[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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You can't be surprised about that. She has another show ...

I didn't say I was surprised. I said disappointed. I know she's in V which was so horrible I only did 3/4 of the eps up. It was just.. snoozefest.

Anyway being on another show doesn't necessarily mean they're not able to do Lost. A lot of the other characters have a few parts in other shows (eg: Charlie now in some FastForward eps.)

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I didn't say I was surprised. I said disappointed. I know she's in V which was so horrible I only did 3/4 of the eps up. It was just.. snoozefest.

Anyway being on another show doesn't necessarily mean they're not able to do Lost. A lot of the other characters have a few parts in other shows (eg: Charlie now in some FastForward eps.)

You don't need to be in spoilers for this, really.

Charlie was only doing a cameo. He hasn't been a main character since S3. Thats why he can do FlashForward.

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So the plane didn't crash and they all made it to LA except our good ol' Losties are back in their present and still on the island. The two time lines have to converge some where or nothing will make sense!

They have hinted many times before about String Theory and Parallel Universes. Juliet said "it worked". Quite possibly they all die and are converged into the time line we are seeing now in the "flashforwards". My theory, but it would explain why she knew it worked.

LyhT: No.

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They have hinted many times before about String Theory and Parallel Universes. Juliet said "it worked". Quite possibly they all die and are converged into the time line we are seeing now in the "flashforwards". My theory, but it would explain why she knew it worked.

They aren't flash forwards. They are flash-alternates.

If anything, the '815 lands' timeline is the one that has to go away. To use it as the 'real' timeline throws away too much of the show.

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I have a theory about Richard. Maybe Richard is Magnus Hanso. It would explain why Alvar knows about the island and is interested in it. I know the blast door map suggests Magnus is possibly buried near the Black Rock, but if that were true, then how does Alvar know about the island?


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I have a theory about Richard. Maybe Richard is Magnus Hanso. It would explain why Alvar knows about the island and is interested in it. I know the blast door map suggests Magnus is possibly buried near the Black Rock, but if that were true, then how does Alvar know about the island?


'Nemesis' mentioned Richard being in chains. That says to me that Richard came in as a slave on the Black Rock.

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They aren't flash forwards. They are flash-alternates.

If anything, the '815 lands' timeline is the one that has to go away. To use it as the 'real' timeline throws away too much of the show.

I think they are called flash sideway or something like that.

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'Nemesis' mentioned Richard being in chains. That says to me that Richard came in as a slave on the Black Rock.

Okay, that means he could be Magnus Hanso then. Maybe there was a mutiny and Richard was put in chains. Maybe 'Nemesis' became the new captain? I know at the beginning of the S4 Finale we saw this ship heading towards the island, but it was never 100% identified as the Black Rock, so it is still possible for him to be Magnus isn't it?

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I have a theory about Richard. Maybe Richard is Magnus Hanso. It would explain why Alvar knows about the island and is interested in it. I know the blast door map suggests Magnus is possibly buried near the Black Rock, but if that were true, then how does Alvar know about the island?


Alvar is Magnus Hanso's great grandson.


Lost Pedia is a godsend when you want to recap on little things you might have overlooked/forgotten :)

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Alvar is Magnus Hanso's great grandson.


Lost Pedia is a godsend when you want to recap on little things you might have overlooked/forgotten :)

Right, I understand that. It would make sense that Magnus tells Alvar, his great grandson, about the island or loses documents to him somehow about the island and Alvar funds Dharma to find and exploit the island.

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Man that was incredible. It's crazy that we have both timelines going at the same time, so no matter which way you theorized, you were right and wrong (wrong in that it wasn't just one of the two possibilities). I'm glad we know that what Locke is, but even more pressing now is who, not what, is the smoke monster and how did they become that way? Anubis seems a likely candidate going by Ben's visit to the temple last season, and it's crazy that unLocke was walking with Ben to the temple, Ben falls through the floor, and unLocke is the one that judges him and even appears as Alex. What a mind bender. Richard being Alvar doesn't seem like a far fetched idea, and the island on the ocean floor, mega whoa. The next few months are going to rock my world, and I can't wait! :D

One last thing. I was getting a bit annoyed by the fact that everything the Asian guy said had to be interpreted. I hope that doesn't continue for long.

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Im thinking the temple people are the remains of the blackrock

I'm sure some of them probably are. But here's my question about these people...

Remember like in S2 or 3, can't remember which, Darlton stated in a podcast (I believe this is true, but I may be remembering incorrectly) that there may be two Other factions.

Is it possible that Richard's group is one faction and then the temple group is a separate group?

[edit] Hey, on Nightline, they just stated that when the show ends, all of the props on the show will be auctioned off for charity :D

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What is blackrock? I don't remember anything about that.

This episode was a bit confusing, but it always is lol Awesome, can't wait for more!

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What is blackrock? I don't remember anything about that.

This episode was a bit confusing, but it always is lol Awesome, can't wait for more!

The Black Rock is a British trading ship that was found shipwrecked in the Dark Territory on the Island.


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The Black Rock is a British trading ship that was found shipwrecked in the Dark Territory on the Island.


Ah ok, now I remember. Thanks.

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I was hoping they would have dome a better effect of Flocke changing in to smookie, like a cool morph effect.

I think it's suppose to be more mysterious right now.

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