[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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Is it me or does it seem like Locke is the only one facing backwards?

Yeah, that's interesting. Probably because it's not the 'real' Locke.

That?s not the only interesting thing about the poster, though. Every one of the characters are facing forward, except for John Locke (a.k.a. the Man in Black, etc.), whose back is turned. Yikes, what does that mean? Vent your theories in the comments section below.

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Some dude at DarkUFO did an annotation of sorts,


Apparently there's still debating whether it's Libby or Penny.

The cast list was confirmed a page or so back when I posted it...Dark said he got that from ABC who was on the poster

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The cast list was confirmed a page or so back when I posted it...Dark said he got that from ABC who was on the poster

Yeah dude, I wasn't trying to steal your thunder or anything. I just posted that because Dark recently updated that post:

Update: 28th July 22:00 It appears that my source may have confused Penny/Libby we're trying to find out who it actually is. My source works in the graphics dept and does know lost that well and may have confused the characters.


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If that's Jin he must have gotten a hug tan or something.

Some of the characters in that poster are more like shadows. At the far right you can clearly tell it's Bernard even though he looks like a shadow.

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Anyone wanna try and write out all the characters in that picture? I can only make some of the more obvious ones.


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Well, you're the "thread starter", so go for it :D

haha yeah but I will wait I mean someone will say "who's fariday" :p

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Thanks Rappy! This season is going to be amazing.

Amazingly sad. For the last six years we've followed these characters and come June 2010, they're all gone :cry: Sure this show has had its lows, but I still love this show and the wonderful story that Lindelof and Cuse have given us.

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I can remember back to when they were all newbies to the island, knowing where they were, how they got there or why no one came to save them. Now their all grown up. :( I'll miss Lost :( I hope Lindelof and Cuse do something else amazing.

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Interesting interview (sorry if it's been posted elsewhere),

Elizabeth Mitchell Talks V, Her Return to Lost and Sawyer's Happiness

Instead of bouncing around the space-time continuum and nestling up to the very hot and steamy Josh Holloway, this fall, Elizabeth Mitchell is fighting reptilian aliens on the remake of the '80s miniseries V.

However, that doesn't mean Juliet doesn't make at least an appearance in the sixth and final season of the ABC hit series Lost. In fact, she hopes Juliet finds happiness in the end, but that happiness may not necessarily be with Sawyer. Ruh-roh.

Read on for our exclusive one-on-one with Elizabeth, where she dishes about her new show V and possible appearances on Lost..


Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse did announce that Juliet would be returning this season on Lost. When are we going to see you?

Pretty immediately, and then I'm not sure after that, but I think that it will be satisfactory.

Based on the faux commercials they showed at Comic-Con, it seems that things have been reset. Is Juliet going to have a happy life now?

That would be so amazing. It really would, and I think we've all expressed a desire for that, but you know [Damon and Carlton], they're devious. They're devious little genius little guys, so my feeling is that I don't know, but I'm willing to go along for the ride to find out. I would hope after everything that they put her through that she does have a happy life, but it doesn't always work that way.

Does that mean a happy life with Sawyer?

She was pretty happy, huh? That was awesome.

Do you want to see her with Sawyer?

I don't know. I didn't at all, and now I've watched the episodes [from last season], and I've watched him, and he just captivated me. He was so happy, so in some ways I feel, like, "Good for him!" when she's around.

Are you going to be in many episodes, or is V going to affect that possibility?

V doesn't affect it all. Lost is done. They're set in what they're doing. The success or failure of V doesn't in anyway influence Lost. They've had this last season planned for a really long time, so I think that it will be whatever it is. I'm not sure exactly what that is, but I know that it will be enough that they mention me.

Will it be enough for you if Lost only mentions Juliet in passing, or do you want to see Elizabeth back for more? Hit the comments!

Read the rest on E!

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