WZOR reports Build 7600 RTM ?

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Which registry entry do you edit?

Haha, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->Software->Microsoft->Windows->Current Version and create a DWORD called AeroDiamondUltimate and set it to value 1.

Then restart your computer and create a new username called "IveBeenPwned" and use the picture of the butterfly. Restart again and log in to your new user.

Enjoy :)

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Haha, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->Software->Microsoft->Windows->Current Version and create a DWORD called AeroDiamondUltimate and set it to value 1.

Then restart your computer and create a new username called "IveBeenPwned" and use the picture of the butterfly. Restart again and log in to your new user.

Enjoy :)


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Still waiting for the actual final release. Link

Is this Pre-RTM any good so far?

I don't see problems with it, probably wont even bother uninstalling it if MS decided to recompile 7600 build.

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Source of 7600.16384 leak has mentioned that 7600.16385.win7_rtm.090713-1255 has been built.

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Microsoft nor their blog are going to confirm its been leaked, they will flat out deny it up till the minute Balmer or whoever makes the announcement. Confirming it just steals their thunder and makes them look bad. Im not suggesting this is a fake or it isnt, just suggesting a business pov. The blog says it will be released 2nd half of July....that could mean the afternoon of July 15th :p

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Microsoft nor their blog are going to confirm its been leaked, they will flat out deny it up till the minute Balmer or whoever makes the announcement. Confirming it just steals their thunder and makes them look bad. Im not suggesting this is a fake or it isnt, just suggesting a business pov. The blog says it will be released 2nd half of July....that could mean the afternoon of July 15th :p

It's funny watching people change their stories even when they're being told straight from the horses mouth to wait, like a little child screaming "LALALALALALALALA NOT LISTENING" while you try to tell them something. :whistle:

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It bothers me enough to not be able to have a windows 7 installation for longer than a few days and reverting back to vista.


Again, it is a non-issue to you but you are not everyone else, so keep your generalisations to yourself. A fraction of a sec every time I open or close a window adds up to many minutes a day. What is it with all these apologists (for microsoft) lately? There is one camp that tells people not to notice this bug, then there is another that says icons are not important because everyone supposedly changes them (by that logic they should just release a bare os with no icons or programs or services and everyone just fills in these gaps). How about you respect youselves a little and expect a product without these flaws.

I'd like to see you develop an OS and get everything within it 100% perfect.

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I'll say the same thing I've been saying for 30 years with respect to computers and operating systems to anyone that bashes any of them:

The day you can do better, do it, and I'll be first in line to buy it, and I'll have $10,000 cash in my hand.

Until then, put up or STFU about it.

It's really that simple.

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I love how Microsoft totally missed the point of my post on their RTM questions post. And then they typo'd my name :(

My post just to get microsoft's input:

Will we see any new icons or sounds before RTM is finished? I know Vista had them added at the last minute but now it seems a little late, which is disappointing because the logon sound is identical to vista's, and the new icons don't match any of the old icons.

Hi Jimmy442,

We just posted a great article on themes and making Windows 7 a true global market release: http://blogs.msdn.com/e7/archive/2009/07/0...bal-market.aspx . We also have a post about personalization here: http://blogs.msdn.com/e7/archive/2009/05/0...ersonality.aspx

We'll have a host of themes inbox and more importantly a great model for people to create themes. Check out this URL for additional information and themes you can download: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows...ads/personalize





One more link for you on Themes: http://blogs.msdn.com/e7/archive/2009/06/0...-windows-7.aspx




Themes != icons.

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I'd like to see you develop an OS and get everything within it 100% perfect.

Well, Vista is smooth, so you would think they could do the same to 7.

And I also reverted back to Vista just because of this.

It is quite visible on my pc, and even menus have a short "black" flicker when opened.

It feels like I am running 7 on an old pc..and that is not a good feeling when I have just recently bought a new rig.

Hence my move back to Vista that runs smooth as silk.

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I really don't get this obsession with icons .. and I don't see this other problem either .. oh well ..

I don't get the whole icon thing either and in the couple 7 builds I've tried I've never seen the issue with Aero people are talking about.

Maybe the people in here with that issue should see if their systems have anything in common that might be causing it.

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Actually, I have talked to other with the same problem (aero stutter)@guru3D.com, and all with the problem have high-end rigs(quad-cores, nvidia 250 or higher)..so it almost seems like 7 aint optimized for good comps.

Sounds wierd, but who knows.

Maybe they have been focusing too much on lower-end comps lol.

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It's funny watching people change their stories even when they're being told straight from the horses mouth to wait, like a little child screaming "LALALALALALALALA NOT LISTENING" while you try to tell them something. :whistle:

who put you in charge? i'll install whichever builds i want, thanks. I dont care if its final or not, it's a damn site more final than previous builds. I'm glad you feel you've achieved something.

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