[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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I noticed, and if they're going to be in any episodes, I'd imagine it would be later. The two hour premiere was pretty full with the cast that they did focus on.

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Pilot and Season 6 Premiere side by side!

Thanks, wondered how long somebody would do that!

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wow, no need to get all butt hurt, jesus. What i'm really getting at is that the story could exist without the smoke monster, if the fake locke had killed the people in that room lastnight it would have made more sense, having a monster of smoke makes no sense to me, and if you think about it, you could remove the smoke thing from the whole lost timeline and it really wouldn't make much difference. You need to think about that your saying in that just the term "smoke monster" sounds so ridiculous. Most of the things you said were revolving around Jacob and MIB which we can assume right now are some sort of God's, which would make the story more believable, but why transform into a "smoke monster" why not transform into a giant godzilla creature and tear up the whole island? Because a smoke monster makes sense????

The story could exist without all sorts of things. Not necessarily the smoke monster. It clearly has some significance. Like it's a sort of a judge or something. Considering how important the smoke monster has actually been, removing it would mean removing a lot of other things as well. It judged Ben, and convinced him to obey Flocke, which led to Ben killin Jacob for one. And clearly there seems to be some kind of limit to what MIB can change into. Maybe the smoke monster is his original form, and other than that he can only change into dead people.

Exactly, and if in fact they are Gods of some sort, this part of the story would make sense. God's turning into a smoke monster doesn't make sense.

Sure it does. As much sense as there being gods! And again, what if the smoke monster is MIB's original form? We don't know much about it yet, and you still dismiss it even though it's actually an important part of the Lost universe.

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its possible that the 'ALT' is what happened in 2004 (s1) if they did not crash. Those currently on the island are in 2007. So although they didnt initially crash in 2004, somehow destiny will have them back on the island one way or another by 2007.

Did you miss that the island was underwater in ALT?

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What?s going on with the "flash-sideways?"

Say goodbye to flashbacks and flash-forwards, and hello to this season?s "different kind of storytelling device" the producers cryptically teased for months. "The flash-sideways enable us to return to Season 1?s character-centric episodes," explains executive producer Damon Lindelof. "They?ll show what [the characters?] lives would have been like if Oceanic 815 had landed and how their lives are different from the lives that we knew before." In one reality, the bomb sent the islanders back to 2007 after Desmond had blown up the Swan hatch. In the coinciding alternate reality, "We'll all criss-cross in very different ways," says Yunjin Kim (Sun). "Certain characters will recognize each other and certain won't."

So should we discard all we learned in the previous seasons' flashbacks?

Pretty much, says executive producer Carlton Cuse. "All that matters now are the flash-sideways stories," he says. "These stories contain differences that you don't need to try to reconcile, but loyal fans will find interesting." For instance, Evangeline Lilly says Kate's flash-sideways reveals that "instead of being a really tormented fugitive on the run, she's now a fugitive-on-the-run who gets a kick out of it." In his Ben-centric March 9 episode, Michael Emerson says, "You'll see a man who is only faintly recognizable as the Ben we've known. What if Ben had been born and lived in unextraordinary circumstances? What might he have been like?" Josh Holloway tells us that Sawyer's March 16 episode will show Sawyer is "the same guy, but on the other side of the law." The March 30 Sun/Jin story will reveal "a totally different relationship" for the couple, explains Kim, where "they are no longer living in Seoul and Sun didn't have to leave Jin at the airport." And Hurley will no longer be cursed by the numbers. "He went from being the unluckiest guy in the world to the luckiest," says Jorge Garcia. ?He's rich in good fortune."

Source: TV Guide Magazine

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So was LA X one episode or two? Lostpedia has it listed as single.

Technically they would be one because of the name (LA X part 1, LA X part 2), but in reality they're two episodes as they span two hours. The finale is the same way; three hours spread over a three hour, two week time span.

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wow, no need to get all butt hurt, jesus. What i'm really getting at is that the story could exist without the smoke monster, if the fake locke had killed the people in that room lastnight it would have made more sense, having a monster of smoke makes no sense to me, and if you think about it, you could remove the smoke thing from the whole lost timeline and it really wouldn't make much difference. You need to think about that your saying in that just the term "smoke monster" sounds so ridiculous. Most of the things you said were revolving around Jacob and MIB which we can assume right now are some sort of God's, which would make the story more believable, but why transform into a "smoke monster" why not transform into a giant godzilla creature and tear up the whole island? Because a smoke monster makes sense????

Maybe the idea of the Smoke Monster itself makes no sense for you, but honestly without it, the story makes less sense to me.

The Smoke Monster has the ability to change forms and turns into any other object. It is quite obvious that not only was the Smoke Monster pretending to be John Locke, but also Alex Rousseau (Ben's daughter). Without the ability to shape-shift, a lot of last season wouldn't make as much sense. At this point it is easy to assume that the Smoke Monster has been changing into every single dead person, possibly even including Christian.

If the story is about 'gods' fighting against each other and using the "free will" of humans, then this makes sense. The Smoke Monster has pushed Locke, Jack, Eko, Sun, Jin, Sawyer, Hurley, Ben and countless others into doing actions that eventually led to the point we are now in the story. If he couldn't shape-shift, then he would have never been able get Ben into the position of thinking he needed to kill Jacob.

Just to refresh your memory: John Locke (Smoke Monster) tells Ben he must go to this site. Ben goes there and suddenly John Locke is gone. Vague sounds of the Smoke Monster are present in the 5.1 mix. Alex shows up and tells Ben he must listen to EVERYTHING John Locke tells him, or she will haunt him and kill him. Alex goes away and you see smoke. John Locke suddenly appears again and later on he tells Ben "You must kill Jacob."

Now with this information, what do you think? Does it still not make sense to have a shape-shifting being, or do you feel it may be necessary to push the plot?

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Pilot and Season 6 Premiere side by side!

That was cool to watch. Did Jack use the second mini bottle of vodka to help save someone on the Island in the original timeline? I can't remember its significance.

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I think he drank it while Kate worked on his arm, might be wrong though

Hash code reveals 'Lost' ending?

The decryption of a hash code will apparently reveal the ending of Lost.

A post on the respected fansite Dark UFO has claimed that the show's conclusion will become apparent to whoever decrypts the code "626110432547f398491fad32d6add11b".

The code appears to be encrypted with the MD5 algorithm, which is notoriously difficult - and virtually impossible - to decrypt.


It's not really a spoiler unless you know how to decrypt stuff :unsure:

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