[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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Well at least we know what the numbers are now (well sort of). And more and more I am beginning to think Jacob is evil, and the other dude is actually the good guy.

That kind of Twist, huh?

My ONLY problem with Jack is he is extremely stubborn! Otherwise he IS my favorite character and want to see him live to the END With Kate :D

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Well at least we know what the numbers are now (well sort of). And more and more I am beginning to think Jacob is evil, and the other dude is actually the good guy.

That would suck.

And it would be a bit strange, considering that the other guy actually happily kills people.

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How do you figure that? And what of Claire? She's in cahoots with the man in black, yet is next to Richard and Ilana, who are sided with Jacob.

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Well the Lost Supper makes John Locke out to be the good guy while Sayid is the bad guy


Well they could be implying Jesus is evil:p

More likely the guy in the middle is Locke, (the real one) and not Smokey, and Locke turns out to be the saviour in the end somehow.

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You could say the way Jack is looking at Flocke intimates he wants to take him down but there's alot of things that could be implied by that picture

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Well the Lost Supper makes John Locke out to be the good guy while Sayid is the bad guy


Nice pic - if anyone is interested you can get a bigger version here or clicky below...


And I am not sure about Sayid being a bad guy, what about Claire? And for the roles that Hurley has played and will play he is oddly placed. No, I think this is marketing spin at its best, but no deep though went into placement of characters.

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Maybe there really isn't anything behind the photo, maybe there is. None of the other pre-season promo photos really had any meaning behind them (remmber faraday's foot theory LOL). But a last supper theme is too symbolic to just let it pass. After watching the show after 6 seasons, you learn that nothing is coincidence (aside from the stage hand accidentally placed in the background in the cabin a couple seasons ago LOL)

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white and black doesn't necessarily mean good and evil. Remember backgammon in Season 1? One white, one black, two sides. Neither one good or evil.

What he says is:

"Backgammon is the oldest game in the world.....5000 years old, that's older than Jesus Christ"

"Two players. Two sides. One is light, one is dark."

Although no mention of Good vs Evil specifically, it is definitely hinting at that. But more importantly "its the oldest game in the world" is a metaphor of how Jacob and MIB have been playing this game using humans as pawns for a very long time. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw backgammon again in one of the flashbacks to ancient times on the Island.

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Did we ever find that secret out what Locke told Walt, or is safe to assume that he told him he was paralyzed?

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Did we ever find that secret out what Locke told Walt, or is safe to assume that he told him he was paralyzed?

IIRC, we found out that he told him a miracle happened to him. I think Walt told Michael this, and that's obviously referring to him being paralyzed.

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I'm seriously starting to think the Locke is the good guy and Jacob is the bad guy because if you look at the flash sideways, look how good their lives turn out if Jacob had never interfered with them

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That's a bit relative though. Jack still lost his dad and his wife, Locke is still in a wheelchair, the people who were going to adopt Aaron no longer will, Kate is still on the run (reasons unknown, since this reality is different, she could be innocent, but she said she was in handcuffs for murder), Charlie tried to kill himself and even though we didn't see them, Walt likely still lost his mom, and finally, the timelines will likely merge so that we're not following two sets of each person. How this will happen and what affect it will have remains to be seen.

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That's a bit relative though. Jack still lost his dad and his wife, Locke is still in a wheelchair, the people who were going to adopt Aaron no longer will, Kate is still on the run (reasons unknown, since this reality is different, she could be innocent, but she said she was in handcuffs for murder), Charlie tried to kill himself and even though we didn't see them, Walt likely still lost his mom, and finally, the timelines will likely merge so that we're not following two sets of each person. How this will happen and what affect it will have remains to be seen.

Yes, those misfortunes still occur, but the inherent personality issues are the ones that somehow get resolved. For example, Locke is still in a relationship with Helen and realizes that he must accept what is given to him, Jack no longer has daddy issues, and Kate finds a reason to stop running.

Oh I have no doubt the two timelines will merge, especially since "time always finds a way to fix itself"

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Why is everyone assuming that the tower with the mirrors belongs to Jacob. I believe the tower belonged to Smokie. Jacob seemed to have the ability to leave the island when ever he wanted too. I think since Smokie cannot leave the island, the mirrors in the tower were a means of seeing what was going outside of the island. Everyone can agree that the images Jack seen in the mirror corresponds to a particular place where Jacob touch someone except for one image, Jack's childhood home. Jacob did not touch Jack then, instead when Jack was older at the hospital. Besides, in all the areas were know for sure where Jacob stayed, there is no signs of a list of names being recorded anywhere. Not when he was in the forest in the hut, nor in the foot of the statue.

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So?What Is the Island? It's described as a four-letter word. There's your first clue! Shall we play Hangman? There are no A's or E's in the word?Wanna buy another vowel? Okay, but you only get one.

Continue to play this game...

What about Gift? Lord/Gods? Bomb?

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Flashback to season 2, in the episode 23rd Psalm and the episode Eko died.

Eko recited the famous Bible line - "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil"


Mr. Eko faces the black smoke as John Locke did, despite Charlie telling him to run. The black smoke approaches Eko, who stands his ground. Eko stares fearlessly at the cloud for a few moments, and as the camera passes through the cloud, there is a chattering noise. There are dark images flashing inside the cloud, images which are from Eko's past: the man he shot, his mother, his brother, a church, and a crucifix. Suddenly, the cloud pulls back and disappears

Three weeks passed without an encounter, until the Man in Black manifested himself as Yemi, Eko's dead brother. It appeared before Mr. Eko several times, and told him that it was time for him to be judged. While Eko made his way to the Beechcraft—Yemi's final resting place—the Man in Black appeared as slithering wisps of smoke circling Eko from a distance. To test Eko, the Man in Black appeared as figures from Eko's past who exclaimed that it was time for him to be judged. When Eko rested at a riverbank, the Man in Black crept up over his shoulder and seemed about to envelop him when Eko saw its reflection in the water and stood up sharply. The Man in Black pulled back quickly into the jungle just as Locke burst out of the foliage looking for Eko. ("The Cost of Living")

The Man in Black grabs Mr. Eko, moments before killing him. ("The Cost of Living")Later that day, Eko found the crashed Beechcraft and again encountered the Man in Black, as Yemi, who asked Eko to confess his past sins. Eko proclaimed that he was not sorry for anything he had done, nor did he seek forgiveness from Yemi. "Yemi" replied, "You speak to me as if I were your brother", then turned and disappeared into the jungle. Following him into the jungle, Eko encountered the Man in Black as the familiar cloud of black smoke, which had expanded to over 40 feet in height. It seized him with a fist-like like appendage and proceeded to repeatedly slam Eko into trees and the ground, mortally wounding him. The Man in Black disappeared when its noises and the sound of the attack alerted Locke and the rest of his group, who were nearby in the Pearl. Moments later, Eko died in Locke's arms after whispering his last words. When asked what he said, Locke replied, "He said, we're next."

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