[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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Do you ever actually read anything I post, or do you just sit there taking only what you want to read and form an INCOMPLETE opinion on that?

To answer your redundantly-asked question that I must have answered hundreds of times already, in the form of a question and if you are serious do YOUR homework and find the FACTS and not just MISformed opinion based on only what you want to think about me.

How many shows with ladies do I actually watch?

Again, facts NOT opinion based on nothing proofworthy!

Joel reacted to you because you said a worthwhile reason for watching 'What Kate Does' was because Kate was 'hot' and it should be enough, when it clearly isn't for mature viewers who aren't pubescent teens.

You're sig, with 4 girls in bikinis doesn't seem to do you're cause any better. By the way I am a pubescent teen but I'm mature :)

Back on topic, I saw this very interesting theory on DarkUFO, and although many 'secrets' are left out, it could be what the show is leading to.

CAUTION if you don't want to read 'spoilers'


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On-island 2007 Locke is dead.

Alt Locke is alive.

Smokey-Locke is ... whatever he is.

ah right.

Yes, there are two timelines now, one showing what would happen if the plane never crashed (ie. the bomb worked in destroying the anomaly), the other showing what would happen if it did absolutely nothing.

Thanks for the explanation.

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I agree with this, but this also goes hand in hand with my theory about how Juliet said it worked. I believe once they die in the "current" time line, they will then be in the "alternative" time line. I believe the alternative time line is actually somewhat of a future time line. This would explain the 3 deja vu moments the characters have experienced so far. Even though it goes back in time to the original events leading up to the island, it is still in the future because their current time line hasn't ended.

I hope this makes sense to someone other than myself. :/

It makes sense, but I don't agree with the "moving" aspect when they die in one timeline. They're two separate timelines, so there are two of everything now, either dead or alive, one in each timeline, but now with seemingly different, yet similar, futures. I'm not sure how to interpret the deja vu moments just yet, I think we need a little more insight. A possibly, but highly unlikely, outcome is that the events on the island ends humanity, but things continue on in the other timeline. I don't see that being the case.

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I expect the deja-vu moments to increase, and the losties from each timeline to become more aware of the other one as the series goes on. Eventually I'm guessing there will be some "consciousness" shifting, most probably with Desmond (and that might explain why he seemingly disappeared from the plane). The ALT timeline is somehow going to be one of the major keys in Jacob's plan I think.

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Joel reacted to you because you said a worthwhile reason for watching 'What Kate Does' was because Kate was 'hot' and it should be enough, when it clearly isn't for mature viewers who aren't pubescent teens.

You're sig, with 4 girls in bikinis doesn't seem to do you're cause any better. By the way I am a pubescent teen but I'm mature :)

So, is it cool now not to like hot girls?

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Joel reacted to you because you said a worthwhile reason for watching 'What Kate Does' was because Kate was 'hot' and it should be enough, when it clearly isn't for mature viewers who aren't pubescent teens.

You're sig, with 4 girls in bikinis doesn't seem to do you're cause any better. By the way I am a pubescent teen but I'm mature :)

Give me a break! Liking Hot girls really has nothing to do with one's maturity at all, period.

And HOW many times have I said the Lost's plot is what's the most Awesome aspect of this show? :rolleyes:

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Do you ever actually read anything I post, or do you just sit there taking only what you want to read and form an INCOMPLETE opinion on that?

Sure I read what you post. It goes like this:

"Smallville Season 9 is the best EVAR!!!!!!! Everyone who's anyone knows that. Oh, and you have no right to say otherwise because there was a hot chick in the show; here's a number of screenshots to prove it."

Pretty much sums up your posts. You may feel free to substitute the text 'Smallville' for 'Heroes' if you like. Same content. 'Lost' works also. 'V'. You get the idea.

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I agree with this, but this also goes hand in hand with my theory about how Juliet said it worked. I believe once they die in the "current" time line, they will then be in the "alternative" time line. I believe the alternative time line is actually somewhat of a future time line. This would explain the 3 deja vu moments the characters have experienced so far. Even though it goes back in time to the original events leading up to the island, it is still in the future because their current time line hasn't ended.

I hope this makes sense to someone other than myself. :/

I think you're confused

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Sure I read what you post. It goes like this:

"Smallville Season 9 is the best EVAR!!!!!!! Everyone who's anyone knows that. Oh, and you have no right to say otherwise because there was a hot chick in the show; here's a number of screenshots to prove it."

Pretty much sums up your posts. You may feel free to substitute the text 'Smallville' for 'Heroes' if you like. Same content. 'Lost' works also. 'V'. You get the idea.

You guys are WAY too judgemental (But terribly WRONG though), making me SICK! :x

At any rate, let's just NOT derail this thread any further with this crap, for the common good of this thread!!!!! NOT because I am conceding defeat! Any mods should know that's the right approach to this...

However, If this continues, I WILL argue more, and CAN PROVE ALL of you wrong, making you look bad.

So, best let it DROP! Let THIS be the last comment on this, alright?!

*Sigh* :|

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/begin my random thoughts.

lost has an amazing plot imo. Not many shows can pull off the brilliant story telling that lost has done over the past few years. I think flashforward has potential to become then next lost like series, it's certinally started with a good mystery. Although, atm I don't think anything beats watching an episode fringe, that is engrossing television. When the theme starts I crank up the volume.

If I was to rate the 3, it would be Fringe, Lost, Flashforward. I love it when the right actors are chosen for their parts. When you have believable characters, the show becomes more interesting.

/end random thoughts.

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Interesting, a play on words or literal? Im even trying to analyse how they speak let alone what happens in an episode :p

yeah I hate doing stuff like that though, its like Fringe you look out for easter eggs while watching and you get lost (lol) I mean I can't multi task :laugh:

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I gave up looking for the hidden stuff in Fringe. I found myself enjoying the show more after that.

Afterwards I rely on the internet to show me what I missed.

I'm the same way with Lost.

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I gave up looking for the hidden stuff in Fringe. I found myself enjoying the show more after that.

Afterwards I rely on the internet to show me what I missed.

I'm the same way with Lost.

Yup, same here. Too much work.

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