[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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Is the reason Michael couldn't kill himself in previous seasons because of Jacob? It seems like you can't commit suicide rather than dying - obviously with Jack lighting the fuse and staying there it stopped it going off. We can assume if Jack had left, Richard would be in little bits.

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Before Michael gets blown up Christian appears and tells him that he can "go now" or something along those lines. People have been saying that Christian is smokey but in this case it would seem that it might be Jacob?

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Hurley is the only one who can talk to dead people. Everyone on the island has seen someone who shouldn't have been there at some point, but thats either the island or MIB's doing.

Sayid does not have a gfit of not dying. He died, it was explained pretty clearly last episode by Miles.

Jins gift is not being able to impregnate people :p He had a medical condition which the island healed.

Claire gave birth to her baby because she didn't get pregnant on the island.

Kate and Sawyer don't have gifts.

Miles can listen to the dead, he can't talk to them.

Richard clearly states when Jacob's touches you he gives you a gift.

Ok maybe Island heals the candidates. But Jacob definitely gives candidates gifts. I don't why it did heal

But Sayid did not die he is still alive and only one of candidates can kill him.

Sawyer definitely has gift because he could see the boy but Richard could not see the boy. He also could also see Kate's horse. I really doubt miles and hurley talking, seeing, or listening is coincidence.

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Sawyer definitely has gift because he could see the boy but Richard could not see the boy.

I dont think thats anything to do with sawyer, The boy was behind richard as flocke stood there looking confused, it took a few for richard to turn around. Sawyer looked almost straight away.

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I dont think thats anything to do with sawyer, The boy was behind richard as flocke stood there looking confused, it took a few for richard to turn around. Sawyer looked almost straight away.

But Flocke was suprised that Sawyer could see him. Then Flocke acted like he did see the boy afterwards.

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6.08 Sneak Peak

Episode 6.09

According to DarkUFO, Episode 6.09 will run for an extra 6 minutes, on the 23rd March 2010.

Even better :woot:

Latest from Ausiello - Casting News

Question: Is it true that Rousseau is returning to Lost? ?Jaime

Ausiello: Oui.

Source: EW

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Excellent Episode?

I have the impression that in the way that Richard talked about the Black Rock, I think that he originally got to the Island in the Black Rock.

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Excellent Episode?

I have the impression that in the way that Richard talked about the Black Rock, I think that he originally got to the Island in the Black Rock.

You certainly have astute powers of observation.

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Richard clearly states when Jacob's touches you he gives you a gift.

Ok maybe Island heals the candidates. But Jacob definitely gives candidates gifts. I don't why it did heal

But Sayid did not die he is still alive and only one of candidates can kill him.

Sawyer definitely has gift because he could see the boy but Richard could not see the boy. He also could also see Kate's horse. I really doubt miles and hurley talking, seeing, or listening is coincidence.

I think you're taking Richard too literally. Its not a single touch and bam, you have a cool bag full of magic tricks. Jacob asked Richard and he said yes, so he gave him his gift. The only ones who have actual gifts are Miles, Hurley and Richard, and apart from Richard, we don't know where they got them from.

Unless I'm mistaken, it also healed Rose, and shes not a candidate.

Sayid is dead, hes evil Sayid now. :p I don't consider him any different than Christian really. And who said only a candidate can kill him?

As I said, plenty of people on this island have seen things they shouldn't have, Sawyer seeing young Jacob is no different.

You certainly have astute powers of observation.

lol. :p

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I know this has already been said but I am can't get my mind past it.

Is Fake Locke, Flocke, Man in Black, Esau, Smokey (call him what you want) the same person as Jacob? That has to be the big twist. There is so much evidence to support the theory. The showdown will be Whdmore vs this guy. Two sides, good vs evil.

Crack pot theory right here!!!!

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I know this has already been said but I am can't get my mind past it.

Is Fake Locke, Flocke, Man in Black, Esau, Smokey (call him what you want) the same person as Jacob? That has to be the big twist. There is so much evidence to support the theory. The showdown will be Whdmore vs this guy. Two sides, good vs evil.

Crack pot theory right here!!!!

No, not the same person. :p How could he be talking to himself? :p

I think Locke versus Jack would make more sense.

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No, not the same person. :p How could he be talking to himself? :p

Is God Schizophrenic?

Ask any Christian why they believe God will torment people forever, and you’ll usually get the response, “God loves all men, but He is also just.” While it is certainly true that God is both love and justice, modern theology perverts both of these wonderful attributes of God by creating a dualistic natured god—a god incapable of loving and executing His justice at the same time.


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But Flocke was suprised that Sawyer could see him. Then Flocke acted like he did see the boy afterwards.

I think when flocke said "what boy" it was meant to be sarcastic

because he knew sawyer was talking to someone and when asked said "no one"

as for flocke being supprised at sawyer seeing the boy I think it may be down to flocke thinking he is imagining things.

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I think when flocke said "what boy" it was meant to be sarcastic

because he knew sawyer was talking to someone and when asked said "no one"

as for flocke being supprised at sawyer seeing the boy I think it may be down to flocke thinking he is imagining things.

Uh ....I think your wrong.

Flock obviously knows who the boy is. I don't think he wants to let sawyer now who the boy is. When the boy says you know the rules you can't kill him I don't think he was refering to Jacob.

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Did anyone watch the "pop-up video" repeat of last week. Some really interesting things were mentioned. When Dogen told Sayid "He will appear as someone you know, someone who is dead" the pop up mentioned all of the other "people" that have been seen on the island:

  • Jack and Claire saw their father
  • Hurley saw Dave
  • Ben saw Alex

I think that pretty much confirms Christian, and Alex were actually MIB/Smokey.

I also think it's funny that Dave was MIB, because he tried to convince Hurley to jump off the side of a cliff because the island was all in his imagination. This means MIB knew Hurley was important and wanted him dead.

At the very end of the episode, the pop up said "Widmore told Locke a war was starting on the island, and if he didn't return the wrong side would win... This is the first time Kate has seen the resurrected Locke, and she knows he's on the wrong side." Interesting that Widmore never mentioned that Locke had to be alive when he went back to the island.

That is a great point, and further pushes my own theory that the MIB has been 'pushing' these characters from the very beginning. Also, this week's episode helps my theory of characters following similar paths on and off the island (flash sideways). So far the only character that has not followed similar paths if Locke/MIB.

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Smokey and Jacob are the same person would be a crazy Twist!

I'm betting it. It has to be. Go back and watch the scene where MIB and Jacob are on the beach. Not once do you see them in the same shot. They are the same character and they are playing the audience. It's a game, we a part of the game. Yes, I might be wrong but they are building it up to be an epic twist and my gut tells me this has something to do with it.

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I'm betting it. It has to be. Go back and watch the scene where MIB and Jacob are on the beach. Not once do you see them in the same shot. They are the same character and they are playing the audience. It's a game, we a part of the game. Yes, I might be wrong but they are building it up to be an epic twist and my gut tells me this has something to do with it.

What do you mean you dont see MIB and Jacob in the same shot on the beach?

you clearly see him walking up to Jacob and him walking infront of jacob. Both in the same scene.

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