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Windows Media Player is modifying my files somehow


I organize my music by date modified because I like to see the newest songs I've gotten in my music folder at the top. Lately whenever I play a song it modifies it because a day later I'll see that a song that was maybe 10 down the list is now first (saying it was modified yesterday).

In WMP's options, I have everything unchecked so it doesn't download new information for a song or anything like that. What could have changed lately so that it is modifying my files?

12 answers to this question

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Potentially volume normalization data? That's technical data that wasn't stuff to the file, not metadata, so the checkbox doesn't account for that.

If you rescan (F3) the library with the "add volume normalization data" option checked, does it later touch the files again?

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I don't have a music library with WMP but i was thinking that maybe, just maybe you have the files sorted by last accessed time instead of modification date.

If you don't, maybe you have something that is accessing the library or the files besides WMP...

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I organize my music by date modified because I like to see the newest songs I've gotten in my music folder at the top. Lately whenever I play a song it modifies it because a day later I'll see that a song that was maybe 10 down the list is now first (saying it was modified yesterday).

In WMP's options, I have everything unchecked so it doesn't download new information for a song or anything like that. What could have changed lately so that it is modifying my files?

Are you looking at the date modified in explorer? If you want to keep your most recent music at the top of a list, you could sort by "date added" in WMP. The way I would track recently added music in WMP was through auto playlists. Create a simple auto playlist that holds music added in the past however many days sorted by date added or whatever you want.


also, you may be able to sort by date created

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If I do that it will mess with all the files regardless wouldn't it?
Yep. That one time, as far as I'm aware. So you'd be establishing a new baseline for the files.

There's nothing in the player at all that says "never ever touch these files". If you want that, mark them read-only. But I believe normalization is the only change that normally happens during playback, if that value wasn't already set.

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