Deadly new flu strain erupts in Mexico, U.S.

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Blame a country for a new strain Swine flu that is already treatable?

the news media will blame them, you can bank on that. and for your info alot of people have died from this already and im not talking about just the elderly.

Yeah but you said half of the population where you live are latinos,

yup and most of them don't even care to try to learn english, it sickens me.

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This is such a non-story. I think the news media just likes to use the phrase "GLOBAL PANDEMIC". Let's look at their track record:



Drug-resistant TB = GLOBAL PANDEMIC!!



Everybody chill out. It's just the flu. Everyone in the US who has contracted it has survived. The reason why Mexico has a death toll is because health care there is ****.

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i agree the media does like to over hype things but we don't know what this thing will turn into. the good thing is in the states may ends the flu season. i once had the asian flu back in the early 90's and i was soo sick compared to the regular flu i thought i was going to die, i even missed a month of school.

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I rather the media over-hype something like this, and people getting ready for it, rather than it spreading all over the place and not have media coverage until it got severe.

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I rather the media over-hype something like this, and people getting ready for it, rather than it spreading all over the place and not have media coverage until it got severe.


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yup and most of them don't even care to try to learn english, it sickens me.

lol hmmm then you do in fact seem to have something against the Latinos in your area at least :) Dude is never going to happen, God forbid things here in the US become so bad you had to immigrate to another country, I highly doubt it you would learn the new country's language at your age, Have you ever even tried to learn a new language, do you know how big the learning curve is? some people can't attain it no matter how hard they try, I tell you by my dad's own experience (I'm Cuban).

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yup and most of them don't even care to try to learn english, it sickens me.

Where I work it's about 5% white, 95% Latinos. 90% of them don't speak good English but about half of them are going to school currently to try and understand the basics. Even my dad who immigrated from Poland 25 years ago still has trouble with a lot of the English language.

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I rather the media over-hype something like this, and people getting ready for it, rather than it spreading all over the place and not have media coverage until it got severe.

+1 For sure. I just wished the media didn't so carried away with stuff like this.

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Uh oh.. Already reached Canada and now New York. I'm sure stories of it will be hitting Ontario soon :|

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Looks like infected grain shipments from Anderhol are to blame for this plague. Let's just hope we don't turn into the undead.

Time for the paladins to hit the flu !


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My mom and step father RARELY wash there hands; wipe their nose with their hands and fix dinner, yep. rub their feet and then use the remote control, yep. eat food off the floor, yep. When I try telling them that the best way to prevent the flu, and it is here in Kansas, is to wash their hands, they use the excuse that the people who have the swine flu here in Kansas recently went to Mexico, all they said is that they'll probably eat out less.

They act like they're living in the Middle Ages. They have no concept of communicable diseases.

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I honestly believe that this is all a exaggeration.

The spanish flu killed 50 million to 100 million people in six months more than AIDS has ever killed so better be careful

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