[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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Jimmy Kimmel has secured the guest list for his special edition of Jimmy Kimmel Live following Lost's series finale, according to Variety.

Check out photos of the Lost cast

Present and past cast members Naveen Andrews, Nestor Carbonell, Alan Dale, Jeremy Davies, Emilie de Ravin, Michael Emerson, Matthew Fox, Daniel Dae Kim, Terry O'Quinn and Harold Perrineau are all confirmed to appear live on the show. Also appearing, though not in the studio, are Jorge Garcia, Josh Holloway and Evangeline Lilly.

Notably absent from the list so far are original cast member and series regular Yunjin Kim and Henry Ian Cusick, a recurring guest star since Season 2.


TVGuide.com: I'll admit that I did shed a few tears after your death in Tuesday's episode. The Sun and Jin reunion was so short-lived!

Yunjin Kim: It was a brilliant way to end Sun and Jin's life on the island. Because of the way the story is going, especially once we get to Episode 15, 16 and 17, it's moving at a pretty fast pace. Let's say if Jin dies alone, Sun would only grieve for Jin for two seconds and we'd have to move on with the storyline. It was a very romantic death.

TVGuide.com: The episode was jampacked with death, especially with Sayid (Naveen Andrews) taking one for the team.

Kim: Yeah, I think we all become heroes at the end as far as the island story goes. I have a feeling that's how the series is going to end. Sayid's death is very abrupt and ours is very drawn out. Daniel and I both had water pouring on top of our heads while shooting it, so it was hard to even keep our eyes open. It was physically demanding.

TVGuide.com: How did you feel when the producers told you that your characters were going to die?

Kim: As soon as I got on the phone with Damon Lindelof, he said "This phone call is not one of those phone calls." He told me how it was going to happen and I actually thought it was a beautiful ending to both of the characters. It will only propel the other survivors to go after Locke [Terry O'Quinn], and have a very good reason to go after Locke as aggressively as they do in the final episodes.

Lost's Jorge Garcia: The Man in Black cannot lie

TVGuide.com: A lot of fans have been waiting two years for Sun and Jin to be reunited. Do you expect to meet some angry fan reaction?

Kim: I think that's where the writers wanted the fans to be: To be very angry at Locke. It's just the way the story needs to end. Then again, I think the fans will realize that it's not the end of Sun and Jin's storyline, we still have flash sideways. Our story doesn't just end with the death in the submarine. It will continue until the end.

TVGuide.com: We still get more Sun and Jin?

Kim: Yeah, they will complete [their sideways] storyline and fans will be very satisfied at the end. The finale will be a very nice closure to this long journey.

TVGuide.com: What's going to happen to Ji Yeon in the regular universe since both her parents just died?

Kim: In the normal universe, Sun's mother is taking care of her. That's how we left the story, so I guess Sun's parents will take over the custody. Again, because there's another lifeline, and Sun is actually pregnant with Ji Yeon at this point, we will have a closure in that storyline.

TVGuide.com: What can you tell us about the Losties going after Locke?

Kim: He is a force to be reckoned with. It's Locke vs. the castaways. Whoever is leftover will fight Locke to the end. The conclusion to Locke's story, that is part of the secret last act.

Getting Lost: What does the finale hold?

TVGuide.com: How do you feel now that the show is coming to a close?

Kim: It's very bittersweet. It's great that I survived six years of Lost, literally meaning my character has survived to the very end. I'm proud to be a part of this amazing journey. I have my emotional days, but some days I'm really good and I'm really looking forward to what's coming next. I recently got married, so it will be interesting to find out what I'll be doing after Lost.

TVGuide.com: Will Sun and Jin get a happy ending after all?

Kim: We'll see. I believe in happy endings, but this is Lost, so you never know. [Laughs]


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As a lot of people have been speculating, I can confirm that our favourite hairy chested character, Frank Lapidus is alive and well, albeit a little on the soggy side.

We will be seeing him on-island again.

Read more: http://spoilerslost....l#ixzz0nKB509Xy

Edited by John S.
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With just a few precious hours of Lost left before the Island drama fades to (Man in) Black on May 23, this week’s Entertainment Weekly pays tribute to the ABC show with Lost: The Complete Viewer’s Guide, a special package with everything you need to know to get ready for the epic finale. First up, an in-depth preview of the final episode. Our own Jeff “Doc” Jensen was on set for the last days of filming and shares intel from the Island, including what it was like to be there for all the tearful goodbyes. He also reveals teases for the final few episodes, finds out what the actors plan to do next, and suggests some possible Lost spin-offs to keep the franchise rolling.

But we’re just getting this mysterious, time-traveling party started. Next: a flow chart (guaranteed not to make your brain hurt) explaining how all the castaways are connected, which is followed by an oral history of how it all began — the making of the pilot episode of Lost. Show creators J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof, as well as the entire cast, share stories from the set of what would turn out to be the most expensive pilot in television history, and explain why it ended up being worth every single penny. We then provide handy dandy (graded) recaps of every single season, hook you up with a Lost A-Z Glossary, and take you on an eerie blast into the past as we host a gathering of some Lost souls who died before their time. Like we said, it’s everything you need to know to get ready for the finale. And then just a little bit more. It’s a package so formidable, in fact, that it could not even be contained to a single cover. Or two. Or three, even. Try 10! That’s right, 10! Each of our favorite Losties (Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Locke/Fake Locke, Ben, Claire, Hurley, Sun, Jin, and Sayid) gets their very own cover: Check back at EW.com soon for a look at all 10, then order ‘em all to complete your collection.

While Lost was airing on the East Coast last night, I was at the Time 100 gala at the Time Warner Center, seated between Rachael Ray and Lost producer Carlton Cuse. (Through dinner, Cuse was getting text updates from the high school baseball game his son was pitching. They won.)

Just after 10 p.m., I got a text from Mrs. Tuned In at home:

Lost was amazing

I showed it to Cuse, who smiled and said cryptically that big things were happening on the episode, things that might upset some fans but that were necessary to show the stakes now that the series was four episodes away from ending. "Nobody is safe," he said.

Down on the Jazz at Lincoln Center stage, Prince was about to play a set, but part of me just wanted to rush home and watch "The Candidate." Mrs. Tuned In, as she usually is, was right.

Lost was amazing last night—and heartbreaking, and horrifying, and breathtaking, and in some ways maddening—in an episode that advanced the endgame plot, gave Matthew Fox a potential Emmy clip, and took away some of the characters we've loved since the series began.

It can be easy, watching a show like Lost—especially one with so many resurrections and fake-out "deaths"—to be lulled into the sense that certain characters are simply unkillable because they're too important. In a way, "The Candidate" meta-referenced that feeling. When Sawyer told Widmore he didn't believe he would actually kill Kate, he had to be speaking in part for us, if for different reasons: he can't kill her because she's Evangeline Lilly! The bomb can't go off, because the show would be over! (Wouldn't it?) Even Lapides—seemingly residing in Davy Jones' locker now—seemed to be bulletproof: they have to keep him around to fly the plane, right?

Apparently not. The most important thing about "The Candidate" was not that the deaths for their own sake, but they did serve an important function. They showed—like Keamy's sudden execution of Alex did in a different way—that Lost is willing to pull the trigger.

But that would mean nothing if the show were not also still able to pull our heartstrings. Sun and Jin's deaths, after a pulse-pounding, claustrophobic rescue attempt in the sinking submarine, were wrenching but, more important, ultimately true to their characters. I did wonder, as a parent, why Sun would not ask Jin to swim to safety for the sake of Ji Yeon. But it makes sense to me that he wouldn't be able to leave her. They've been separated for three years and finally, briefly, brought back together.

Deciding whether to stay with Sun or leave for their baby's sake would have been agonizing, and I think the scene would have been stronger to show him wrestling with it. But ultimately it makes sense—for Jin—knowing that his child is being cared for, that he could not leave Sun to drown alone. And an excellent performance by Yunjin Kim, who managed to convey not just her fear of dying, but the deeper sorrow that what she had fought so hard to get—a future with her family—is being stolen from her. She made me feel not just the horror of her death, but worse, the aching loss of the long lives she and Jin should have had.

[A general principle, by the way, about scenes like this, before this devolves into an argument about parenting. To me, as a father, it seems natural and automatic that two parents would, however painful it was, try to make sure that one of them survived for their daughter. But that's me, and I'm suspicious of anyone who claims that they know how every parent would behave in a certain situation—there is no "every parent," there is no "every person"—or who plays the "you can't understand until you have kids" card. People respond differently facing death, and while I may think I know what I would have done in that situation, I also think it would be arrogant to claim that I know what I would have done until I've actually stared down death.]

With all this going on, Sayid's self-sacrifice—which could have been a pivotal moment by itself—was overshadowed and comparatively sudden, but I was glad to see that he had the chance to make one last, autonomous decision to do the right thing. It's important to remember that Sayid, as sympathetic as he is, was not exactly a good guy even before he took his Magic Smokey Bath: extenuating circumstances or not, he's done some awful things. He's been a character who's teetered between good and bad, manipulated by others to compromise himself. Whether it was the urgency of the moment or that conversation back at the well with Desmond, it was satisfying that he got one moment to decide, of his own volition, that however badly he wanted to see Nadia alive again, he was no longer going to be somebody's hit man.

Meanwhile, "The Candidate," between the flash-sideways and the events on the sub, deftly swung Jack back to being the sympathetic protagonist for the series' ending. Jack has often been a hard character to like—high-handed and stubborn—and I've admired both Lost and Fox for being willing to make him hard to like. But this new Jack, both on the Island and in the flash-sideways, has seemed finally to internalize his experience and become better for it.

First we had the Jack who wanted to fix everything and knew what was best for everyone; then we had the Jack who, for much of this season, seemed to drop out and passively put himself in the hands of others. Now Jack is accepting responsibility, but he's also humbled, and Fox communicated that ably in his double-shot of final scenes, talking to Sideways Locke about learning to let go, and breaking down on the beach as he realizes that his friends are dead because he's been conned by Smokey.

At the TIME dinner last night, after I showed Cuse Mrs. Tuned In's text and told her about it, she texted back, jokingly, that I should tell Cuse she was now too distraught to go to bed. Everything we saw last night, he said, was setting the series up to resolve itself by focusing on the characters, in a way that feels earned. "Tell her it'll be all right," he said.

I'm taking his word for it. But I don't assume that means we're going to get all happy endings. Sob.

Now a quick hail of bullets:

* One other tidbit I got from Cuse, but which had broken elsewhere by the time I left the TIME 100: Cuselof got ABC to wrench 30 minutes from the affiliates, and the May 23 finale will now be 2 1/2, count them 2 1/2, hours long.

* I'm treating Lapidus as dead, but I'm willing to hear arguments to the contrary. If he is, though, that would seem to put the plane as well as the sub out of commission. Is there any way off this rock now?

* The opening Sideways scene seemed to reveal the title "The Candidate" as a misdirection, referring to Sideways Locke, but what about Sayid's last words: "It's going to be you, Jack." What does Sayid know?

* After the hints I'd gotten, I watched the episode expecting to see someone buy it, but early on, I ewas expecting it to be Claire. I'm glad it wasn't, because to have her die after being left behind one last time would, in its way, have been even more horrible than Sun and Jin's death. They at least died feeling loved; after all those years on the island with Squirrel Baby, I didn't want Claire's last feeling to be abandonment.

* As for Locke/Smokey, there's been a lot of debate about this, but the episode, and Cuselof's interview with Doc Jensen, seem to leave little doubt that he's an actual bad guy. Right?

* Speaking of which, Locke's con regarding the plane, the sub and the C4 took me by surprise, but I'm left with a question. His con depends in part on the argument that Widmore wanted them to take the plane, or else it wouldn't have been so lightly guarded. This was all a ruse, yes—but then why did Widmore leave the plane so lightly guarded?

* For all the deaths in the episode, the moment that crystallized for me the fact that things are getting real here was when Hurley, our designated cheerleader, started sobbing. Hurley's had dramatic moments before, but—and I may be recalling this wrong—I don't think we saw him weep that unrestrainedly even when Libby died. That may have been the most unsettling moment of all.

* This post is running too late for me to go back and look for all of them, but "The Candidate" was full of greatest-hits callbacks to Lost episodes past: "I wish you'd believed me," the button, the polar-bear cages and so on. Any other noteworthy ones?


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Another domestic disturbance for a Lost castaway.

Police confirm that they are investigating an attempted burglary early Friday morning at a Los Angeles area home that turned out to belong to Malcolm David Kelley, aka Walt, one of the key surviving passengers of Oceanic Flight 815 once upon a time.

"Malcolm and his family are currently working with law enforcement as they investigate the frightening chain of events that occurred at their residence earlier today," Kelley's rep, Dominic Friesen, tells E! News.

"Although understandably shaken, Malcolm is safe and uninjured, and truly appreciates the overwhelming support received by fans."

A spokesman for the L.A. County Sheriff's Department confirmed to E! News that it was investigating a burglary call that ended in a deputy-involved shooting and a suspect being taken into custody. No injuries were reported.

Meanwhile, according to TMZ, the suspect first knocked at the front door of Kelley's Bellflower home and, when no one answered, attempted to break in. The now 17-year-old actor was at home and called 911 when he heard a noise. Officers fired at least one shot when the suspect tried to flee.

We're just glad Kelley and his family are OK.

In 2005, Josh Holloway and his wife were held up at gunpoint at their place in Oahu. The perpetrator was ultimately sentenced to at least 13 years in prison after copping to five home-invasion robberies that year.

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Not Jack, I don't think.


But I do see a LITTLE resemblance. Perspective CAN be skewed sometimes.

In the video :33 mark, you can see a pretty clear shot of this other guy, and it does NOT look look like one of the Losties.

Look at the costume, like the ring on the chest or something, what does that tell who these people are?

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A spoiler without a spoiler tag? Well thank you very ****ing much!

Jesus, chill dude. It's not like its the revelation of the final scene or anything. The fact that we didn't see him die was confirmation enough.

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Jesus, chill dude. It's not like its the revelation of the final scene or anything. The fact that we didn't see him die was confirmation enough.

Still, *******. Don't post if you can't figure out how to tag something.

As far as I am aware we've only seen one child so far (young Jacob).

Nope, we saw the other one already.

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That promo is almost a yr old

I realize it, but i went back and watched it and i find the theme of the promo is fitting in well with what's going on in the show.

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Nope. All I care about in a Lost thread is Lost, and more specifically, not an overload of fan made stuff or TV Guide gaga.

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I certainly disagree with that, I LOVE Fan-mades (Shows fans are really creative and stuff! Lost fandom is better because of those IMO) Unfortunately really that we have NO multiple threads on Lost here.

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That's because additional threads aren't needed. You are virtually the only one that continues to post the fan made content and even "chasing bunnies" with Lost-related content that isn't relevant to what is happening with the show now.

Please don't misinterpret my tone, but imho, it's a waste of a thread update as it doesn't address the most pressing items: latest news, theories, spoilers (for those that want them) and reactions recent episodes. In a nutshell, I and probably most others can do without a numerous tribute videos, a Lost Mother's Day lullaby and seeing where an actor was before they became a star. The show is six years old and we're just now seeing a video on where Josh Holloway came from? Meh.

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Dude, I like these sort of stuff to death, Myself. There are a LOT more to a show than it's plot, and spoilers. Being a HUGE fan to me, means a LOT of tribute is NEEDED, IMO. Just because YOU yourself don't like them doesn't mean they are a waste of thread :rolleyes:

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Dude, I like these sort of stuff to death, Myself. There are a LOT more to a show than it's plot, and spoilers. Being a HUGE fan to me, means a LOT of tribute is NEEDED, IMO. Just because YOU yourself don't like them doesn't mean they are a waste of thread :rolleyes:

You could just post a list of links to these videos. There's no point in embedding every single one of them. The series is coming to an end. I think the show should be the main focus of discussion atm.

And no offence, your grammar is pretty shocking. Using capitals on every other word doesn't make your argument any more persuasive.

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The series is coming to an end. I think the show should be the main focus of discussion atm.

Discuss it then, but I see that Lost discussion isn't that much lately... anyways. Everybody is afraid of talking about stuff that might spoil some people find it so easy to be spoiled.

If you want to discuss it, PLEASE discuss it, keep it Rolling!

I did hear many ages ago that it's become a point that speculation is no longer necessary, so what else is to be discussed, you got any better ideas?

Otherwise, the way I look at it the series coming to end soon, is ALSO a cause for tributes to this great show too!

And no offence, your grammar is pretty shocking. Using capitals on every other word doesn't make your argument any more persuasive.

I am not even going to talk about that.

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Does the whole remembering the other timeline work in both timelines? So far it looks like only Juliet was able to see it. I wonder if Kate does as well?

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Hey is anybody's cities doing anything on May 23rd for the Series Finale event ... like Bars, and theaters, etc?

I don't know what my city has going on, but I like there to be a big event... I want to party/celebrate this show!!!

I know New York has a tons of Lost event going on(100s of fans to get together to watch Lost!!)... but what about smaller cities?

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