[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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Is it just me or the Taweret foot that was shown underwater was the "left foot", not the remaining one on the Island (which's the right foot) ?

It was the left foot in both timelines:



Obviously there are differences in how the toes round, the foundation is built, but I don't think those are pertinent to the main questions: who built it, why, and what happened to it, among others.

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Hmm, I don't know about tonight's episode. It was a decent episode, but it didn't feel like an episode that belonged in the final season. It felt almost fillerish IMO. Maybe I'm subconsciously comparing it to last week's premiere and it is hard to live up premieres and finales.

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The date on Claires sonogram said 10/22/2004. Wasn't the plane supposed to crash in September?

Good spot, however who said this alternative time-frame is exactly the one before?

It's interesting how Claire (and possibly Sayid) are now going to suffer the fate of Rousseau's former crew members.

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Speaking of Ethan, that does pose the interesting question: how did he get recruited to Othersville? Was he "tricked" like Juliet.

And now that we know some of the Others didn't make it to the island before it hit the bottom of the ocean, it begs the question, where is Juliet in this timeline? Will Sawyer run into her?

The possibilities are endless and it shows that these people are still connected, even without the island.

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Speaking of Ethan, that does pose the interesting question: how did he get recruited to Othersville? Was he "tricked" like Juliet.

And now that we know some of the Others didn't make it to the island before it hit the bottom of the ocean, it begs the question, where is Juliet in this timeline? Will Sawyer run into her?

The possibilities are endless and it shows that these people are still connected, even without the island.

Ethan is hoarces child remember... He was taken off the island on the sub before "the incident"

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The possibilities are endless and it shows that these people are still connected, even without the island.

Today and last week's episode also showed that the characters experience deja-vu in some degrees.

This week, Kate saw Jack while taking the taxi cab and seemed to flinch and she did it again when hearing the name Aaron.

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anyone else get frustrated when there is a moment like tonight when the asian guy gives the "big reveal" moment. You here the music get all suspenseful and Jack says "but how do you know" and your on the edge of your seat waiting for the big moment, and then it happens and your excitement peaks and then you quickly think to yourself "wtf does that even mean"...lol

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Ethan is hoarces child remember... He was taken off the island on the sub before "the incident"

But did Horace ever make it to the island? Horace wasn't part of the Others, but rather the leader of DHARMA, so the question would be, did DHARMA ever make it to the island at all?

[edit] Errr... yes, I know that was a stupid comment. It has been a long day - I wasn't thinking that comment out clearly. Forgive me :( Probably one of the reasons I didn't thoroughly enjoy this episode.

Today and last week's episode also showed that the characters experience deja-vu in some degrees.

This week, Kate saw Jack while taking the taxi cab and seemed to flinch and she did it again when hearing the name Aaron.

I did notice that. Last week was Jack asking Desmond if they knew each other, but to some extent that could also be from where he met Desmond jogging at the stadium. We don't know if that ever happened in this timeline, but it is possible.

Edited by Hurmoth
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Blasted Biggs! I hope we are done with Kate centric episodes. It was better than last years, but I still can't stand her. Kim Bauer 2.0. Everything not involving Kate was the highlight of the episode, minus the scene with Sawyer at the docks. Nice acting by Josh Holloway.

So if this plays out to be a game between Jacob and the man in black, then it would seem that Claire and Sayid are the MiB's side, while those on the list, or most, would be on Jacob's. That's assuming this is one giant game between the two. With Jacob being dead, it being a "game" just doesn't seem to fit, unless it's on a grander scale that we have yet to see. But still, the mention of darkness in Sayid by the Asian guy goes along with the good/bad, black/white stuff we've seen countless times. Next week's episode looks good.

Ethan's last name was different in this episode. Gooding or something like that, whereas in the other timeline it's Rom. I also like how they've used a different sound effect when transitioning from each sideway flash since it's sideways, not backs or forwards.

Also, with the island being sunk, it's like, what's going to happen with everyone that was on the plane in the other timeline? There's no island to "go back" to, Jacob lived in the base of the statue, so does this mean he's dead and the smoke monster is roaming the earth or died as well? I'm dying to know how they're going to tie these two timelines into one.

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So if this plays out to be a game between Jacob and the man in black, then it would seem that Claire and Sayid are the MiB's side, while those on the list, or most, would be on Jacob's. That's assuming this is one giant game between the two. With Jacob being dead, it being a "game" just doesn't seem to fit, unless it's on a grander scale that we have yet to see. But still, the mention of darkness in Sayid by the Asian guy goes along with the good/bad, black/white stuff we've seen countless times.

I'm starting to believe this whole "game" concept we have is dead wrong. Locke said last week he wants to go home. Where/what is home? He could possibly be in an alternate time frame that happened because of Jacob's actions. I'm not entirely sure, but our current ideas just seems too dull.

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Blasted Biggs! I hope we are done with Kate centric episodes. It was better than last years, but I still can't stand her. Kim Bauer 2.0. Everything not involving Kate was the highlight of the episode, minus the scene with Sawyer at the docks. Nice acting by Josh Holloway.

So if this plays out to be a game between Jacob and the man in black, then it would seem that Claire and Sayid are the MiB's side, while those on the list, or most, would be on Jacob's. That's assuming this is one giant game between the two. With Jacob being dead, it being a "game" just doesn't seem to fit, unless it's on a grander scale that we have yet to see. But still, the mention of darkness in Sayid by the Asian guy goes along with the good/bad, black/white stuff we've seen countless times. Next week's episode looks good.

Ethan's last name was different in this episode. Gooding or something like that, whereas in the other timeline it's Rom. I also like how they've used a different sound effect when transitioning from each sideway flash since it's sideways, not backs or forwards.

Also, with the island being sunk, it's like, what's going to happen with everyone that was on the plane in the other timeline? There's no island to "go back" to, Jacob lived in the base of the statue, so does this mean he's dead and the smoke monster is roaming the earth or died as well? I'm dying to know how they're going to tie these two timelines into one.

It was Ethan Goodspeed, like his father, Horace Goodspeed. Weird episode this was. So was Rosseou sick all the time? Now is Claire sick as she was? Will Sayid also en like that? What happened to Claire to make her come up like this? Did she die somehow and the "darkness " claimed her? why were The Others not really worried about Smokey/MIB in previous season, but are they really terrified this time? After all, probably he became more powerful after Jacob died, but he could have just attacked as it seems he was free to roam through the island. Why would Ben go to be judged by Smokey willingly know he is the bad guy? Was Ben on a different group of others that didn't know about Smokey/MIB? Did Dogen answer to Ben while he was the leader? Ohh just a few questions I thought during the episode.

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Wasn't it the rest of Rousseaus gang that was "infected"? They went loco, Rousseau killed then and spent the rest of her days roaming the island. Infact she was the one that was all like 'watch out for the big bad smokey' in the early seasons.

I was thinking after watching the premiere that the flash sideways timeline is the series wrap up for the characters and the events on the island will lead to the flash sideways timeline. Somehow the events on the island will be the end of this so called 'game', ending the eternal battle between Jacob and Mib and leaving the island lost forever. That's probably way off but meh...

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I'm starting to believe this whole "game" concept we have is dead wrong. Locke said last week he wants to go home. Where/what is home? He could possibly be in an alternate time frame that happened because of Jacob's actions. I'm not entirely sure, but our current ideas just seems too dull.

That also bugs me and given Lost borrows from a lot of Sc Fi media, example ghosts, time travel, people with special powers etc. I have to come think both Jacob and the Man in Black are not gods but are both aliens and put on the island to test humanity... for what I don't know. But Jacob brings people to island... MIB test them and if they fail claims them. MIB doesn't think humanity is ready and wants to go home.

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Locke said last week he wants to go home. Where/what is home?

I'd say its the temple, hence why people there are so freaked. I imagine its abit of "if good hold the template, yay for all! If bad...oh noes!".

Does anyone know what the Asian Leader Dude says when he sees the water is brown back in Episode 1?

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Whoever said that this episode feels like filler is spot on. We didn't really get any answers, and nothing 'amazing' actually happened. I suppose it could have been used just to build up next weeks.

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Knew that ending would happen, wish I didnt see that image of Claire in a promo a few weeks ago =P

It was an okay episode, didnt expect much because it was a Kate centric, but okay generally. So if Claire and Sayid are Smokey, made sense that Christian was too, to lure Claire in and now Claire can lure other people.

Been looking forward to next's episode!! :D

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The French Chick's infected friends couldn't all have been Smokey, so I doubt Claire and Sayid are now Smokey. More like his slaves or something.

yeah the fact Dogan said they are "claimed" means they are probably brainwashed followers.

Hmm, would make more sense. Have to remember there are 3 smaller smokes that make one big smoke monster. Have to take that into account somewhere..

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