[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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I think because some of you (rappy) have read the spoilers, you ruined the show for yourself! That is why you must resist, lol.

Remember how fun season 1 and 2 was? That's because you didn't know what was going on... Now that you know all the answers, you spoiled it for yourself

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I think because some of you (rappy) have read the spoilers, you ruined the show for yourself! That is why you must resist, lol.

Remember how fun season 1 and 2 was? That's because you didn't know what was going on... Now that you know all the answers, you spoiled it for yourself

haha I didn't watch Season 1 and 2 when it first started, I think I came in around half way through Season 2 :p but maybe I just love me some spoilers...that being said the spoilers never actually tell you whats going to happen though in full you still have to watch.

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What's the fun of watching the show when you know what's going to happen? I NEVER have the urge to read any spoilers. Not even cast on future episodes. The mystique is what keeps it fun & interesting. :yes:

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I think because some of you (rappy) have read the spoilers, you ruined the show for yourself! That is why you must resist, lol.

Remember how fun season 1 and 2 was? That's because you didn't know what was going on... Now that you know all the answers, you spoiled it for yourself

Nah, I read spoilers during seasons 4 and 5, and I still loved watching the show, and seldom let down (OK, there were a few snoozers). This year, for me anyway, is a different story. There is *something* missing this year. Maybe it's because this year (so far) is quite a bit lighter on the sci-fi angle, but it seems like more than just that (I'm not even sure why I'm saying it's light on the sci-fi, but...I am).

The on-island stories seem to be progressing at a nice pace (slightly drawn out in cases, but acceptable), but the off-island stories could use some trimming.

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The flash sideways could use a lot of trimming. Half the season has been dedicated to them, and as I've said several times, they appear to have no real significance, direction or purpose. I may likely be wrong and I sure hope I am.

The only true redeeming quality for next week's episode, regardless if it's a flashback, forward, or sideways, is that it is focused one of the few people that we have yet to explore. An episode or two focusing on Jacob or the man in black would be equally welcomed for the same exact reason, regardless of the year or which timeline the events are shown. It's new information to be revealed, not the small glances we've been treated to half way through its final season.

There's no excuse for the lack of progress in resolving mysteries that they chose to include. I don't want a sit down Q&A to wrap it all up, but the writers purposely set this grand mystery in motion, began to reveal their mystery in their final episodes, and so far have covered it back up and virtually ignored their mystery until it is convenient for them to reveal only portions. They will "answer the important questions" as they don't have time to reveal anything else, but poppycock on that. They've known for over three years that this is when it would end, and while the last two seasons were the best, this season has thus far under delivered on its potential.

I still love the show and it's still my most favorite to date, but I sure feel let down as the years of dedication have not seen its payoff in the slightest. Now, I didn't expect to know everything halfway through the season, but I doubt any of us believed that we would only know a small deal more than we did when the fifth season ended by the time we reached this point. Here's to the second half of the season redeeming what has been a mostly lackluster and consequently, disappointing, season. I've enjoyed it, but not as much as I had hoped, and not nearly as much as I did the last two.


There, I've got that off my chest :)

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By MY standard, I do NOT (NEVER) consider guesses and vague hints, casting as spoilers. I consider an Absolute plot reveal spoiler.

But guesses? Pssf, it could be anything... it's probably actually pretty rewarding if you are smart enough to guess it. :p

We all have our OWN standard what is a spoiler, and some are not OK with ANY at all I guess.

I am always OK with a few MINOR/MILD ones, but not major ones. And, I never read any major ones either.

TRUST me, I don't want to know what exactly happens as you guys, too. But I like to guess, that's FUN!!! :)

But, let's differentiate between speculation, guesses Vs actual spoilers!

The flash sideways could use a lot of trimming. Half the season has been dedicated to them, and as I've said several times, they appear to have no real significance, direction or purpose. I may likely be wrong and I sure hope I am.

Aren't they supposed to MERGE at the end somehow?

Since this is discussed on the show, it's NOT a spoiler -

Which (Greek) Gods mother is crazy?

Hera? Who else?

BUUUT, now this might sound crazyy....BUUUT MIB can also be referring that he himself is Aaron. They have yet to reveal MIB's real name, and this might be the reason why.

Fixed :p

That would be Awesome twist :D

But, you are right though that this about crazy Mother IS a pretty huge reveal. Unless MIB is lying, which he probably IS TELLING the truth here I think.

With this show, I think hints and puzzle pieces are LEFT all over the episodes (EVEN the ones you find boring/even sideflashs are big puzzles I believe), just how smart/intelligent you are as a viewer to pieces it ALL together at the end.

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So, only ...

You realize that you are spoling the show by not blacking out the rest of the comment, right?

Thanks a ****ing bunch. I reported your post in the hope that they'll ban you or something.

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What's the fun of watching the show when you know what's going to happen? I NEVER have the urge to read any spoilers. Not even cast on future episodes. The mystique is what keeps it fun & interesting. :yes:

Actually, I didn't start watching Lost for real until season 3 or 4 or so (when Jack, Kate and Sawyer were captured, I think). So I went back and watched the seasons I missed later. I really enjoyed it because I noticed all the things that were pointing to future seasons.

With everything going on in the sideways timeline, I'm starting to realize that this isn't the timeline if the "Incident" didn't happen at all...this is the timeline that would have existed if Jacob didn't exist at all.

Yes, that has been pretty obvious to me at least. It's what I fear is the case. I fear that is the case because it sucks. It's as if the whole thing never happened. Which makes the whole show completely pointless. It means the flash-sideways are nothing but a bunch of normal people with normal lives, and not Lost at all. Why the hell would I care what happens to any of them in some different timeline where the island never happened? Screw that.

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With everything going on in the sideways timeline, I'm starting to realize that this isn't the timeline if the "Incident" didn't happen at all...this is the timeline that would have existed if Jacob didn't exist at all.

That cant be true or Locke would be dead as Jacob brought him back to life after his fall?

Yes, that has been pretty obvious to me at least. It's what I fear is the case. I fear that is the case because it sucks. It's as if the whole thing never happened. Which makes the whole show completely pointless. It means the flash-sideways are nothing but a bunch of normal people with normal lives, and not Lost at all. Why the hell would I care what happens to any of them in some different timeline where the island never happened? Screw that.

Im pretty sure they said the flash sideways will make sense and link up with island time at some point this season.

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The flash sideways could use a lot of trimming. Half the season has been dedicated to them, and as I've said several times, they appear to have no real significance, direction or purpose. I may likely be wrong and I sure hope I am.

I agree and, yes, I hope we're wrong. It was great to see Charlotte (and hearing of the new connection with Miles), but if she isn't revisited for a multiple-timeline-convergence scenario (or *something*), then it was just a "stunt" appearance, and a waste of time (yeah, I know, Sawyer was the focus).

The only true redeeming quality for next week's episode, regardless if it's a flashback, forward, or sideways, is that it is focused one of the few people that we have yet to explore. An episode or two focusing on Jacob or the man in black would be equally welcomed for the same exact reason, regardless of the year or which timeline the events are shown. It's new information to be revealed, not the small glances we've been treated to half way through its final season.

The post of mine that you responded to was going to be a bit longer, but I cut it 'cause it seemed like rambling. In it I wrote "I know I'll get stoned for saying this, but, it's like Carlton and Damon brought in new writers, gave them the cheat-sheet of questions/mysteries and their answers, and said "Have fun! But *here* is where we need the key characters to be to lead into *our* series finale"."

I'm just hoping the writers don't screw up on these stories.

There's no excuse for the lack of progress in resolving mysteries that they chose to include. I don't want a sit down Q&A to wrap it all up, but the writers purposely set this grand mystery in motion, began to reveal their mystery in their final episodes, and so far have covered it back up and virtually ignored their mystery until it is convenient for them to reveal only portions. They will "answer the important questions" as they don't have time to reveal anything else, but poppycock on that. They've known for over three years that this is when it would end, and while the last two seasons were the best, this season has thus far under delivered on its potential.

(See above.) Well, I'll give 'em a little room on this one - What's a "mystery"? I think they covered this as an inside joke last week (or so) when they found Shannon's inhaler - Jorge asked Carlton and Damon at Comicon(?) if they were ever going to answer that question (since Sawyer didn't have it, what happened to it?).

Another oddity - we're halfway through the season, seeing "Henry Ian Cusick" in every episode's opening credits, yet Desmond has only had, what, 30 seconds screen time? There's a mystery I want answered.

I still love the show and it's still my most favorite to date, but I sure feel let down as the years of dedication have not seen its payoff in the slightest. Now, I didn't expect to know everything halfway through the season, but I doubt any of us believed that we would only know a small deal more than we did when the fifth season ended by the time we reached this point. Here's to the second half of the season redeeming what has been a mostly lackluster and consequently, disappointing, season. I've enjoyed it, but not as much as I had hoped, and not nearly as much as I did the last two.

Yeah, I still watch it twice (live on older TV, and then online in HD), but like I said, *something* is missing thus far this season (besides Desmond)

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OK, now I feel I need to share my thoughts on this matter.

What is the problem with everyone complaining about the flashbacks, sideways, flashforwards, whatever, being boring and perhaps even irrelevant.

I really think you're all missing the point. These back stories have always been a part of LOST, since the very first episode. They are really the dramatic backbone of this series. Not only do they provide the characterization, but also an idea as to why characters behave a certain way.

In Season 6, these sideway flashbacks take a different role, I think. This time they show how the it all ends, if nothing changes. To my mind, LOST is about a power struggle between two forces. It's a battle between reason and emotion; not even a good versus evil conflict, as many believe. That's what I get out of these off-island stories.

Of course I would like to have answers to some questions I have. However, I think people are actually focusing so much on getting all these questions answered. Some of them will be answered, while some won't.

Yet, it seems some here are simply not enjoying the drama itself. There's is so much great acting; so many great stories being told to enjoy.

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That cant be true or Locke would be dead as Jacob brought him back to life after his fall?

It was said Locke and Cooper are still on speaking terms in the alternate timeline.

Therefore, it stands to reason that Locke is in the wheelchair for a different reason then going out the window.

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Question: I keep hearing about this groundbreaking 15th episode of Lost that features none of the series regulars. Can you spill any dirt on why that might be? ?Brittany

Ausiello: It?s not completely accurate to say there are no series regulars in it. It would be more accurate to say it?s really light on series regulars. As far as why, let?s just say it?s a big mythology episode and leave it at that.

Source: EW

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The flash sideways could use a lot of trimming. Half the season has been dedicated to them, and as I've said several times, they appear to have no real significance, direction or purpose. I may likely be wrong and I sure hope I am.

The only true redeeming quality for next week's episode, regardless if it's a flashback, forward, or sideways, is that it is focused one of the few people that we have yet to explore. An episode or two focusing on Jacob or the man in black would be equally welcomed for the same exact reason, regardless of the year or which timeline the events are shown. It's new information to be revealed, not the small glances we've been treated to half way through its final season.

Maybe they don't appear to have a purpose simply because we don't know what it is yet? Whats with the lack of faith? Have the writers not delivered us an amazing show thus far?

I think theres going to be an episode just about Jacob? Rappy's comments make me think its 15.

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"The use of a flash-back/forward/sideways in every episode is overkill." That is not a fact, it is an opinion - MY opinion. It's one of those "eye of the beholder" things.

Just as I don't care for the characters of Jack and Kate - they just bore me. It's not the actors I have a problem with (but then again, maybe it is). If you've been paying attention, it's easy to notice that most viewers LIKE the Jack and Kate characters.

Then we have the stance of season 6 not being up to the standard set by previous seasons, or being let down by such things as pace of the storytelling or, perhaps, the answers we are to be given to the mysteries.

These are not right or wrong issues. They are simply opinions.

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"The use of a flash-back/forward/sideways in every episode is overkill." That is not a fact, it is an opinion - MY opinion. It's one of those "eye of the beholder" things.

Just as I don't care for the characters of Jack and Kate - they just bore me. It's not the actors I have a problem with (but then again, maybe it is). If you've been paying attention, it's easy to notice that most viewers LIKE the Jack and Kate characters.

Then we have the stance of season 6 not being up to the standard set by previous seasons, or being let down by such things as pace of the storytelling or, perhaps, the answers we are to be given to the mysteries.

These are not right or wrong issues. They are simply opinions.

+1 :yes:

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With everything going on in the sideways timeline, I'm starting to realize that this isn't the timeline if the "Incident" didn't happen at all...this is the timeline that would have existed if Jacob didn't exist at all.

The major flaw with that theory is that up until either the Incident or when those from the future appeared in the past, everything was the same. Dharma still went to the island, but once the island was underwater, things changed from that point on. So Jacob still existed. The island simply didn't have its chance to interfere with any lives.

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Im pretty sure they said the flash sideways will make sense and link up with island time at some point this season.

I know. I'm just hoping that doesn't mean they'll pull a "ha ha, nothing that happened during the entire show really mattered because it's now undone" on us.

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Yes, that has been pretty obvious to me at least. It's what I fear is the case. I fear that is the case because it sucks. It's as if the whole thing never happened. Which makes the whole show completely pointless. It means the flash-sideways are nothing but a bunch of normal people with normal lives, and not Lost at all. Why the hell would I care what happens to any of them in some different timeline where the island never happened? Screw that.

Apparently the past episode is supposed to be the last flash-sideways episode. So if that's true I honestly have no clue where they're going with it.

But based on my interpretation, it may tie in with overall themes of the show, which might be part of the endgame. Themes like fate vs free will.

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I really can't wait for next episode, not sure if it will ruin richard though? The thing that made him awesome was the fact we knew nothing about him. However. That said, I am expecting 9/10 or 10/10 that matches "a man if science. A man of faith" "The constant" and "through the looking glass."

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So, only

Jack, Kates and Jin

survive. That means

Jack and Kate

could be Adam and Eve.

Why the hell when you reply you can see the spoilers?


But since I am spoiled I am Happy it's

Jate NOT Skate

!!! :)

p.s: Where are Desmond and Faradday?

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