The SP2 Thread - Reloaded

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I have one question:

It's true, after installing SP2, the Visual Styling is Changed, I mean, the Windows Bars and The Taskbar is more brilliant, like the MCE 2005 :huh:

Nope,all stays the same.

If anyone has a Packard Bell 1200 plus scanner it will not work after installing sp 2 and no fix is available.I just had to uninstall the damn thing to use the scanner :rolleyes:

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Having done a search with came up with nothing, figured I would post here.

Using SP2's firewall, seems I'm not pingable in a few ping tests (like the line packet testing @ is there a setting I am missing or does it even have to do with the firewall? I checked my router but it is setup correctly, so I think it's just the windows firewall but I don't know what to change.

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the firewall works fine.. you may have to turn the XP firewall off to transfer files. webcam or talk(mic) through messenger.. so no real hinderance..

No hinderence, is there any limit of truth to what other companies say about it i.e that it isnt good! or is it just a quick get rich campaign :p

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What is the Difference betwen Windows Firewall in Service Pack 1, and Windows Service Pack 2 Firewall, apart from it controls and give access if you wish to allow this programe to access the Internet?

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Does SP2 include SP1 or do you need to install SP1 first?

sp2 is, in simplist terms, XP retail plus all the latest security and other XP enhancements/fixes to date with some additional components added in (like the security center and an improved windows firewall). This includes SP1 and all other fixes between SP1 and the release of SP2...

in other words, all you need to have the latest stuff if you do a clean install is your originall XP CD and SP2 on CD.

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sp2 is crap for installing stuff, i can't install CoD UO the installer just quits at the end this happend with doom 3 & farcry, i had to install them on sp1 then upgrade to sp2 now cod uo uses the gay installshield crap it quits at the end just like the other 2 games, why did they have to change to fricken setup engine damn them, i've already spoke to a m$ support guy and he was alot of good...not didn't have a clue asking me to scan for adware & viruses. :angry:

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sp2 is crap for installing stuff, i can't install CoD UO the installer just quits at the end this happend with doom 3 & farcry, i had to install them on sp1 then upgrade to sp2 now cod uo uses the gay installshield crap it quits at the end just like the other 2 games, why did they have to change to fricken setup engine damn them, i've already spoke to a m$ support guy and he was alot of good...not didn't have a clue asking me to scan for adware & viruses. :angry:

Calm down man :huh:

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Calm down man :huh:h:

recently installed sw battlefront & painkiller, atleast they've installed correctly, I had to install the doom 3 patch with the /a switch though...

still waiting for those magic hotfixes to appear on wu.;);)

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Will SP2 empty out my my custom visual styles? Also, will it affect my My Documents folder?

Your visual styles it may well affect it, u prob had the Uxtheme patch and it will no longer wor:):) It will not affect the my Documents Folde:):). Or shud i say it Should no:p:p

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I've enabled multisessions on my Windows XP SP2.

I use it daily, myself via remote desktop and my girlfriend on the pc.

I found out that I could send her messages with the task manager (see picture) which appear on her session as a message box (with an "ok" button) which reminds of net send.

I would enjoy being able tu use this to communicate with her while both on the same machine.

but there's the tricky part :

- net send isn't a good means for my girlfriend to communicate (and net send doesn't seem to work on my pc, I don't know why, will check on that)

- I have admin rights (I can therefore see the multiple users logged on the pc via task manager) but my girlfriend has limited rights and cannot see me (no, I won't give her admin rights ;-) ) hence cannot send me a message via task manager.

I've tried WinMessenger but it doesn't recognize my girlfriend's user name when I want to send her a message.

does anybody have an idea ?

thx :)


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you can have all the effectz posible on windows but the thing is you have to tweak up ur system to put them on

cuse if u use the default settings and put all the effectz on ull fuk up ur system like i did once it waz mad funny i had some extra parts

rite so i desided to do just that 5mh pross ove clocked rite all the effectz and a nimatinz possible ect... i restarted ...

like 3 minz later the whole **** got fried im meen nothing worked that waz the biggest waste of like $200 worth of partz lol :yes: :laugh: :alien:

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you can have all the effectz posible on windows but the thing is you have to tweak up ur system to put them on

cuse if u use the default settings and put all the effectz on ull fuk up ur system like i did once it waz mad funny i had some extra parts

rite so i desided to do just that 5mh pross ove clocked rite all the effectz and a nimatinz possible ect... i restarted ...

like 3 minz later the whole **** got fried im meen nothing worked that waz the biggest waste of like $200 worth of partz lol :yes: :laugh: :alien:

Similar stuff 2 ma new one. its gunna cost me a fortune to completely change it an everything, :no:

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi erm, id to ask some questions. im not sure if it has been answered before because cause there are like 90+ pages in this thread but hell ill just ask anyway with hopes of getting it solved

i installed a pre-released version of service pack 2 which was integrated along with the WinXP o/s. it was build 2096 i believe.

What should i do i if i want to update it to the final version SP2?

i tried downloading the updates through the automatic updates and it sorta messed up my whole com and i had to repair it with the pre-released SP2 integrated CD.

i managed to get the Final SP2 installation CD but when i try and install,

it says that it cannot be installed on top of the current SP2 build i have on my computer.

actually all i wanted to do was to get my directx updated to 9.0c because the current version i have is 9.0b. I tried downloading the direct 9.0c installation but i cannot install it. when i click yes. it just hops to "Components are installed and ready to use" but when i check dxdiag. it is still at 9.0b

can someone please advice on what i should do??

thanks a million !

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do u have ur orignail xp cd without sp2 beta 1 intergreated ??

if so backup up ur data and then reinstall xp gold or a slipsteamed sp1 ver then once ur back install xp sp2 from ms

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