[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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What was in the guitar case.

What was at the temple.

How they saved young Ben.

Is Fake Locke Smokey.

ALT or WHH (Both, it seems)

Theres more that I'm forgetting.

Ok they may have revealed things but none of which were really questions I was concerned about. So we found out Locke is the black smoke.. congrats, now please explain wtf this black smoke thing is. The guitar case was very stupid IMO, it's a giant cross looking thing with a note that made no sense. The temple, while it's cool to know about it, wasn't anything that had been talked about much so to reveal it is kind of blah.

What do you mean How they saved young ben? and what is ALT or WHH?

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The "Ankh" (also known as the "key of life") in the guitar case is also the symbol that the statue is holding. Sense the statue is where Jacob was staying at, the Ankh was a sign to the temple people. Not sure what WHH is for but the ALT im guessing is for alternate time line.

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do you remember that Ben had sent his people to conde refuge at the Temple.

And see, I was right about the pyramid in the temple.

Also, does any one else think that MiB was another dead person that Skokie was impersonating. And why can't he leave the island but Yacobe can?

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The "Ankh" (also known as the "key of life") in the guitar case is also the symbol that the statue is holding. Sense the statue is where Jacob was staying at, the Ankh was a sign to the temple people. Not sure what WHH is for but the ALT im guessing is for alternate time line.

that makes sense. I enjoyed the episode and all but it's just soo confusing. For every 1 reveal there are 5 new questions, it's gotten so exhausting that i really can't see the series ending well, there will be way too many unanswered questions. But just in case i missed something let me ask a few questions.

1. Who are Jacob and the other guy. Jacob wearing all white, other guy wearing all black and came in the form of a clone of Locke. I understand that it's some form of good and evil, but why? Why did jacob have to be killed? How can the other guy be this crazy smoke monster yet if someone sprinkles some sort of powder around them the monster retreats? It just all seems as thought it's becoming way too far fetched, i mean didn't JJ and others say that Lost could be explained by science/pseudo science?

2. With all the "other" and "other others" and black rock survivors/slaves etc.. then wtf was the point of the dharma initiative? And why wouldn't the "other others" kill them off for being on the island?

3. Just so i understand this correctly, what's happening on the island, and what's happening from the oceanic flight at at the same time, just like an alternate universe?

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do you remember that Ben had sent his people to conde refuge at the Temple.

And see, I was right about the pyramid in the temple.

Also, does any one else think that MiB was another dead person that Skokie was impersonating. And why can't he leave the island but Yacobe can?

I am sorry I need to comment, what is wrong with your keyboard "Skokie, Yacobe...previous post was Flocke???

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that makes sense. I enjoyed the episode and all but it's just soo confusing. For every 1 reveal there are 5 new questions, it's gotten so exhausting that i really can't see the series ending well, there will be way too many unanswered questions. But just in case i missed something let me ask a few questions.

1. Who are Jacob and the other guy. Jacob wearing all white, other guy wearing all black and came in the form of a clone of Locke. I understand that it's some form of good and evil, but why? Why did jacob have to be killed? How can the other guy be this crazy smoke monster yet if someone sprinkles some sort of powder around them the monster retreats? It just all seems as thought it's becoming way too far fetched, i mean didn't JJ and others say that Lost could be explained by science/pseudo science?

2. With all the "other" and "other others" and black rock survivors/slaves etc.. then wtf was the point of the dharma initiative? And why wouldn't the "other others" kill them off for being on the island?

3. Just so i understand this correctly, what's happening on the island, and what's happening from the oceanic flight at at the same time, just like an alternate universe?

1. As of right now know one really knows. Best guess, is that Jacob and the MIB are the players and everyone else are the pawns and other game pieces. From the start of this show, the writers have said the answer to lost is in the beginning episode. Most people think they were talking about Locke playing the (Backgammon) when Walt walked up and asked what he was doing. Black and white pieces, MIB and Jacob. There are tons of theories out there but some of the best include that this is all just a big game/test between MIB and Jacob. As for the ash blocking smokey, well that goes back to super natural tales like how salt can keep demons and ghost out, similar thinking. Again all best guess at this point.

2. We will find out the story behind the black rock very soon. Dharma isnt about it, they are like a 4th faction that found out about the island and wanted to learn and take advantage of its specialness. The "others" consider the island theirs and had it long before Dharma showed up.

3. Yes untill we know for sure, best guess is that the bomb somehow split time lines and now we have 2 different lines going.

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It's an alternate reality as I understand it now but not the same time. The 815 that landed is back in season 1 time so that's like 2004. The losties on the island went back to their own present time which is like 2007.

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1. As of right now know one really knows. Best guess, is that Jacob and the MIB are the players and everyone else are the pawns and other game pieces. From the start of this show, the writers have said the answer to lost is in the beginning episode. Most people think they were talking about Locke playing the (Backgammon) when Walt walked up and asked what he was doing. Black and white pieces, MIB and Jacob. There are tons of theories out there but some of the best include that this is all just a big game/test between MIB and Jacob. As for the ash blocking smokey, well that goes back to super natural tales like how salt can keep demons and ghost out, similar thinking. Again all best guess at this point.

2. We will find out the story behind the black rock very soon. Dharma isnt about it, they are like a 4th faction that found out about the island and wanted to learn and take advantage of its specialness. The "others" consider the island theirs and had it long before Dharma showed up.

3. Yes untill we know for sure, best guess is that the bomb somehow split time lines and now we have 2 different lines going.

thanks, that gave me a little understanding about it. I still just can't grasp why they would throw a whole "black smoke" monster into the mix.. the whole series would make more sense without it, alternate timelines/universe, time travel etc.. those things i can't grasp and find interesting. A person turning into a smoke monster just doesn't make any sense.

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i guess i was expecting a lot more from the episode today but it was alright. it did explain a few things like what the black smoke was coming from and the whole good and evil thing but the two timeline is just creating a lot more confusion. Have people changed somewhat in the new timeline. Hurley is now always lucky somehow, Sawyer is warning Hurley about getting not trusting people when he is suppose to lure him into conning himself. Shannon ofcourse decided not to come back so the story with Boone had to be changed there.

Also, Sayyid was dead. Does anyone think that when he woke up, it might have been actually MIB since he seems to come back as dead people. maybe a way for him to infiltrate into the compound that way. Just a theory.

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thanks, that gave me a little understanding about it. I still just can't grasp why they would throw a whole "black smoke" monster into the mix.. the whole series would make more sense without it, alternate timelines/universe, time travel etc.. those things i can't grasp and find interesting. A person turning into a smoke monster just doesn't make any sense.

The thinking is that Jacob and MIB are more like Gods. The fact that the island can move not only its position but also through time should make the smoke monster more plausible. Its one of the forms the MIB can take. His position on the island is still up in the air. Some think because he in in black that he is bad. Others think that he is really the good guy trapped under Jacob. The truth will be known soon enough.

As for time travel and monsters and islands healing people and ect, thats really only part of the show. The characters play pretty much the other half of the show. Its the two together that really make this show what it is. And because of those two, Lost has a fan base like no other in tv history. I personally dont think the show could survive without the sci fy aspect. Dharma would have no reason to be there if the island wasnt so special. The others are there to protect the island BECAUSE its special. The conflict between the two groups alone adds a nice and cool rich history to the island that adds well to the overall story. Im a sci fy geek but I also love the characters and their stories and because of the two, Lost is what it is.

Also, Sayyid was dead. Does anyone think that when he woke up, it might have been actually MIB since he seems to come back as dead people. maybe a way for him to infiltrate into the compound that way. Just a theory.

Thats a misconception, the MIB just took Locke's form, he didnt take over his body.

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I thought people were supposed to stayed dead when they die on this show.

I think Jacob it's gonna take the body of Sayid now, just like MiB did with Locke, that's why Jacob told Hurley to bring Sayid to the temple...

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That's not a bad idea actually Saladas. Although, no offence to Sayid he isn't in the 'elite' bunch of characters so I doubt Jacob could take over his body.

I mean Locke fighting with Sayid just doesn't feel right. Locke & Ben or Locke & Jack or even Jack & Sawyer

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Just watched it, I felt underwhelmed tbh but I liked the smoke monster stuff and the temple but couldn't careless about them landing, I also liked the foot being under water.

plus puppetmaster! :D

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It appears Jacod/MIB are probably some sort of son's of God, and have for some reason been banished to the Island by God as some sort of learning experience. There were loads of people reference all the egyptian mythology but I've forgotten it all now. People moaning about not having the answers about Jacob/MIB yet, this is obviously a finale type reveal which will explain who exactly they are/why they are there/why MIB is fighitng/angry at Jacob.

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I liked it :)

I was blown away in the first 10 minutes and still confused now! Should be an awesome season!

Also, Dharma Shark was back!

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in regards to the letter in the ankh, he then asked them all there names. at some point linus refers to Jacobs list? does anyone think these are connected? maybe he knew who would show up at the temple or something crazy.

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WOW Lost NEVER disappoints!!! :D


Answered tonight:

What happened to Cindy the flight attendant? She's part of these other Others in the temple.

Richard is probably part of this group too. I'm guessing that's how fake Locke plans on getting into the temple which is his home?

That fountain is how they bring people back to life. Is that how Richard never ages?

Is Sayid now the fake Locke version of Jacob?

I LOVE this analysis. Good!!! :D

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I don't see Sayid being Jacob because the body was resurrected as opposed to Jacob taking Sayid's form.

I think the biggest question to take away from this opener is: where is smokey's home? The Temple perhaps?

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I think the biggest question to take away from this opener is: where is smokey's home? The Temple perhaps?

That was the biggest question. Gotta be the Temple, can't see "it" being away from the island.

Ben: "So you're the Monster?"

Flocke: "Now, there's no need for name calling"


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