[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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I meant the actor that plays him. There was some spiel about how he didn't want to come back a while ago.

Yes, apparently. He thought it was unfair to bring Michael back for a number of episodes of Season 4 only to be killed off at the end. But looks like that was just a rumour...

Hopefully Walt might make an appearance...so many questions surrounding him..

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8:59AM: T-Minus one minute and counting to the last ever LOST panel at a Television Critics Association Press Tour. Well, that is until the inevitable spin-off, re-boot, re-imagination dreamed up by some desperate ABC executive five seasons from now.

9:04AM: Since I?ve just been informed that ?we?re going to get started in just a couple of minutes,? I?ll kill a few of my own by letting you know that expected to be in attendance are Emilie de Ravin (Claire), Daniel Dae Kim (Jin), Josh Holloway (Sawyer), Evangeline Lilly (Kate), Damon Lindelof (Co-Creator/Executive Producer), Carlton Cuse (Executive Producer), Terry O?Quinn (Locke), Michael Ermerson (Ben), and Jorge Gargeia (Hurley). Most of whom will just sit on stage and look pretty as 99.9% of the questions get directed to LOSTerminds (Yup, still determined to make that name happen!) Lindelof and Cuse.

9:07AM: Evangeline Lilly promises that she?s going to cry like a baby when the show ends. Jorge Garcia says that shooting has been very nostalgic, like, ?Woah! I haven?t been here since season three.? While Linedlof jokes, ?I can?t believe they?re actually going to let us get away with this.?

9:14AM: Carlton Cuse promises that they?ve known the final image of the show since when they first plotted out the first season. Being sure to add that they?ve been adding elements, the end is not yet written and much of the character stuff has yet to be fully worked out.

9:17AM: ?They [ABC] have not pressured us at all.? said Carlton Cuse with regards to a spin-off. Translation: Don?t hold your breathe for SAWYER!


9:18AM: Obligatory trek down memory lane. ?Sangria Thursdays,? jokes Evangeline Lilly. And on a more serious note, ?I?ll never forget watching the episode where Claire gave birth and Boone died. It sort of culminated everything the show represents in these two very heroic moments. I don?t often cry watching the show because I know the script and have filmed everything. But I remember thinking this is something I?m proud to be a part of.?

9:25AM: Lindelof remembers moments in the form of walking across the bridge on the Disney lot from the writer?s room to the executive suite. Where each June himself and Cuse pitch the following season to the ABC execs. The hatch!? Time Travel!? Credits ABC President Steve Macpherson for allowing them to stick to their vision. Cuse talks about collaboration and how the orchestra once spontaneously broke out into applause while playing the music for a season one scene. Michael Emerson says, ?I have lots of fond memories of breathless confrontations in small rooms.? While Garcia adds, ?Running away from an exploding plane wing is always something that?s going to be emblazed in my head.?


9:26AM: ?The premiere is definitely like ?What? Wait. Let me read that again,?? says Jorge Garcia. And, after Emilie de Ravin says she had to re-read the season premiere three times, Lindelof jokes, ?Get ready to scratch your heads America.?

9:30AM: ?The season premiere picks up right after the finale,? promises Cuse. ?We don?t want to give away what the show is going to be this season which is why we haven?t shown any new footage.?


9:35AM: On Sawyer?s journey, Holloway remembers reading the first season and thinking, ?This guy is such an *******, I got to figure out how to stay alive.?

9:38AM: ?I?m a lifelong Democrat and it?s amazing how fickle my political leanings became when I first heard the White House was considering February 2nd [for the State of the Union] I said, ?That MotherF*cker!? joked Lindelof.

9:41AM: Cuse promises that there will be new footage from the final season released prior to the premiere.

9:43AM: ?The stories we?re telling in the final season really harken back to the first season, so that?s probably the most important thing going into the final season.? says Cuse. Adds Damon, ?We?ll show who [the characters] used to be and who they are now, makes you feel like we felt in season one.?


9:45AM: On being so indelibly linked to the show, and the possibility of attending LOST conventions for the better part of this century. ?We all hope we?ll have something else to do,? said O?Quinn. Jokes Holloway, ?I don?t know what you?re talking about. I?m retiring and only doing conventions!?

9:48PM: ?Harold Perrineau and Cynthia Watros will be back on the show this season.? Promises Cuse: ?All your Libby questions will be answered.? Adds Damon, ?No, they will not, but Cynthia will be back.?.


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Hurley bird has gotta be related to the Hydra Station and Time Travel, want to know about that!

Thanks for the summary Rappy!

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Latest From Kristin - TCA Tour Snippets - 12th Jan 2010


What about Maggie returning as Shannon?

We would love to have Maggie Grace back, but she's very busy?she's got a movie career. We would love to work it out and have her back on the show, and we've talked to her; we're just trying to get that worked out.

When in season six will Harold Perrineau and Cynthia Watros be appearing?

In the latter half of the season.

Do you have plans to bring Charlie back?

Yes, Dominic Monaghan is back for four episodes this season.

Malcolm David Kelley is the big question I have...

Well, Malcolm is very tricky because of the age thing, and it makes it very hard for him. We would love to have him back, but he has aged and looks older than his character. So that's the problem with him, so we're still trying to see if there's a way to work that out.

Will the clips from Comic-Con?the Mr. Cluck's commercial and the Kate crime feature?make sense once we've seen the premiere, or will we have to wait to fit them into the mythology?

I think they will start to make sense after the premiere, but it will take a number of episodes for them to fully make sense.

What about the Helen episode with Katey Sagal?

That comes up in the first third of the season.

Obviously, you can't answer every single question, but some things like the numbers?

No, obviously, if we said nothing about the smoke monster, if we said nothing about the numbers, we would be killed, but we believe that we recognize what the major questions are, and we will be providing some answers to those questions.

Where are you in terms of writing the episodes?

We are in the middle of writing episode 11, prepping episode 12 and we're writing episode 13.

How quickly does Claire come back?

I can't say.

What is the vibe of the final season?

I'd say it's a lot like the vibe of first season?the actors talk a lot about how they?ve reconnected with each other?there's almost a nostalgic quality. I think the first season of any show, the actors get together, they bond, and then there?s a drift over time. But because the show has an end, the actors have a chance to sort of rebond, much like they did in the first season when they screened the episodes every Wednesday at each other. There's a real sense that the connections between these characters is a huge part of the show: Why did these characters cross [paths with] each other?


Are you worried the show will jump the shark?

I think that the show has jumped the shark at least a dozen times now, and fortunately for us, the storytellers, but unfortunately for a mainstream audience, yes, absolutely there was a time 23 million people were watching Lost, and that time has passed. Every time this show takes a risk, declares itself more overtly, there are going to be people saying, "I wasn't watching a show about time travel. I don't like that show. I don't want to watch that anymore." But we want to tell the story that we're committed to, and hopefully the audience will stick with us. We can't really comment past that.

How will this finale compare to other recent series finales?

I think that The Shield was a phenomenal series finale, and certainly Newhart is one of my favorites, but my all-time favorite series finale is M*A*S*H. I remember watching that with my folks; I remember everyone on our street was watching it. I remember Hawkeye basically saying, "It was a baby, it wasn't a chicken, it was a baby," and how emotional it was when the chopper finally lifted off and Klinger stayed behind; it stayed with me for my life. I feel like to end a show that people do care about and to give the characters incredibly fulfilling resolutions, M*A*S*H is the pinnacle of something we're trying to achieve. That being said, it wasn't a mystery show, so we've got to answer all our mysteries and give the audience a satisfying character conclusion, so I'd like to say for the record that our degree of difficulty is very high.


What happens to Sawyer this season?

They've kept me in the dark since day one; I don't know, and I don't want to know. I'm spoiled now with not having to study much, just get it and go.

Source: E!Online

Read more: http://spoilerslost.blogspot.com/2010/01/l...l#ixzz0cRlFUJQu

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I want to know about the whispers as well.

That will definitely be explained :)

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Small Snippet for Today's Filming - 13th Jan 2010

Desmond, Hawkings, Mikowski, and Faraday all in the Alt

Source: PF108@DarkUFO

George and Faraday!!!!

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Small Snippet for Today's Filming - 13th Jan 2010

Desmond, Hawkings, Mikowski, and Faraday all in the Alt

Source: PF108@DarkUFO

George and Faraday!!!!

everyday should be faraday!

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Anyone know anything about the hidden pyramid on the island what's going to be relieved this season? I think that's what lies in the middle of the infamous temple. If it's true, then my theory is the island was a part of Egypt, originally. And that it either broke off because of some earthquake or it was "moved".

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Anyone know anything about the hidden pyramid on the island what's going to be relieved this season? I think that's what lies in the middle of the infamous temple. If it's true, then my theory is the island was a part of Egypt, originally. And that it either broke off because of some earthquake or it was "moved".

never heard that before?

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"Not all questions will be answered"?

What, so that they can create spinoffs?

I think they mean they're going to leave some of the questions up to the audience to answer. They've said this for a while now, that not everything will be answered by the end of the show.

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Lost viewers won't get answers about the nature of the island! Source

Damon Lindelof has admitted that Lost fans will not get answers to questions about the island.

Previously, the executive producer had promised that fans would get more answers about the series in the sixth season premiere than the first five seasons put together.

However, Lindelof has said that those answers will not involve questions surrounding the island's mythology.

"There are certain questions I'm very befuddled by, like, 'What is the island?' or 'What do the numbers mean?'" he told SFX.

"We're going to be explaining significantly more about the numbers, but what is a potential answer to 'What do the numbers mean?' I feel like you have to be very careful about entering into midi-chlorian territory."

He added: "[The island] is a place. I can't explain to you why it travels through space-time, it just does. You have to accept that.

"So we intend to answer the big questions, but in terms of the island itself, there will be questions left unanswered after the show ends."

Lost returns for its sixth and final season Tuesday, February 2 on ABC.

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