[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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Maybe I'm missing something, but the first four pictures don't have Sayid looking to his right, only that fifth one does... :unsure:

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Maybe I'm missing something, but the first four pictures don't have Sayid looking to his right, only that fifth one does... :unsure:

we believe as a collective :p that the picture tonylock posted has had Sayid moved round using photoshop only the 2 I posted with the ABC watermark on them are real

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"Within the first 4 episodes, Sawyer who has gone a bit "dark" meets up with MIB/Smokey and he is given 3 choices

- Go to the Temple with the Others

- Stay and wait with his friends

- Join him and help Smokey/MIB get off the Island

Sawyer chooses to join sides with Smokey"


I've just received some info from my source that Episode 6.11 - will be Desmond centric and that we will see Room 23 and Widmore again. I can also confirm that Episode 6.10 will be Jin/Sun Centric.

Read more: http://spoilerslost.blogspot.com/#ixzz0bqNX06Kz

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Man.. I just started watching Lost. I don't know why I havnt before. I'm in season 3 now and I've been watching episode after episode none stop. I loved season 2 so far. Really liking season 3.

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Producers: 'Lost sequel a possibility'

The executive producers of Lost have hinted that season six may not mark the end of the franchise.

Damon Lindelof told The Hollywood Reporter that while the "definitive edition" ends in May, he believes that a sequel could happen at some point in the future.

"The definitive edition of Lost ends this May on ABC, and that is the story that we have to tell," he said. "It has a beginning, middle and end.

"That ending will not have cliffhangers, or be set up in such a way that people will be saying, 'Clearly they're going to make more of these'. We don't have any connection to another TV series or movie, but there's a new A-Team movie coming out, for God's sake."

Carlton Cuse added: "The Walt Disney Co. owns Lost. It's a franchise that's conservatively worth billions of dollars. It's hard to imagine Lost will rest on the shelves and nothing will ever be made with Lost.

"Eventually somebody will make something under the moniker of Lost - whether we do it or not. We just made a commitment to this group of characters whose stories are coming to a conclusion this May."

Lost returns for its sixth and final season Tuesday, February 2 on ABC.

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At least if they don't answer everything they can in Lost 2: The Return and then in Lost 3: Jurassic Park :p

Don't you remember Zombie Season :p

Lost 2: Zombie Outbreak

Lost 3: Zombies Return


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Don't you remember Zombie Season :p

Lost 2: Zombie Outbreak

Lost 3: Zombies Return


haha oh yeah! the season where the dead walk!

Lost 4: Jason vs Freddy vs Locke vs Jacob vs Chucky vs Jigsaw vs Smokey vs Alpert vs Sawyer vs Jack vs Aaron

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White House Could Derail 'Lost' Premiere Plans

ABC insiders may soon want to tell President Obama to get "Lost."

The White House is finalizing plans for this year's State of the Union address and is said to be mulling two dates for the speech, according to a person familiar with the matter: Jan. 26 and Feb. 2.

So what's wrong with that? Well, Jan. 26 would mean an interruption of "American Idol" -- though Fox likely planned for that (or would simply tell the White House to take a hike, as it has before).

But Feb. 2? Other than the fact that it's a holiday (Groundhog's Day/TV MoJoe's birthday), that's the date ABC months ago staked out for the premiere of the final season of "Lost."

Yeah, right. We know.

The White House has already royally peeved the broadcast networks by scheduling so many primetime news conferences and speeches during President Obama's first year in office.

But forcing ABC to move "Lost"? Such a move could make the Tea Party protesters look lie flies.

It could make the wrath of Rush and Drudge look pathetic.

Plus, it would be really bad Dharma. (Sorry, couldn't resist).

The good news, according to sources, is that the White House hasn't decided to press the button on the Feb. 2 idea. No doubt ABC has made its displeasure with the date very clear.

After all, it's not like the network hasn't been airing promos for the Feb. 2 date every three seconds since November.

"Lost" fans may already be mobilizing to halt this madness. Particularly since logic would suggest ABC would be forced to move back the "Lost" premiere until Feb. 9 -- forcing fans to wait another week for answers.

One Twitter fan (and apparent "Lost" lover) has already started a hashtag urging #NoStateofUnionFeb2.

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Don't we already know the state of the union: it sucks. Now go away Mr. President Dunderhead :rolleyes:

Let us have our Lost Feb 2 (Y)

Technically speaking, ABC doesn't have to air the State of the Union Address. Of course they will because ABC has their head so far up Obama's ass they know what he's had for lunch before his stomach does, but still, they don't have to.

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^^ Glad that won't happen!

Interesting few days for spoilers...

"Within the first 4 episodes, Sawyer who has gone a bit "dark" meets up with MIB/Smokey and he is given 3 choices

- Go to the Temple with the Others

- Stay and wait with his friends

- Join him and help Smokey/MIB get off the Island

Sawyer chooses to join sides with Smokey

Episode 11 = Desmond Centric

Episode 10 = Sun and Jin Centric


- From the recent Kristen spoiler the "Am I alive?" statement is made by Charlie after Jack saves him

- Boone and Locke talk again in the Premiere

- Sawyer is back to his best conman ways in the Premiere

- Arzt and Hurley talk about Mr.Clucks

- Jin has money "issues"

- Christians Coffin never made it onto the plane

- Kate steals something from Jack

- Locke and Jack speak about Locke's knives

Credit to DarkUFO

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Don't we already know the state of the union: it sucks. Now go away Mr. President Dunderhead :rolleyes:

Let us have our Lost Feb 2 (Y)

Technically speaking, ABC doesn't have to air the State of the Union Address. Of course they will because ABC has their head so far up Obama's ass they know what he's had for lunch before his stomach does, but still, they don't have to.

Yeah I bet they do choose Feb 2nd as well just to be annoying!

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Video was posted here. It's crazy how they're able to get a good bit of stuff crammed in that short time.

Yeah, I wonder if they will do a complete video. "Lost explained in 10 minutes" :laugh:

Greg Grunberg (Pilot) back on Lost

Which of these Characters Experiences Room 23?

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