[REQ] Looking for this wallpaper

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i just spent 20 mins looking couldn't find it, where is the image you posted from? not the wall but the actual image

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Can't work out what they've done to edit the image, there is some very slight differences other than just changing the rotation and cropping it. They've definitely made the colours lighter but there's also more detail in the lines.

Will play around with it tomorrow when I'm not as tired. Thanks again.

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Yeah me neither, especially after all the beers I've consumed today. :rofl: Really it's only because I had seen it in last months Post Your Desktop thread and grabbed it and hadn't burnt it to a disk yet, so I knew what to search for at DA. :p

EDIT: It could be a tweak someone did to it.

EDIT2: I can try and Photoshop it, I'm not a master at PhotoShop but I can try. Any particular size you need/want it in? Is it for a iPhone or just a computer wallpaper?

Edited by CrashGordon
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Here is something close.

The mod is using the first version of the wallpaper I made. I looked at my files but I don't have the first version anymore.


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