[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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Is it just me or does the smoke monster look whiter this season? It seems almost grey now, but in the beginning it was pitch black. Maybe there's two smoke monsters, Jacob and fake locke.

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Is it just me or does the smoke monster look whiter this season? It seems almost grey now, but in the beginning it was pitch black. Maybe there's two smoke monsters, Jacob and fake locke.

Yeah you're correct. Seasons 1,2 and 3 it was pitch black and Seasons 4,5,6 its a much lighter.

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Could just be dodgy CGI that Lost is know for :p

Haha, most likely. Preferred him pitch black.

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What I am wondering is why Smokey was intimidated by Eko for a couple times, then killed him the 3rd time?

Anyone have an answer to this?

Was the 1st two times it was not Eko's time to die for some reason?

Or was it Eko had NO fear the 1st two times, but had fear for the time he was killed?

Has fear something to do with it?

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What I am wondering is why Smokey was intimidated by Eko for a couple times, then killed him the 3rd time?

Anyone have an answer to this?

Was the 1st two times it was not Eko's time to die for some reason?

Or was it Eko had NO fear the 1st two times, but had fear for the time he was killed?

Has fear something to do with it?

No idea. We may never know the answer to that one, unless Eko comes back in a future episode. My guess is, MIB wasn't done with him then, and needed him in some sort of way.

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What I am wondering is why Smokey was intimidated by Eko for a couple times, then killed him the 3rd time?

Anyone have an answer to this?

Was the 1st two times it was not Eko's time to die for some reason?

Or was it Eko had NO fear the 1st two times, but had fear for the time he was killed?

Has fear something to do with it?

I personally think Eko was going to be the original body that the writers would use to reveal Smokey as some sort of shapeshifter. It would have made more sense for Smokey's final body to be a black man, and would have played more on the white/black symbolism between Jacob/MIB and throughout the show in general. From lostpedia:

Damon Lindelof stated that Eko's story arc was originally supposed to last 4 seasons however due to Adewale's dislike of living in Hawaii he was killed off after a little over one season

I think the reason Smokey killed him instead was because he realised he could no longer manipulate him, as Eko didn't believe he had sinned and Smokey planned on using his sins/need to repent as a way of maniuplating him to his final goal of helping him kill Jacob (Eko had killed a fair few people in his past). Instead Smokey used Ben as the guy to kill Jacob.

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Latest Season 6 Spoilers via Paley Center Festival

1. Jack's baby momma (mother of David Shephard in the flash-sideways world) IS somebody we've met before. Juliet? Kate? Sara? Hmm...

2. We probably will see Walt again. "[Malcolm David Kelley] absolutely would still be on the show," Carlton Cuse said, "but the actor aged." Damon Lindelof: "We are working on a way to bring Walt back before Lost is all said and done."

3. Damon: "Ilana and Richard will say things to each other and about each other in the future."

4. Terry O'Quinn is "playing a guy who we're not going to see until the finale." (Eeeee!)

5. Someone IS coming to the island.

6. Matthew Abbadon will not return.

7. We will get an answer to Libby and Hurley and their connection in the past.

8. Vincent will be back.

9. The finale is being written right now. Episode 15 was just shot this week in Hawaii.

10. Damon says there's no need for an island to have a Lost-themed ride at Disney World: "Just put people in a black room, spin them around and punch them in the face and tell them 'You just had the Lost experience.'"

11. Will we find out if there really was a bird on the island that said "Hurley" as it flew by? "That is on our list of things to explain."

12. When asked if we'll find out what happened to Annie, Ben's childhood sweetheart, Carlton says "We don't want to say. Probably not."

13. The gang's back together! While answering an unrelated Q, Terry O'Quinn mentioned: "A whole bunch of the cast is working together again."

14. There will be more for Charlie fans.

15. Alan Dale aka Charles Widmore will return.

16. Whether Jacob actually ever furnished a list of candidates to Ben or The Others is speculative...and might have been Ben lying to get the surgery from Jack.

17. A clip was shown for next week's episode in which Sayid says "apparently, I'm evil," Miles tells Sayid he was dead and says "Whatever brought you back it wasn't them (Temple people)," and Claire storms into the Temple telling Dogen that "He" wants to talk to him.

Read more: http://spoilerslost.blogspot.com/#ixzz0gpLfjuFz

Great stuff there! Glad to see the bird might be answered, but disappointed about how they answered the Annie question, they said she was a very important character in the show..

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Latest Season 6 Spoilers via Paley Center Festival

1. Jack's baby momma (mother of David Shephard in the flash-sideways world) IS somebody we've met before. Juliet? Kate? Sara? Hmm...

2. We probably will see Walt again. "[Malcolm David Kelley] absolutely would still be on the show," Carlton Cuse said, "but the actor aged." Damon Lindelof: "We are working on a way to bring Walt back before Lost is all said and done."

3. Damon: "Ilana and Richard will say things to each other and about each other in the future."

4. Terry O'Quinn is "playing a guy who we're not going to see until the finale." (Eeeee!)

5. Someone IS coming to the island.

6. Matthew Abbadon will not return.

7. We will get an answer to Libby and Hurley and their connection in the past.

8. Vincent will be back.

9. The finale is being written right now. Episode 15 was just shot this week in Hawaii.

10. Damon says there's no need for an island to have a Lost-themed ride at Disney World: "Just put people in a black room, spin them around and punch them in the face and tell them 'You just had the Lost experience.'"

11. Will we find out if there really was a bird on the island that said "Hurley" as it flew by? "That is on our list of things to explain."

12. When asked if we'll find out what happened to Annie, Ben's childhood sweetheart, Carlton says "We don't want to say. Probably not."

13. The gang's back together! While answering an unrelated Q, Terry O'Quinn mentioned: "A whole bunch of the cast is working together again."

14. There will be more for Charlie fans.

15. Alan Dale aka Charles Widmore will return.

16. Whether Jacob actually ever furnished a list of candidates to Ben or The Others is speculative...and might have been Ben lying to get the surgery from Jack.

17. A clip was shown for next week's episode in which Sayid says "apparently, I'm evil," Miles tells Sayid he was dead and says "Whatever brought you back it wasn't them (Temple people)," and Claire storms into the Temple telling Dogen that "He" wants to talk to him.

Read more: http://spoilerslost.blogspot.com/#ixzz0gpLfjuFz

Great stuff there! Glad to see the bird might be answered, but disappointed about how they answered the Annie question, they said she was a very important character in the show..

yeah the annie stuff is sad....I felt she was important also

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yeah the annie stuff is sad....I felt she was important also

Yeah, as well as the Gegroots? Feel like they won't be answered too, the producers did say however that one of them is dead..

4. Terry O'Quinn is "playing a guy who we're not going to see until the finale."

That's the best one! :o

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When's the finale scheduled to air? Early may?

Sunday 23rd May 2010 - 2 hour special :)

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Argh MUST resist reading the Spoilers!!! :pinch:

When? 8pm or 9pm?

Well that will be given much closer to the date, and I'm not America, if I were a betting man, I would say 9pm on ABC...

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