23 Quadrillion Dollar Bill

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DALLAS -- A north Texas man ended up with a charge on his Visa bill that's more than 2000 times the U.S. National debt.

"I have never seen a number that big before, let alone with a dollar sign beside it," says card holder Jon Seale.

"it's 23 quadrillion, 148 trillion, 855 billion, 308 million, 184 thousand and 5 hundred dollars."

According to Seale's online credit card statement, that's the amount he spent July 13th at a Dallas restaurant.

Trying to clear his credit, this husband and father of five spent the day making calls to Wachovia and Visa.

Seale got a laugh when an on-hold recording chirped "If you are calling about incorrect balance we are working diligently to resolve the issue."

And what was behind this multi-quadrillion dollar bill?

A temporary programming error affecting a small number of Visa prepaid accounts, according to a spokesperson for the credit card company.



Edited by Jonathan Nelson
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watch - this guy will probably run into "issues" trying to get this cleared up - because of dumb procedures, idiotic people working there, and companies like Visa, and Experian that dont care about anything

He'll probably get stuck with having pay the "minimum balance" @ 18% APR

MANCHESTER, N.H. ? A smoker in New Hampshire was charged 23 quadrillion for a pack of smokes after he swiped his debit card at a local gas station.

Josh Muszynski says when he got home and checked his account online he realized he was charged a stunning $23,148,855,308,184,500 (twenty-three quadrillion, one hundred forty-eight trillion, eight hundred fifty-five billion, three hundred eight million, one hundred eighty-four thousand, five hundred dollars).

Muszynski who downsized to an apartment to save for a house told WMUR-TV he thought his debit card had been compromised or someone had purchased Europe. The amount of money he was charged for a pack of cigarettes rivals that of the national debt.

Muszynski went back to the gas station where he had purchased the cigarettes and the cashier could not explain or help him resolve his quadrillion dollar conundrum. Josh then called Bank of America and after spending two hours on the phone explaining his situation to a bank representative, the bank finally corrected the problem and reversed the $15.00 overdraft charge the next day. Neither Bank of America nor Visa could explain why Muszynski was over charged for his habit.

I would assume this is the same issue affecting our friend in Texa:D:D

Josh Muszynski, 22, of Manchester, New Hampshire, was one Visa customer aghast to find the 17-digit charge on his bill. Adding insult to injury, he had also been hit with a $15 overdraft fee.

He noticed that his debt exceeded the world GDP while making a routine balance inquiry on his online Bank of America account. According to his statement, he had spent the profound sum in one pop at a nearby Mobil gas station -- his regular stop for Camel cigarettes.

"Very, very panicked," he jumped in his car and sped to the station.

Had they perhaps noticed any "outrageous" charges come across their books recently, he inquired of the cashier there. She checked the records. They had not.

Muszynski wondered aloud what he might possibly have asked to purchase for such an astronomical price. "Can I buy Europe on pump 4?"

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Man, I couldn't stop laughing. Now all of a sudden the overdraft fee doesn't seem as big as it used to.

I thought it said: "Glitch hits Vista users with more than $23 quadrillion charge"

I was like, oh what now, how can people complain more about Microsoft! Then I had to read it again, and realised it said Visa! Yea, i'm stupid.

No, I thought the same exact thing. I had to double take.

I thought it said: "Glitch hits Vista users with more than $23 quadrillion charge"

I was like, oh what now, how can people complain more about Microsoft! Then I had to read it again, and realised it said Visa! Yea, i'm stupid.

Your not the only one, I came in here thinking it was the same thing! had to read it again to realize it was Visa not Vista :laugh:

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