[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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Who's that cutie in your sig/svatar?

OT but yeah Hayley Williams from Paramore


One of these things is going to happen early in the final season: Sayid kills Jack, or Sayid dies. (I'm guessing it's Sayid dies, but only in one of the two timelines, meaning we still get alternate-universe Sayid.) [E! Online]

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OT but yeah Hayley Williams from Paramore


One of these things is going to happen early in the final season: Sayid kills Jack, or Sayid dies. (I'm guessing it's Sayid dies, but only in one of the two timelines, meaning we still get alternate-universe Sayid.) [E! Online]

I think he dies then gets healed by the Temple! Should be a good episode!]

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Our 12 Days of Lost-mas--in which we give you scoop on the upcoming and final season of Lost?continues with a goodie today on a fan favorite many of you fear may be largely MIA when the series returns Feb. 2:

Desmond, a.k.a. Henry Ian Cusick.

Assuming the rumors are true that Lost's sixth season will center around that fateful Oceanic Flight 815, which Desmond was not on, does that mean we won't see Des?

Here's what I can tell you...

1. According to sources, we will see Desmond again.

2. Fairly early on in the season.

3. His first appearance will be with one one of the Losties and the scene/encounter is very surprising.

4. You guys are going to love it! (Honestly)

That's all I can spill for now, 'cause I'm told this is one surprise you won't want to be spoiled for...

Source: E! Online

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Update: 11:25 Thanks to LostBeth for the summary.

- There was a lot of filming @ Police beach, were some guy (Blake) didn't see much because they did a good job at keeping people away but he definitely spotted;

Locke, Sun, Jack, Hurley, Ben, Miles, Frank, Illana, Alpart and Widmore. Coming and going at different times and it was hard to say if they were all together.

And on his last day Blake saw them putting up these portable Sonic Fences on the beach. And that there are pictures of Locke in front/behind those fences.

- Location shoots by Darren @ the golf club in the Kitchen.

And he saw a giant butcher knife.

And on set he saw Sun, Jin (Who was looking very beat-up and had a bloody wound over his left eyebrow), Sayid, Keamy (Who got a gun shot wood in his side), Omar (Gun shot wound in his stomach) and Mihail (who looked young and had both of his eyes and learned Korean).

Scene goes:

Mihail, with both eyes, holds Sun hostage and spooks her in a dark kitchen.

He comes around the corner and Keamy is lying on the ground, already shot.

Mihail goes to check on him and as he does that Jin comes in and Jin is fighting with Mihail ==> Yin pulls Mihail around, gets his gun and shoots, and the third shot hits Mihail in the eye! (Some think its the knife but Darren is pretty sure it was the gun.) and Mihail falls on the ground.

- Larry Joshua is a new (guest) actor on LOST (they got that from a call sheet) and he'll be in the Sun & Jin episode.

- Sun & Jin were shooting at the Sydney Airport and at a Korean Bank (but all in Hawaii filmed of course) and that's probably were Larry comes in.

- There will be some street driving coming up. And a car will drive off of a pier!

- The scientists are chasing Sawyer to the beach

- A new camp we hadn't seen before build with airplane stuff and Darren said that will be Claire's camp, and we'll see where she has been and here time is described as "wild"

holy crap at mikhail!

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Update: 17;00 As we've already posted a while ago, the answers to Kristin's "spoilers" are 1) Sayid and 2) Charlie

We already know John Locke (Terry O'Quinn) is dead?and we are ?ber-****ed at Ben Linus (Michael Emerson) for doing the deed?but could another Lostie be joining Locke very soon in the myserious island show's ever-growing body count?

When Lost returns Feb. 2 to ABC, there are more than a few stomach-churning surprises in store, and our latest dish (as part of the 12 Days of Lost-mas) involves the life-or-death fates of two Losties we love.

Word of warning: This is the final season. So anyone can be killed off.

Read on for the dish...

According to my spies, the following statements are both true:

One Lostie we've known for a long time (a dark, handsome and mysterious someone) will die within the first four hours in the first shocking death of the year.

Another Lostie we've known and loved since day one of season one will come thisclose to dying?at his own hands?but the good doctor (Matthew Fox's Jack Shephard) will save him.

Who will die? Who will nearly take his own life?

Source: E!Online

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^^ Great snippets there!

Added the UHQ Character Promos to the first page!

Great add (Y) :D

Various Snippets for Lost Season 6

- A large part of the Season 6 Premiere LA X Part 1 will be on Flight 815

- We will see Desmond on this Flight

- The Statue will be "seen" from the plane

- Jack bumps into Kate on the Plane

- Jack saves Charlie again

- Kate beats up the Marshall

- We see Juliet die but not before a final kiss

- We See Jacob appear to Hurley

- Sawyer and Jack fight again

- The Premiere is pretty ****ing crazy!

Source: DarkUFO

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^^ Great snippets there!

Great add (Y) :D

Various Snippets for Lost Season 6

- A large part of the Season 6 Premiere LA X Part 1 will be on Flight 815

- We will see Desmond on this Flight

- The Statue will be "seen" from the plane

- Jack bumps into Kate on the Plane

- Jack saves Charlie again

- Kate beats up the Marshall

- We see Juliet die but not before a final kiss

- We See Jacob appear to Hurley

- Sawyer and Jack fight again

- The Premiere is pretty ****ing crazy!

Source: DarkUFO

Great Rundown There! :D

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don't worry the footage will no doubt be put on youtube by some clever geek! :p

Thank god for geeks! Yay!!!!!!!1 :p

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don't worry the footage will no doubt be put on youtube by some clever geek! :p

Who cares about the footage, I want the bottle.

Seeing six minutes without the rest of the episode would do nothing except **** me off.

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Who cares about the footage, I want the bottle.

Seeing six minutes without the rest of the episode would do nothing except **** me off.

:laugh: I'm right there with ya

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I don't know I am a sucker for sneak peeks soooo but I would rather it be a quick 15 second promo that flashes quickly with some scenes.

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Here is the latest from Kristin at E! Online. Today's tidbit is about Illana and her crew from Ajira 316.

Who are they? Why are they on the island? And what is their mission?

Here's what I can tell you...

One of the following things is true regarding Ilana and her Ajira posse:

1. They were sent by Charles Widmore to kill Ben.

2. They were sent by the Man in Black (Jacob's nemesis) to find the island's time travel mechanism and destroy it.

3. They were sent to protect Jacob.

4. They were sent to revive John Locke.

5. Ilana is future Sayid in drag.

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Here is the latest from Kristin at E! Online. Today's tidbit is about Illana and her crew from Ajira 316.

Who are they? Why are they on the island? And what is their mission?

Here's what I can tell you...

One of the following things is true regarding Ilana and her Ajira posse:

1. They were sent by Charles Widmore to kill Ben.

2. They were sent by the Man in Black (Jacob's nemesis) to find the island's time travel mechanism and destroy it.

3. They were sent to protect Jacob.

4. They were sent to revive John Locke.

5. Ilana is future Sayid in drag.

Haha, gotta love number 5. I think it's 3

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According to insiders, Miles (Ken Leung)?who, remember, gets messages from the dead and not full-on visions/visits ? la Hurley (Jorge Garcia)?may carry a message from a dead character on Lost in the upcoming season.

So who is it?

I can't say who?sorry, too spoilery?but I can tell you that this dead person's message is important.

Source: E!Online

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