[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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So MIB could see dead people, hurley can see dead people too hmm :o Jacob it seems was actively looking for his replacement which is why he brought people to the Island. Doesnt one have to drink the special drink though to become "the same" as him/his so called mother?

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Ok I am a bit confused, is the smoke creature just a manifestation of the *Dark Side* of the Brother that emerged, or was the smoke monster just relased and taken the brothers form later in the series(or actually earlier, lol)

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I don't think MIB is Jacob's brother. We know from earlier episodes that the black smoke can only take the form of someone that died. What if that's what it did with Jacob's brother? After all, how did he get his body back if there are two skeletons in that cave? My guess is that MIB is an evil entity that was imprisoned in the heart of the island. Jacob's actions let it out of that prison; however, it still isn't truly free (as it can't leave the island). And it basically "absorbed" Jacob's brother, hence the similar personality. It could even be a destiny thing where it can only go free if a certain person enters the heart of the island, with a certain desire to leave the island. Maybe that's what his mother meant when she said he was "special".

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I don't think MIB is Jacob's brother. We know from earlier episodes that the black smoke can only take the form of someone that died. What if that's what it did with Jacob's brother? After all, how did he get his body back if there are two skeletons in that cave? My guess is that MIB is an evil entity that was imprisoned in the heart of the island. Jacob's actions let it out of that prison; however, it still isn't truly free (as it can't leave the island). And it basically "absorbed" Jacob's brother, hence the similar personality. It could even be a destiny thing where it can only go free if a certain person enters the heart of the island, with a certain desire to leave the island. Maybe that's what his mother meant when she said he was "special".

If so then why can MIB still not kill Jacob in original body and Jacks dads body and in Lockes body? Has to be his brother I have no doubt about that. The mother said that she made it so they could not kill each other, im guessing thats why Jacob never grew older after he grew old or maybe he stopped growing when he drank the drink. The episode raised more questions than it answered again... typical of lost, just answer the questions for gods sake!. I have a funny feeling that the finale (will be awseome no doubt) will end like this... raising more questions than it answers.

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If so then why can MIB still not kill Jacob in original body and Jacks dads body and in Lockes body? Has to be his brother I have no doubt about that. The mother said that she made it so they could not kill each other, im guessing thats why Jacob never grew older after he grew old or maybe he stopped growing when he drank the drink. The episode raised more questions than it answered again... typical of lost, just answer the questions for gods sake!. I have a funny feeling that the finale (will be awseome no doubt) will end like this... raising more questions than it answers.

Actually, I have a question. Did they ever answer WHY the numbers were being broadcasted by that radio tower? I know that these are the numbers of the candicates but why were they being broadcasted in the earlier seasons?

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Rappy, since you read the spoilers, I assume you do. Can you tell me they answer that question in the Series Finale? (What the HELL is the Smoke monster?)

You can PM me, if you want or spoiler tag it. I just want to know if they will answer it or not, nothing specific at all. Yes/No would do :)

don't know haven't read spoilers in ages nor have I really been interested to :p

followers to my twitter will know I am not that interested at all.

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I still think the smoke monster is Jacob's brother, or at least his soul as mentioned earlier.

If it was not, then why would the smoke monster want to kill Jacob if all Jacob did was release him? Its much more logical IMO that the light turned MiB INTO the smoke monster, who has a desire to kill Jacob since Jacob "killed" him and "took his body away from him". Now, why would he say Jacob took his body if the smoke monster was not Jacobs brother....that would imply that Jacob stole somebody elses body, who in turn became the smoke monster. I think the "took my body" part is because when Jacob threw him into the well, it turned his soul into pure evil (or something of the sort) and left his human body behind, never allowing him to return to it.

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I still think the smoke monster is Jacob's brother, or at least his soul as mentioned earlier.

If it was not, then why would the smoke monster want to kill Jacob if all Jacob did was release him? Its much more logical IMO that the light turned MiB INTO the smoke monster, who has a desire to kill Jacob since Jacob "killed" him and "took his body away from him". Now, why would he say Jacob took his body if the smoke monster was not Jacobs brother....that would imply that Jacob stole somebody elses body, who in turn became the smoke monster. I think the "took my body" part is because when Jacob threw him into the well, it turned his soul into pure evil (or something of the sort) and left his human body behind, never allowing him to return to it.

Thats almost exactly what I'm thinking. Here's what I wrote to my mom this morning, maybe it will make sense?

I'm thinking that one way or another people are brought for their destiny to the island to protect it. Just like Fake mom was. We've already heard the line about being able to make the hard decisions for the sake of the island and thats what fake mom did. She knows that the people want as much power as they can get and when they get that, all they want is more. The light is more of a metaphor for soul. She does what she has to do to protect the island, and Jakob was brought there as part of his destiny to protect the island and follow in her footsteps. I believe she torched the village not the smoke monster, she understands the island and will do anything to protect it but could not kill F-Locke. Maybe this is because of the same reason Jakob can't kill him either. Now since MIB was corrupted by the people and was looking for more and more like Fake mom said they would he became non pure, doing what he had to do for himself and thus making him one of the people and not one of the island. Now Flocke kills mom but its to late as she has already passed the torch to Jakob for protecting the island. If that didn't happen then he could have left the island after she died. But now Jakob protects it and watched MIB kill his mom. So he throws him into the light.

Now remember Jakob can't kill MIB so he's not dead when he goes into the light. He gets to the light and his soul is taken but it is corrupt, and because of the light and the dark combining we get Smokey who is a manifestation of all the bad things the mother was warning about and what MIB had turned into. MIB/Brother is DEAD but his evil corrupted soul is infused with that power from the light, or soul well as I'm thinking of it, and turns into the Smoke Monster. Now because it is still the soul of his brother the rules are the same. They can't kill each other still and because the island is protected by Jakob he can't leave until Jakob is dead. Queue up a few hundred years of Jakob trying to prove to Smokey that there must be people that, well whats the word I'm looking for here, they are not all after more power, queue blackrock, dharma, losties. But so far none of them have been pure, like the light. MIB interferes with people because he needs jakob to die to get off the island. No matter how happy he is he is corrupt and wants more. Jakob does not interfere because he believes that people on their own will choose the right path.

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Actually, I have a question. Did they ever answer WHY the numbers were being broadcasted by that radio tower? I know that these are the numbers of the candicates but why were they being broadcasted in the earlier seasons?

Radio tower? you mean the one from the first series? I think that was a distress call put out by Rousseau and it was repeating again and again. Not sure if the numbers were being broadcasted though (4 8 15 16 23 42) I thought the radio tower was broadcasting something like "iteration XXXXX" XXXXX being the number of times its been repeating.

Do you mean why the numbers had to be input in the dharma station?

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Radio tower? you mean the one from the first series? I think that was a distress call put out by Rousseau and it was repeating again and again. Not sure if the numbers were being broadcasted though (4 8 15 16 23 42) I thought the radio tower was broadcasting something like "iteration XXXXX" XXXXX being the number of times its been repeating.

Do you mean why the numbers had to be input in the dharma station?

When Rousseaou and her crew arrived on the island they heard the numbers on their radio. So it's not from them



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Radio tower? you mean the one from the first series? I think that was a distress call put out by Rousseau and it was repeating again and again. Not sure if the numbers were being broadcasted though (4 8 15 16 23 42) I thought the radio tower was broadcasting something like "iteration XXXXX" XXXXX being the number of times its been repeating.

Do you mean why the numbers had to be input in the dharma station?

Weren't the numbers being broadcasted and picked up by a passanger on a plane and they relayed to Hurley at one point and is how Hurley got the numbers and used them in the lottery?? and yes did they also ever answer ever why the numbers were being inputted into the Dharma station?

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Not sure if its just me who is confused about this:

Jacob put his brother's body and his fake mothers in the caves back in the early days (guessing it was somewhere before year 100 A.D). We see later in 1867 both of them sitting perfectly fine on the beach looking out at the Black Rock talking. How did MIB get his body back if it is sitting in the caves degraded into a skeleton if he had already died and been placed in the cave? Also when they are sitting looking out at the view in Richard's episode where Jacob has the wine bottle.

Did ABC/Hulu Reveal MIB's name?

Episode 6x16 - Sneak Peek 1

My guess is Esau isn't his real name. They are trying so hard to not reveal his name, today's episode would have been a perfect one to reveal it - probably just after he was born.

Forgetting Smoke Monster?

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Funny how the 'protecting the island' thing is like what Desmond was doing.. waiting for a replacement :p I mean, you could tell the mother wanted a replacement, that's why she killed the mother, to have 'unspoilt' candidates. She even said 'thank you' when she was killed.

As for Jacob, he HAD faith in "people", so he brought people to the island to prove one of them was worthy of being a candidate.

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I think Desmond is the key to sealing the monster back in, they tested to see if he could withstand massive amounts of Electromagnetism and we know that there are pockets of this energy under the island, this could be what was keeping smoke monster contained also the smoke monster has trapped Desmond in the middle of nowhere because he knows he is the key to locking the smoke monster back up.

(sorry if this has already been stated)

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I think the biggest reveal for me with this episode, even moreso than Adam and Eve is the purpose of Jacob, as protector of this "life, death, rebirth" light, and why he brings people to the island. The way I interpreted the episode was that since he was not given a choice to protect the island, the next protector must want to protect the island out of their own free will, free of greed and selfishness. And all signs point to Jack.

I have a gut feeling that we'll never find out what the bright light is, similar to Pulp Fiction.

A few open questions

1. Did MIB turn into smokie or did he actually die? Was smokie there the whole time, and just ended up inhabiting MIB's body and kept his memories? If so, was MIB's vision of his mom smokie?

2. Did smokie eventually finish the donkey wheel and turned it? Or was that done by more people that eventually found their way to the island?

3. Is the water in the well connected to the water found in the temple? Jacob's mom called it "life, death, rebirth" and "something worse than death." This could explain what happened to Ben and Sayid.

4. Do women who bear children on the island die after childbirth because of what happened to Jacob and MIB's mother?

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don't know haven't read spoilers in ages nor have I really been interested to :p

followers to my twitter will know I am not that interested at all.

What? Not interested in Lost or the spoilers, anymore?

Hmmm, just to think, Smokey being the Security system made a little more sense. Maybe Smokey is protecting that light place? Make sure no one comes near it?

A lot still doesn't make sense... though. Argh... confusing show!!!

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I still think the smoke monster is Jacob's brother, or at least his soul as mentioned earlier.

If it was not, then why would the smoke monster want to kill Jacob if all Jacob did was release him? Its much more logical IMO that the light turned MiB INTO the smoke monster, who has a desire to kill Jacob since Jacob "killed" him and "took his body away from him". Now, why would he say Jacob took his body if the smoke monster was not Jacobs brother....that would imply that Jacob stole somebody elses body, who in turn became the smoke monster. I think the "took my body" part is because when Jacob threw him into the well, it turned his soul into pure evil (or something of the sort) and left his human body behind, never allowing him to return to it.

Well Smokey is out of the cave but he can't get out the island. Jacob is still protecting it. Looks like he can't leave the island until the Jacob and all the candidates are dead and the island is unprotected.

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can MiB take the form of Jacob? Jacob is dead, and it seems smokey can take the form of any dead person.

Also, I can't remember if MiB smashed the bottle of "wine" that Jacob drank from. Did he smash it earlier in the season while sitting on the side of a hill?

and since Jacob and MiB/"Brother" are on topic... where are they in the flash-sideways world? gone?

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can MiB take the form of Jacob? Jacob is dead, and it seems smokey can take the form of any dead person.

Also, I can't remember if MiB smashed the bottle of "wine" that Jacob drank from. Did he smash it earlier in the season while sitting on the side of a hill?

I am not sure if MiB can take the form of Jacob or not? but I do know though that yes MiB did smash the bottle of *wine* that Jacob drank from, and if that is the *source* of why Jacob cannot get old then what does that mean for any future candidate(s) for his replacement?

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if that is the *source* of why Jacob cannot get old then what does that mean for any future candidate(s) for his replacement?

exactly where I was going with that... so is it only a matter of time before smokey gets what he wants? Or is that *wine* coming from somewhere on the island and, therefore, can be refilled?

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exactly where I was going with that... so is it only a matter of time before smokey gets what he wants? Or is that *wine* coming from somewhere on the island and, therefore, can be refilled?

lol, even more questions now! :p

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Sadly. the consensus is most people were disappointed in this episode everywhere.

If I were the writers/producers, I would make sure the Series Finale is mind-blowing and equally what viewers expect (NOT exactly, but similarly), cuz this is not a good thing I fear that this show is becoming a joke if questions are not getting answered in the end.

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I am not sure if MiB can take the form of Jacob or not?

Last we heard, MiB was stuck in Locke's form, and Jacob was not dead until MiB was stuck in Locke's form, so no, he cannot currently take the form of Jacob, even though Jacob is apparently dead (though its possible he is not really dead). It could be, that for whatever reason, MiB is stuck in the last form he took (in this case, Locke) BECAUSE Jacob is dead, but we do not and probably will not learn why he is stuck as Locke.

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Sadly. the consensus is most people were disappointed in this episode everywhere.

I didn't think the episode in itself was disappointing; rather was quite brilliant. What was disappointing that they created a whole new chapter in the mythology (what the hell the mother was? what was the nature of the light? what exactly happened inside the light cave?) with less than 3 hours of the show left, when we already have almost all of 5 seasons' worth of questions yet to be unanswered.

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