The SP2 Thread - Reloaded

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About time :D

They'll probably release W2K SP-5 soon as well (I hope) - I've noticed, that new driver updates for W2K usually appear on WU just before a new SP only. And what do ya know - there was an update for my graphics adapter available on August 1. It's just a strange theory of mine, and I haven't slept for 26 hours :x (so much for credability :lol:), but it hasn't failed ... yet :blink: - I better go to bed now :pinch:

SP5 won't be for a while, because SP4 rocks so much, there arn't that many critical post-sp4 hottfixes. I hope Windows Server 2003 SP1 comes first, with the updated features that comes with XP SP2 like Auto Update/WUS Client, NX bit protection, Wireless networking update, Updated Firewall (If the deployment decided not to use Routing and Remote Access instead or that would be overkill for the configuration) all that would be very useful for a server.

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The problem with it going RTM very imminently is that the builds are still continuing to roll...2179 as of the last 24 hours. It seems to me they would have been on the *same* build for at least several days now if they'd settled on a gold release. But as of Friday or so, it was 2177, and so on.

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omg, I tired of checking all the forums and newsgroups for SP2 RTM release. Do you have any news?

I have seven machines to be installed! but the delay is postponing this again and again :(

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As of now, illegal copies of XP will be Unable to use Windows Update correct?

We'll see about that...... ;)

The XP (completely legal) on my laptop updates fine (with the RC2 build) and I can still connect with Windows Update.

My XP on my dekstop (which is not really legal) updates fine and is unable to use Windows Update..... untill I switched the serial key. It all depends on which key you use on an illegal version.

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August 10th? :(

I wish it's released today man! :(

august 10th????

no, august 5th (tomorrow!):

4th August RTM (2180 or 2181)

5th August RTW (release to web) & MSDN Subscribers - Network Install

25th August Windows Update/Automatic Updates release

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August 10th? :(

I wish it's released today man! :(

Don't worry. It will be out this month. Or next month. Definately before 2005. Definately no later than Q3 2005. We're on top of the situtation here at M$. Btw, you don't really need it - there are only 86MB of downloads on WindowsUpdate on a freshly installed XP with SP-1. Just plug in your modem, and when you get back from your christmas holidays, they'll all have installed just fine. Apart from DirectX and WMP 9 of course. You need to download those too, when all the other stuff has been downloaded. And a few hotfixes for theese, then. But that's really all there is to it - you understand why we're not in any hurry to release SP-2, don't you? If you are conserned about security you know as well as we do, that you should stay away from the Internet. Otherwise you are just asking for trouble. Just switch off your modem when you have downloaded all the updates, and you should be perfectly secure. Don't worry - be happy. Wo don't - and we are!


William Gates III

Microsoft Corporation

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bah, the projected release date has been August 5th for several weeks now. People just don't know how to read. Quit blowing things out of proportions. Once it hits RTM, it will leak and slipstreamed version of windows xp will be on IRC within 24 hours.

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I'm gonna swipe a copy of XP SP2 at the MSDN site tomorrow!

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Well I am Running SP-2 Build 2162 - no real problems. I will Install 2180 as soon as I can get my hands on it. To tell the truth there is a lot of hype around SP-2 - I am not too impressed. It is Definitly NOT a total re-write of

WIN XP like I stated in earlier posts - It is basicly a Highly "Network Security" Oriented Service Pack - Microsoft should have gotten to this a LOOOONG Time ago. Oh Well I guess Perpetual "Service Packs/Patches" is the way that it is going down! I am not too Impressed with the new "Windows Firewall" either. I am going to run Zone Alarm on top of it for extra added protection (looks at Router - even more protection - feels SECURE) :D

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It is Definitly NOT a total re-write of

WIN XP like I stated in earlier posts - It is basicly a

You were expecting a complete rewrite of the OS via a Service Pack :blink:

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bah, the projected release date has been August 5th for several weeks now. People just don't know how to read. Quit blowing things out of proportions. Once it hits RTM, it will leak and slipstreamed version of windows xp will be on IRC within 24 hours.

Well, my only "point" - if any :happy: - is, that SP2 should have been released a year ago, and the SP everybody is waiting for now really ought to be SP3. Two years between service packs is quite long. With our 4Gbit downstream at work it takes longer to download and install all the stuff from WU than it took to actually install XP with SP1.

Also I don't remember any service pack for any M$ OS getting this much attention - probably because it is much needed and has been for a long time. Maybe not.

Hasn't the RTM date been pushed a few times by now - or do I just need a new pair of contacts? :D (Might very well be the case btw)

My major consern is however, that the good folks at M$ had so much work to do on this SP that it is delaying all the other SP's - especially w2k sp5 and w2k3 sp1. Currently there are more than 89MB of hotfixes just for w2k3 (not all on WU).

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