Deadly new flu strain erupts in Mexico, U.S.

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Like I said before. I find it funny for people to believe a flu virus will just be stopped by washing their hands and covering the mouths. It may slow down the virus but you will still be infected if you are close to it.

#1 cause of death in a hospital. Infection. If a hospital has these problems which they are trained to combat imagine general public.

As our Antibiotic's become more advance the virus's will adapt. Penaclin is a fine example. Your body's must build immunites while you are young! If not you will die from something simple as a common cold when you get older.

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I think the media has been fairly sensible about this, they've mostly just been reporting the facts. Mostly it's morons going round spreading rumours like 'the governemnt did this to distract us from the recession' that are causing any panic.

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The spanish flu killed 50 million to 100 million people in six months more than AIDS has ever killed so better be careful

No one ever remembers these numbers, hell no one remembers the event usually.

The Pandemic before that killed I believe 60% of the European population at the time (something like 75 million people).

Flu has been resposible for many Pandemics throughout history. Just because the media may be overblowing the situation (which it might be at this point) doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken seriously. In our day an age, all it takes is one person on an airplane traveling to a major city and you have a major problem.

And just another fact, the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918, killed more people than the Black Death (Bubonic Plague). Yeah, just the measly little Flu.

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im really worried about this.

If you go round worrying about everything the news says I would probably never leave my house...I will only worry when it hits my family or household or town.

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damn i wish myself and my family got our flu shots this year. not sure if it would of helped or not though?

I don't think so, its a new strain.

No vaccines are available yet, but tamiflu has been said to work as treatment.

Im not too worried about it, as there hasn't been any fatal cases elsewhere in the world.

However what kind of scares me is that maybe it could take a while before it gets fatal:S

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Like I said before. I find it funny for people to believe a flu virus will just be stopped by washing their hands and covering the mouths. It may slow down the virus but you will still be infected if you are close to it.

#1 cause of death in a hospital. Infection. If a hospital has these problems which they are trained to combat imagine general public.

As our Antibiotic's become more advance the virus's will adapt. Penaclin is a fine example. Your body's must build immunites while you are young! If not you will die from something simple as a common cold when you get older.

I find it funny that you think antibiotics (lowercase, no apostrophe) cure the common cold. Viruses don't have to adapt to antibiotics because viruses are not bacteria.

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I find it funny that you think antibiotics (lowercase, no apostrophe) cure the common cold. Viruses don't have to adapt to antibiotics because viruses are not bacteria.

Read again. I never stated that any antibiotic is a cure for the common cold. I'm saying if your body does not build immunities while you are young that you will be more acceptable in the future when you are old. I was projecting this towards the germ freaks.

The MRSA virus, a leading cause of Staph infections, called "Staph Aurous", is a certain type of virus that is capable of mutation and adaptation of antibiotics. The virus is capable of mutating quickly, and is difficult to deal with. MRSA viruses most generally occur in either children, or the elderly. It can cause severe infections that can be life-threatening, so it is always best to understand how the virus works, to help prevent any complications from it.


Sure you can correct me on grammar but your ignorance on the OP subject matter is what is funny.

This might also help you on the subject.

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No one ever remembers these numbers, hell no one remembers the event usually.

The Pandemic before that killed I believe 60% of the European population at the time (something like 75 million people).

Flu has been resposible for many Pandemics throughout history. Just because the media may be overblowing the situation (which it might be at this point) doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken seriously. In our day an age, all it takes is one person on an airplane traveling to a major city and you have a major problem.

And just another fact, the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918, killed more people than the Black Death (Bubonic Plague). Yeah, just the measly little Flu.

But how many people had access to antiviral drugs back in 1918?

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I remember seeing this and thinking, "Good thing I live in NZ, we don't get anything here." And then on the news, there was suspected cases in Auckland. I may be on the other island, but it's still concerning.

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If you go round worrying about everything the news says I would probably never leave my house...I will only worry when it hits my family or household or town.

by then it's too late man, i think we may be in for a real global issue here and soon.

Edited by smooth3006
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