[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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At the beginning we see Smokey POV but Ilana says later that he's stuck in his current form now. What's gonig on with that? :huh:

I believe she meant he can't go back to MIB, or anyone else (Christian, etc). He's 'Locke' now. Why he is 'stuck' needs to be explained.

Two biggest questions: Does it effect anything that one of the numbers is dead?

And ... how many times has this happened, if its Jacob's ash that they use to keep Smokey at bay.

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At the beginning we see Smokey POV but Ilana says later that he's stuck in his current form now. What's gonig on with that? :huh:

I think stuck as in what human form he can take.


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Jacob visited Kate off the island no? She doesn't have one of the lottery numbers... Her names still gotta be on the wall somewhere though.

When Kate was a little girl, she stole a lunch box and Jacob pays for it.

One of the questions on Lostpedia is, "Why isn't Kate a candidate, if Jacob touched her in The Incident? Why wasn't she on Jacob's wall?"

So that's a great question.

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Was Claire on the wall? I don't remember her being visited by Jacob. Someone on another forum mentioned that maybe only males can be someone who takes over as protector of the island?

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The whole cave scene was a nod to the Allegory of the Cave http://en.wikipedia....ory_of_the_Cave

and was the teenage boy perhaps Aaron Littleton? If not, he looked like a young version of the Jacob we know.

I don't think he was Jacob. The kid said "you know you can't kill him," rather than "you know you can't kill me." I did like how MIB said the catchphrase of John Locke.

It was also interesting to see how Locke lost his faith in the alternative time line.

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I don't think he was Jacob. The kid said "you know you can't kill him," rather than "you know you can't kill me." I did like how MIB said the catchphrase of John Locke.

It was also interesting to see how Locke lost his faith in the alternative time line.

That's assuming the "him" was referring to Jacob. But I guess we'll see on that.

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I don't think he was Jacob. The kid said "you know you can't kill him," rather than "you know you can't kill me." I did like how MIB said the catchphrase of John Locke.

It was also interesting to see how Locke lost his faith in the alternative time line.

Here's an interesting theory.

Maybe the child is the "spirit" of Jacob. If these people are candidates to replace Jacob, maybe that is the spirit that turns the candidate into Jacob? It would explain why Richard couldn't see the child and James could.

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In that case the "him" could be whoever Jacob chooses in the end. If it really is only males which seems to be the case. I'm pretty sure it's Jin considering when they showed the clip Jacob touches Jin and not Sun. Plus Sun doesn't take the name Kwon until she marries Jin.

The title of the final episode

seems to suggest that this deal with the chosen people is gonna be the primary plotline that leads up to the end.

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I took it that when he (the boy) said you can't kill him to be referring to Sawyer.


I'm not sure about that. Judging by the reaction of "Locke", it would seem to be referencing Jacob. Richard told Sawyer that "Locke" wasn't trying to kill him, but recruit him. We all have been shown exactly how much hatred this character has for Jacob and he said that his goal was to find a loophole. What I think happened is the loophole he thought he finally found wasn't a loophole at all. Both Jacob and "Locke" seem to be pushing characters into doing actions, but claim it is free will.

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Whoa. That episode rocked!

And ... how many times has this happened, if its Jacob's ash that they use to keep Smokey at bay.

I love that theory as it ties into the conversation Jacob and MIB had at the beginning of last season's finale.

Was Claire on the wall? I don't remember her being visited by Jacob. Someone on another forum mentioned that maybe only males can be someone who takes over as protector of the island?

She was, but possibly wasn't. She wasn't visited by Jacob, but we did see 313 - Littleton, so it could be her, or possibly Aaron; either way, the name was crossed out. There are two possibilities: it's Aaron and it's crossed out because he was on the island, but was taken off, or 2) it's Claire and it's scratched out because she's been claimed.

Here's an interesting theory.

Maybe the child is the "spirit" of Jacob. If these people are candidates to replace Jacob, maybe that is the spirit that turns the candidate into Jacob? It would explain why Richard couldn't see the child and James could.

That is an interesting theory, just not entirely sold on it.

In that case the "him" could be whoever Jacob chooses in the end. If it really is only males which seems to be the case. I'm pretty sure it's Jin considering when they showed the clip Jacob touches Jin and not Sun. Plus Sun doesn't take the name Kwon until she marries Jin.

He reached both hands out and touched at the same time on their outside arms. When the names were written could play a factor, but perhaps Jacob knew that they would be together and wrote Kwon instead of Paik, but neither is certain at this point.

What I want to know is how Ben is alive in the other timeline because when the bomb went off, he was with the Others in a tent, recovering from a gunshot wound. When that bomb went off, everyone that belonged in that timeline that was on the island should have died.

As for the boy, him being Jacob is a safe bet, but could be wrong. "Him" could be any number of people, especially since all the names in the cave appear to be males, with two possible exceptions. Jacob touched Kate's nose when she was a child, yet we didn't see her name. There are also no more numbers from the equation, but Littleton had 313, which suggests that over 300 people have been involved in whatever it is that's going on.

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Which brings me back to something I posted previously. Things just don't add up surrounding this whole bomb and island sinking thing.

I've had doubts about whether there was an actual explosion from the bomb. Assuming the whole bomb/incident thing occurred in the main timeline Miles' father was at the site too and there's no way he could have escaped in time.

If the bomb really did go off it could have been contained by the anomaly at the Swan site. The anomaly was already unstable while they were drilling at the surface and Faraday said something about the bomb neutralizing the anomaly so I'm thinking that's exactly what happened. It did go off and stabilized the anomaly enough that they can complete the Swan complex without peoples fillings exploding out their heads. The anomaly also contains the explosion so they go ahead and build the thing around the anomaly. I think in one of Faradays flashbacks he's underground at the swan site when they are still constructing it. Plus when Sawyer/Juliet/Miles/Charlotte are getting pulled through time they are brought to the Swan construction site some time after it's been completed and when the Dharma folk seem to have abandoned it. It sure didn't look like a nuke was set off there.

Then if you go with the bomb in the sideways timeline you get people like Ethan and Ben who were on the island at the time which doesn't make sense that they survived a nuclear holocaust and made it off a sinking island alive then went about their merry lives.

This next paragraph contains a lot of crap that's probably not worth reading but oh well. :p

Something else that's been bothering me. Ben turns the donkey wheel, the island disappears. What happened to it? Back then I thought it was related to the island being impossible to find cause it's shifting locations or the island itself moved through time but the latter doesn't make sense because then there would be like 2 islands in the same time paradox or something. Plus when they are flashing through time it's pretty clear that only the Losties are moving through time. Could this instead be related to the island being submerged in some kind of mind frakking time travel story weaving mastery? I mean during all the Oceanic 6 drama we saw the remaining Losties on the island move through time right? There is a gap between the Oceanic 6 (Jan 2006?) and 2007 where the island has mysteriously disappeared and when the Losties get dumped back in 2007. After Ben turns the wheel the people flashing through time went all over the place in the past eventually they are stuck in the 70's. Yadda yadda happens in the 70's and boom we are in 2007 now. What happened to to the island between it's disappearance and 2007? Is this the event that created the flash sideways timeline and the sunken island? I guess I can shoot down my own theory by mentioning Ben and Ethan who seem to have been living alt lives the whole time too which wouldn't work if the island sunk in 2005. It still doesn't explain the disappearing act though.

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