WZOR reports Build 7600 RTM ?

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If it bothers you that much, you probably should see a doctor or something. Seriously, it's a non-issue and there's no point in making a stink about it when no one notices it during their daily usage of Windows 7.

Yes, it bothers a lot and you notice it thousands of times on daily usage (everytime you open or close a window). It just ruins the Aero experience, trust me.

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Yes, it bothers a lot and you notice it thousands of times on daily usage (everytime you open or close a window). It just ruins the Aero experience, trust me.

No, you just let it bother you. Works fine for me.

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Perhaps it is you who should actually see a doctor if you can't see it. Something must be wrong with your eyes/brain. If you don't see it or don't care about it doesn't mean it is a non-issue. Maybe just a non issue for you but not to the peoeple who notice this. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean "no one notices itduring their daily useage", there are plenty of posts/threads about this on th internet and I expect there will be many more come GA.

I never said I didn't see it. I just don't notice it. I don't stare at my PC like it's some painting on the wall. I actually use it. So, again, it's a non-issue. Millions of users aren't going to notice a "bug" like this that only takes a fraction of a second to happen. Learn to use your PC instead of staring at it.

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Excellent. It should be true as Bink's a reliable source. I hope it gets confirmed later - I'd like to replace my Vista install this evening :p

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I never said I didn't see it. I just don't notice it. I don't stare at my PC like it's some painting on the wall. I actually use it. So, again, it's a non-issue. Millions of users aren't going to notice a "bug" like this that only takes a fraction of a second to happen. Learn to use your PC instead of staring at it.

Again, it is a non-issue to you but you are not everyone else, so keep your generalisations to yourself. A fraction of a sec every time I open or close a window adds up to many minutes a day. What is it with all these apologists (for microsoft) lately? There is one camp that tells people not to notice this bug, then there is another that says icons are not important because everyone supposedly changes them (by that logic they should just release a bare os with no icons or programs or services and everyone just fills in these gaps). How about you respect youselves a little and expect a product without these flaws.

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Does anyone know if 7600 x64 is as horrible as 7264 x64?

Why is 7264 x64 horrible for you? .. working fine here.

I never said I didn't see it. I just don't notice it. I don't stare at my PC like it's some painting on the wall. I actually use it. So, again, it's a non-issue. Millions of users aren't going to notice a "bug" like this that only takes a fraction of a second to happen. Learn to use your PC instead of staring at it.

Exactly what I was thinking ..

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Again, it is a non-issue to you but you are not everyone else so keep your generalisations to youself. A fraction of a sec every time I open or close a window adds up to many minutes a day. What is it with all those apologists (for microsoft) lately? There is one camp that tells people not to notice this bug, then there is another that says icons are not important because everyone supposedly changes them (by that logic they should just release a bare os with no icons or programs or services and everyone just fills in these gaps). How about you respect youselves a little and expect a product without these flaws.

Jesus Christ. You're one of maybe 3 people who have complained about this. It's a NON-ISSUE. It does not get in the way of productivity. It's not noticeable during normal usage. If it was as big of an issue as you claim it is, MS would have fixed it by now. The other issues you name are cosmetic, nothing more. As much as something like this bothers you, I'm surprised you choose to use Windows at all.

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Jesus Christ. You're one of maybe 3 people who have complained about this. It's a NON-ISSUE. It does not get in the way of productivity. It's not noticeable during normal usage. If it was as big of an issue as you claim it is, MS would have fixed it by now. The other issues you name are cosmetic, nothing more. As much as something like this bothers you, I'm surprised you choose to use Windows at all.

FFS, who are you to generalise for everyone. It certainly is not only annoying to just 3 other people as you claim. It is noticeable during normal usage, in fact the only time it wouldn't be noticeable is if, as you put it, one just stares at the computer and does nothing with it.

P.S. This is my last response to you as you are extremely annoying and do not provide anything constructive in your posts.

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FFS, who are you to generalise for everyone. It certainly is not only annoying to just 3 other people as you claim. It is noticeable during normal usage, in fact the only time it wouldn't be noticeable is if, as put it, just stared at your computer and did nothing with it.

P.S. This is my last response to you as you are extremely annoying and do not provide anything constructive in your posts.

As I said before, if it's as big of an issue as you claim it is, it would have been fixed. But, hey, let's start an online petition to get MS to stop the RTM of Windows 7 because of this showstopper of a bug. :rolleyes:

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About this aero frame skipping 'mistake' i do notice it, and it does annoy me.. and some arent bothered by it.

We are all diffrent, we think diffrent and we notice diffrent things.

As some people are annoyed by it, do notice it each time a window is closed its not so much as 'making' it an issue its just seeing thats its not supposed to be like this, some people are perfectionists and some arent.. why bash eachothers heads in because we look at something in a diffrent way? cmon..

I agree that this does not stand in the way of the OS operating as it should, and in time i will probably get used to it.

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I have several sources now telling me that Windows 7 is indeed RTM!

October 22 is tha launch date and you can buy it on new PC's and in shops.

Epect official aanouncement and availability on MSDN, Technet and Volume Licensesing sites soon.


I think him being in such a rush to bring us this news resulted in him forgetting English spelling rules, as indicated by the parts that have been highlighted in bold.
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I think him being in such a rush to bring us this news resulted in him forgetting English spelling rules, as indicated by the parts that have been highlighted in bold.

maybe his office 2010 beta spellchecker isnt working :D

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I think him being in such a rush to bring us this news resulted in him forgetting English spelling rules, as indicated by the parts that have been highlighted in bold.

If you're going to bother pointing out things like that, might want to make sure you highlight all of the mistakes ;)

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maybe his office 2010 beta spellchecker isnt working :D
I believe you meant to say "spelling checker" and not "spellchecker". Checking spells is a job for Wizard of Oz and Merlin.
If you're going to bother pointing out things like that, might want to make sure you highlight all of the mistakes ;)
Yes, I noticed that there are a few incorrect parts in the last sentence too. I would highlight them, but I'm unable to edit my own post. Those with a good grasp of English spelling and grammar won't need me pointing out the mistakes anyway.
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so is this the real thing or not?

Well we don't know. Unless we get some real big confirmation from someone...I'm guessing we won't know until it is released?

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Why is 7264 x64 horrible for you? .. working fine here.

It was really slow, IE didn't want to load half the time, a lot of my programs crashed upon opening. Maybe it was just a bad iso or something.

Also this may not be the final RTM build, according to MS it's going to be finished in the last 2 weeks of July.


And announced at Computex 2009 in Tapei, Windows 7 will release to manufacturing (RTM) during the last two weeks of July, with general commercial availability on October 22, 2009. So get started and test-drive Windows 7 RC today. Then show your colleagues and customers how Windows 7 can improve management, security, reliability, and performance.
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Alright lads listen up, no one actually knows if this is the RTM build so stop asking if its real or not. I have installed it and the only difference i have noticed is, that there is no watermark on background, i don't know whether that means its RTM or not. Lookwise no difference at all.

I also doodled around with activation and this is what i got.

Don't ask me what i did :shiftyninja:


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