WZOR reports Build 7600 RTM ?

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Alright lads listen up, no one actually knows if this is the RTM build so stop asking if its real or not. I have installed it and the only difference i have noticed is, that there is no watermark on background, i don't know whether that means its RTM or not. Lookwise no difference at all.

I also doodled around with activation and this is what i got.

Don't ask me what i did :shiftyninja:

Shouldn't have ****ed around with it then.

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I also doodled around with activation and this is what i got.

Don't ask me what i did

If you did what I think you did, then of course that would appear :|

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I personally don't believe it's the GM but i could be wrong. I have just noticed that Commodo Firewall Suite Free version is now fully compatiable.

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So you're saying that they compiled it and just shipped it off same day?

I'm pretty sure mate that Microsoft isn't going to say Yes its been leaked, go ahead and download it. :cool:

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of course ms will deny everything just like vista
I'm pretty sure mate that Microsoft isn't going to say Yes its been leaked, go ahead and download it. :cool:

So you're saying they'd rather lie than admit a leak? What if the RTM build ends up being different than the purported RTM build? :huh:

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So you're saying they'd rather lie than admit a leak? What if the RTM build ends up being different than the purported RTM build?

Pretty much. Look at all the confusion it's causing. It's stopping people from downloading it, it's not like have anything to gain from admitting it. :p

But yeah, Businesses won't say a damn thing until they are ready. They will swear until blue in the face they won't do something/it isn't real until the day they decide to.

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So you're saying they'd rather lie than admit a leak? What if the RTM build ends up being different than the purported RTM build? :huh:

Id say yes to they would lie than admit a leak. A leak shows they are not as secure as they like. If a new build comes, so be it, it doesnt mean this wasnt ment to be the original build.

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im not saying its final but what if it is, it didnt stop all of neowin getting the previous builds did it, they were not final, i really dont care what people do lol, get it or not get it

simple, i know for a fact ms denies alot of things especially inside employees because it would be breaching they're contract.

just wait till end of the week or another or another till rumours die and facts start coming out and you'll all know the answer to close this thread :)

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I still say RTM final build will be 7700, or (stupidly) 7777, based purely on bumped build numbers towards the major final releases of both 7 and Vista.

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yes, I just found that to enable the new theme you should edit the regedit. cool! :)

Thanks for sharing.

The new theme is awesome!

pics or it didn't happen

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pics or it didn't happen

Unfortunately hacking the registry to enable the new theme also disables the ability to take screenshots from the desktop :D

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Huh? you never used Windows before? cause if you had, you'd know the icons\UI have never been finished since what, Win95?! :laugh:

Yeah, you try to tell them how close 7 is to Vista and they'll bite your head off....they just can't accept Vista was a good OS and that they've been had by the media, their loss.

Vista was a good OS only after SP1 and mass driver development, and once everyone, including my self accepted the fact that it needed faster hardware to run as fast as XP, unless you already had a Core2 based setup with a decent video accelerator. Now with Vista SP3 or Vista 2nd Edition or Windows 7 or what ever you want to call it, things have been refined.

Although I still think the new taskbar interface is a kind of a stupid gimick. It looks cool and is a nice and minimalistic, but it hides too much useful information from you. I find having the uncombined and named task bars faster for clicking on what window I want, rather then having to hover and select a preview window if things are combined. Anyway thats my stupid little rant.

It's not so bad.

In the end, I'm looking forward to 7 like most people are.

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In 1998, where it's still appropriate to use.

Get off your high horse. I have no need for x64 with 2GB of memory and will be using x86 on a couple of PC'S with 1gb memory. When ALL my programs and drivers come in native 64-bit and have more than 3gb of memory I'll use 64-bit. Untill then x86 is great and is what MOST people will be using!

PS. Still no news on the x86 version?

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yes, I just found that to enable the new theme you should edit the regedit. cool! :)

Thanks for sharing.

The new theme is awesome!

Which registry entry do you edit?

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