeks 1 day so its gotta be a system driver related prob for you!

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Anyone else experiencing extremely frequent crashes after installing SP2?

or am I all alone? :(

I thought so little of RC1 and I've been online since 1987 that I restored my computer. I refuse to use it, it is pure trash. Above is the way to get your AV working, but yes it locks up and despite my sig I have cable.

It's just not ready or it would be RELEASED. Trying to get it to work is an AOL trick. They put out a release preview everyone leaps on it and it doesn't work right.

Get the final, prepare for it then we can all talk sense. Using a product that grabs beta upgrades makes no sense.

Report the errors to Bill Gates. When the REAL Longhorn is out you will need a 5ghz machine. Yet people clamour on other boards for just a taste. Gates is worth 46.6 billion dollars. RC1 is junk. It is not ready for prime time and should not be on ANY computer unless one beta tests. Go ahead, remove it and watch your other programs crash.

The cure? A FULL clean restore. I think MS is moving in too many goofy areas at one time. They advocate their av/fw software but the FW doesn't conform to RC1. Who runs that company, Bozo the Clown? That was my first hint. SP2 isn't going to stop bandwidth loss due to morons that never use AV or FWs. This is what I am upset about constant crud from Comcast, the virus people, where Grandpa gets an indictment for spamming, while merely using a TV and modem hook up. Comcast is #1 on my list of the most spammed and pinged from whereever they are and the industry knows it. I digress. SP2 isn't released so don't bother.


Edited by pmcartney
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been using the technical preview for a few days now and i really like it. it's faster (by a bit), the firewall is pretty nice, and the update stuff that's the big 'feature' of it isn't as intrusive as i thought it would be.

but anyhoo. i can't freakin believe they haven't fixed that HORRIBLE taskbar tooltip bug. the one where the tooltips appear below the taskbar instead of over it. how hard could it be? jesus christ. makes me want to go back to windows 2000.

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been using the technical preview for a few days now and i really like it. it's faster (by a bit), the firewall is pretty nice, and the update stuff that's the big 'feature' of it isn't as intrusive as i thought it would be.

but anyhoo. i can't freakin believe they haven't fixed that HORRIBLE taskbar tooltip bug. the one where the tooltips appear below the taskbar instead of over it. how hard could it be? jesus christ. makes me want to go back to windows 2000.

I know what you mean, lol. I think I've seen it in 2K too though.

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bah, sp2 crashed my xp machine...was using the old build...dunno why ms block the possibility to update on top of it so i had to do a remove...(in my mind i knew that was a bad idea but no choice) did it...fuxored my comp to hell tried doing a restore, repair etc...still killed...anyway i wanna reinstall it but :

is it clean to install xpSP1 then install sp2 on top of it

do anyone know if when sp2 final release as RC1 is latest build out normaly, will install on top of IT? cuz in that way i can slipstream sp2 RC1 on my xp and install sp2 final later on :( thx for helping otherwize im gonna install a temp xp and wait for the final stuff then redo a install but thats boring me heh :) im a gamer even if i like a lot beta and im official ms tester i dont like reinstalling my first machine... %)


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there's always some machines sp2 will crash is not sp2's fault otherwise everyone would see the same problm, it is a system specific problem - like i said, ive never had any problems with any beta MS software on my machines, and these are my main machines.

look after them well and they'll do the same back...

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yeah, first time, i really crash an xp machine...usually i manage to get it back :) not this time so :( anyway i just need to know if there will be a way to upgrade to final xp sp2 :)

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Is there a way to get Norton AV 2004 to work in the Security Center under SP2 Build RC1

It was working for me all along. I even had Live Update running last night. It asks you whether you want NAV as the default AV or if you want to select another one.

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According to this thread (2nd page, 2nd post from bottom) at WinBeta, it IS possible to enable concurrent sessions in RC1! I haven't tested it out yet (I've heard that some people have had problems with RC1, and I don't have any "non-production" computers), but they say it works. Here's a couple quotes from the thread (you need to actually go to the thread for the complete instructions and the file):

It was reported here too:

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Hello, i have been using SP2 RC1 for a few days now, but i can't manage to make the bluetooth work.

In control panel, there are no BlueTooth Devices applet. Do i have to enable something to get bluetooth to work?


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Did you look under wireless devices in the task bar tray? When I installed my Wireless PCMCIA card, I had to enable it in the "wireless networks" options. I think Bluetooth would need to be enabled there too.

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i don't have anything related to wireless/bluetooth anywhere (not in control panel, neither in Network Connections, neither the task bar)

the bluetooth device (an MSI USB Dongle) is detected my windows. My only guess is that the current driver may not be compatible with SP2 :-(


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You almost scared me. My Bluetooth Mouse/Keyboard from MS arrived from Newegg today.

Have you tried the MSI forums yet?

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So many broken Av software updates convinced me this SP2 BETA Release 1 is not something you want to use.

If you must go for it but it does not work I reported over 20 bugs in one afternoon.


I DO NOT....REcommend it at all. Get the final and system restore back.

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Hello people.

I'm just wondring if any one is have the same thing happen?

My Internet Explorer media bar is gone and also When I click on movie links they do not open right. :( mpegs do but wma files don't :(

This started after SP2 anyone?

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So many broken Av software updates convinced me this SP2 BETA Release 1 is not something you want to use.

If you must go for it but it does not work I reported over 20 bugs in one afternoon.


I DO NOT....REcommend it at all. Get the final and system restore back.

Trend Micro's software is working fine for me. I've also had no issues with NIS 2k4. All the updates are coming through and installing.

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Hello people.

I'm just wondring if any one is have the same thing happen?

My Internet Explorer media bar is gone and also When I click on movie links they do not open right. :( mpegs do but wma files don't :(

This started after SP2 anyone?

IE Media bar been removed in SP2

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In all fairness ...SP2 RC1 is after all, ONLY a BETA and not the final product...even Microsoft urged that you do NOT install it onto your primary machine....having said all that I have had no problems, everything is fine and all the updates have been coming through via Windows Update site...the only problem I have had was in trying to install the UXTHEME patch for 2096 (SP2 RC1)...and that wasn't a problem, more of a situation where Microsoft was "slapping the back of my legs" for being a naughty boy and trying to install a non-standard file, but after a touch of showing the OS just who is in charge all is well. All in all I find SP2 wonderful, stable and everything it should be....and due credit to Microsoft in that they do seem to be addressing the many and varied security issues inherrant in Windows XP. Thank you to NEOWIN for the directions of where to download it.

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