[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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I thought tonights episode was going nowhere.. my mind is officially blown!

Awesome ties in with an early episode of season 1! Congrats Lost writers! You are officially the greatest writers on earth.

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A name damn it!

Yea I know right! If he has a name then this would've been the episode to reveal it on; now I feel like we'll NEVER get a name.

On another note: So close to the end, and they make an episode consisting of nothing but 3 non-main characters. Balls.

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Great episode, still no name for MIB but now we know who S1's "Adam and Eve" are.

We also know why MiB wanted to kill Jacob, but we still do not know what the island is exactly (what exactly the light is, how Jacob and MiB's "mother" got there, etc, etc), and with only 2 episodes left, I doubt we will find out.

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so is jacobs brother dead? and his body released a smoke monster that was always there? or did his brother become the smoke monster?

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so is jacobs brother dead? and his body released a smoke monster that was always there? or did his brother become the smoke monster?

I'm wondering the same thing.

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Not enough answers...in fact it just raised more.

I think if anything they are just going to create more questions for the series finale as they do each and every season.

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From IRC. :p

Sydero: the light is life, death, rebirth, everyone has a bit in them

[10:05pm] Sydero: it's a soul well >_>

[10:05pm] Sydero: smokey is in soul form

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So the brother died while his "soul" got transformed into smokey. I still don't get why smokey wants to kill Jacob though, other than for revenge.

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So the brother died while his "soul" got transformed into smokey. I still don't get why smokey wants to kill Jacob though, other than for revenge.

All smokey wants to do is leave the island (or at least, thats what his human form wanted), Jacob took his body by throwing him into the well/light/whatever, and he was (up until he died) protecting the island and preventing smokey from leaving. So not only did Jacob "kill" smokey, he is also keeping him from getting what he wants.

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ok.. so here is what happened tonight..lol

We Know:

who adam and eve are.

Jacob and MIB are brothers.

They can't kill each other.

What we don't know as of tonight:

Why can't they kill each other.

Wtf is the black smoke.

What the light is

Why they can't leave the island.

Why MIB is "special" and how

Why, if jacob was supposed to protect the light, did he throw his brother into it

MIB's name

If MIB is dead, why did we see him in earlier episodes talking with jacob years later

WTF was MIB going to accomplish with a wheel and some light

If MIB could see "dead people" then wouldn't Hurly be a candidate for him

Once again.. very little answered, but a thousand more questions given.. i'm losing hope quickly that the end is gonna reveal much.

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It seemed like the brother would have been able to legitimately leave the island by turning the wheel he found (why else would the mother knock him out and burn the well)? Now that he is trapped in smokey form, he can no longer use the wheel. That's what I gathered from all this.

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Well. That was Crap. All we found out was how they got there and who adam and eve is. It was a good episode. But they could have covered alot more. We learnt nothing!

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Well. That was Crap. All we found out was how they got there and who adam and eve is. It was a good episode. But they could have covered alot more. We learnt nothing!

Agreed. I almost wish I had never started watching this show lol. If I could send a message back in time to myself, it would say "wait until the series ends and then just wikipedia the storyline." :unsure:

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ok.. so here is what happened tonight..lol

We Know:

who adam and eve are.

Jacob and MIB are brothers.

They can't kill each other.

What we don't know as of tonight:

Why can't they kill each other.

Wtf is the black smoke.

What the light is

Why they can't leave the island.

Why MIB is "special" and how

Why, if jacob was supposed to protect the light, did he throw his brother into it

MIB's name

If MIB is dead, why did we see him in earlier episodes talking with jacob years later

WTF was MIB going to accomplish with a wheel and some light

If MIB could see "dead people" then wouldn't Hurly be a candidate for him

Once again.. very little answered, but a thousand more questions given.. i'm losing hope quickly that the end is gonna reveal much.

Well, as far as the wheel and the light, it would transport him off the island like Ben and Locke. The smoke monster probably absorbed his mind or he was transformed into it through the light (although leaving his body behind), which is why we see him talking with Jacob years later.

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Well, as far as the wheel and the light, it would transport him off the island like Ben and Locke. The smoke monster probably absorbed his mind or he was transformed into it through the light (although leaving his body behind), which is why we see him talking with Jacob years later.

Well it made a little more sense for ben and locke, as Dharma was there already and had scientists who have been studying it. These were people from ages ago that were straight off a boat, i'm very doubtful they would know anything science related.

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Can somebody explain how an elderly woman killed an entire tribe of people, and destroyed all wells by burning them and covering them with rocks and dirt?

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Can somebody explain how an elderly woman killed an entire tribe of people, and destroyed all wells by burning them and covering them with rocks and dirt?

Perhaps she took a little trip into the glowy fountain and emerged in smokey form too.

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What we don't know as of tonight:

If MIB is dead, why did we see him in earlier episodes talking with jacob years later

Smokey can take the form of any dead person on the island, its likely the earlier episodes of him talking to Jacob are either before he died, or after, which he took the form of his human body so Jacob would recognize him.

If MIB could see "dead people" then wouldn't Hurly be a candidate for him

That thought crossed my mind right before I read your post.

Hurley and MiB can both see dead people, so does that mean Hurley is the new MiB and Jack (presumably) is the new Jacob?

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